Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 136 - Various Beings, Various Actions Taken

'Can't let her accidentally kill him now, can I?'

He used the power of the law of time subtly and activated a temporal stop on the lump of water.

This naturally did not go unnoticed by the spirit atop Nicole's head, she turned and met eyes with Arthur who just smiled and gestured to Kian.

After she had absorbed all the water and the duel had ended completely, Arthur walked over to grab Layla who was firing a barrage of Questions at Nicole off the latter.

Arthur then patted Nicole's head before speaking.

"Congratulations on winning, though I was sure you were gonna win from the start.

As for the spell, I really want to see the person who taught you the spell."

The latter half of his statement was said while Nicole had her head down to hide her blushing face, as such she did not notice where Arthur's gaze was directed at.

However, for the recipient of his gaze, they most likely felt a shiver down their spine.

(He can see me!!')

Undine had concealed herself with the power of the law of trickery. However, Arthur was someone who had stepped on the path of law comprehension, he could even infuse the power of the law into his eye, as such he had seen through her concealment.

The face of the mini-sized Undine who was floating a bit above Nicole's head twisted in shock making Arthur chuckle internally.

Arthur however, acted normally on the surface and took his hand off Nicole's head before moving over to the instructor who had arrived to report on the details of how a duel somehow ended up in the arena being destroyed once again.

He then arranged for the repairs, which would most likely be done by the next morning, and the arena would look good as new.

The instructor did scratch his head and pull out his hair due to stress while thinking that the arena only got destroyed whenever Arthur got involved.

And so the curtains closed on the duel between Nicole and Kian.

◇ ◇ ◇

At an unknown realm in the myriad of universes that existed in the cosmos, quintillions upon quintillions of light-years away from the hell universe where Nicole was beaten up a certain misogynist Marquis' son, a being who was floating around in space, stopped their movements before descending on a planetoid in front of them.

The being was dressed in all black, with a hood above their head obscuring their face from sight.

Two dots, glowing in an iridescent light could be seen from inside the hood as the being stared towards the suit of armor in front of them.

||For Balance.||

The being spoke those two words, their gender being indiscernible from their voice, before waving their hands and tearing a rift into the void of space above them.

Entering into that rift, the being drifted away, into the cosmos far beyond.

◇ ◇ ◇

A purple-haired man was laying on a couch, he had his eyes closed and he seemed to be asleep.

The room he was in was furnished quite scantily, besides the couch he was on and the small stool beside it, there was nothing else, not even curtains on the windows.

The door opened and another man walked in, he dropped on one knee and spoke.

"Lord, we have set course for the Hell Universe, ETA, 5 months with our current speed."

The purple-haired man nodded twice in affirmation while his eyes remained closed.

Seeing this, the kneeling man asked.

"Lord, if I may dare question you?"


Receiving permission from his purple-haired lord, the kneeling man spoke up immediately.

"Why waste so much time when we could get there instantly and leave before the denizens of that universe even notice us?"

Finally, the purple-haired man opened his eyes and looked at his kneeling subordinate before chuckling lightly.

"For an ancient, you forget things a bit too much. Or do you forget precisely because you are an ancient and has seen too many things to remember them all?"

Ignoring the kneeling subordinate's visible confusion, the man stood up and walked up to one of the windows before looking out at the starry space outside it.

He asked with a slightly amused tone.

"Where are we going?"

"The Hell Universe."

"And what is the hell universe famous for?"

The subordinate pondered on the question for a few moments before asking.

"They are famous for a myriad of things."

The purple-haired man sighed and turned to his still kneeling subordinate before asking once again.

"What thing of relevance to the both of us are they famous for?"

"Relevant to us...?!"

His expression changed to one of shock instantly.

"This Hell universe, is 'that' one?!"

"Precisely, it is the real birthplace of the Devil King Lucifer and not one of the decoy 'Hell' universes whose locations he spread around the cosmos."

"To think that was the case..."

The purple-haired man laughed at his subordinate's shock before speaking up once more.

"After Lucifer's untimely death at the hands of some certain paranoid old fogeys, his son, Diablo, took over the hell universe.

He did take a thousand years to do so but that is not important.

What is, is that he is the son of 'that' Lucifer.

No matter how sneaky we try to be, there's no way he would not notice us."

The subordinate nodded in affirmation multiple times before speaking up once again.

"I apologize for my ignorance, my lord."

"No biggy, I also have times when I forget certain things too, the pains of living for too long I suppose."

The man then walked back to the couch and laid upon it once again, before closing his eyes, he spoke up one last time.

"Don't disturb me unless it's for something important."

"Yes, my lord."

The subordinate then got up and warped out of the room immediately, leaving the purple-haired man alone in the silence.

◇ ◇ ◇

"La da di, oh la di da, gonna be a super star..."

A woman wearing a pure black shirt and pair of jeans, ones that contrasted with her pure white hair and skin, walked around the busy city center while singing in a barely audible voice.

"Be the girl you used to know, play it on the radio..."

She had a wireless headset on her head with a certain logo from a company that had beats made by a certain doctor on it.

She bypassed many busy office workers who were struggling to enter the last morning train so they would not be late to their various workplaces.

Entering the train and securing a seat for herself, she pulled out her phone and began scrolling through various news articles on it.

A few minutes into the train ride, she noticed something that made her frown.

'Seriously, this is why some races deserve to be exterminated completely on some planets, but doing so now would cause a rift with that old fool who ate that fruit from the one tree he wasn't supposed to eat from.'

She then stretched out her foot to kick the leg of the office worker who was taking advantage of the crowded train to molest a teenage girl who was standing in front of him.


The man let out a small scream and collapsed to the ground, drawing the attention of many others, the train stopped immediately after at a station it was supposed to pass. 

She stood up and kicked the man off the train before gesturing to the two police officers who were on standby and came over after seeing the man get kicked out of the train.

"He was sexually assaulting that girl over there, deal with him the way your law would." 

She was about to walk away before remembering something.

"Ah! Your kind need 'evidence' before you can take action huh?"

She then held out her phone and showed it to the two stunned officers, on it they saw a picture of the man in the act and instantly handcuffed him.

One of them took him to their car that was parked nearby while the other stopped to ask her to come over to present the evidence to them at the station.

She looked at the train that had begun moving and shook her head before saying to the man,

|I already sent it to your phone.|

The officer nodded and turned back and pulled out his phone, confirming the picture was there, he bowed to her before leaving.

Taking a few steps, he felt something was wrong but by the time he turned around to see what it was, the woman had already disappeared from the area.

The white-haired woman reappeared at the entrance of an unknown cave.

Putting her phone away, she walked into it, bypassing all the magic, ether, Aether, and divinity defensive formations placed there and every other security mechanism.

She even walked past the giant bronze automation made by a certain blacksmithing god that circled the perimeter without being noticed and arrived at the deepest point of the cave.

A point where she had entered into an entirely different realm.

Looking up, she was met with the figure of a gigantic woman frozen in stone, one who had her head rested on a mountain.

Uncountable amounts of trees and weeds had grown over the woman's body showing that she had been there for an outrageously long time.

However, this gigantic woman frozen in stone had one similarity to the black-clothed woman who just walked in.

"Wow, it still looks just like me huh?"

Their faces were exactly the same, perhaps if the woman sealed in stone was released, their hair and skin color might be the same too.

"Well them, how 'bout I found out what happened these past few hundred thousand years."

The black-clothed woman spoke as she rose her hand towards her look-alike sealed in stone.

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