Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 137 - Arthur’s Thoughts (Arthur POV)

'Child of prophecy huh?'

I thought to myself as I sighed while staring out one of the windows of my dorm room watching the setting suns.

I remembered the first time I heard about the prophecy, I was distraught and confused.

So many emotions I couldn't understand swirled within me at the time, and then I began questioning it.

'Why me?

Why couldn't I have a normal life?

I am not the first child in all of existence to be born between a god and a devil right?

So why did it have to be me?'

I spent a lot of time wallowing in depression due to this.

Then I believe it was around the time I was seven that I began noticing.

The fact that I had been protected from the shadows ever since I was born. This was something that i should not have been able to realize yet I somehow realized it.

Mum and Dad had been protecting me from various assassination attempts that the gods and their allies had been plotting, this only made me feel even more depressed.

I felt enraged.

I felt I was useless.

I understood that I was just a weak powerless child and could not possibly do anything but that didn't make me feel any better.

It took me a while before I finally made that vow to myself.

To be stronger.

To stand above any and every thing in existence.

To be so strong that not a single thing could dare threaten my life anymore. It was also around that time that I went through a personality change due to a certain event I still cannot fully comprehend.

But if it wasn't for that, then I might not be as smart as I am now.

Nevertheless, I still did not want to go against the gods. Not because I was scared of them, but for the sake of my father.

Well, i would not deny there was some fear, these are being that have lived for millennia after all, but it was mostly for dad's sake.

They were of the same race after all.

However, the actions they have been taking recently are beginning to irritate me.

Mum might think she was hiding it but she should know I would still be able to find out. That annoying fucker who controls all the drifters in hell would definitely tell me just to get a kick out of my reaction.

Their actions are only making me to want to find the law crystal of time from the crystal realm and cast 'The Third Magic' already.

So that I can become stronger faster, strong enough to end them before they can even begin to plot against me.

That is the only thing about myself that I can stay committed to no matter how much time passes;

Becoming stronger.

I cannot ever commit to anything for long, even with hiding my energy, I'm doing a very sloppy job at it because I have lost interest already.


Letting out a long sigh, I walked to the new mirror I got after I broke the other one in a fit of rage.

My left blue eye was slowly turning blue once again.

"Guess it's in the process of permanently turning blue huh?"

Attention drawing questions would be asked if my eye changed colors suddenly so I decided to hide it with contact lenses instead of carrying shades around like before.

My right eye might also begin to change so I put contacts on both eyes.

Since the small success I achieved in the law of time, my comprehension speed increased exponentially and I can control the law's power even more subtly than before.

I also had not had any strange lucid dreams or out of body experiences since going to that dark space, nevertheless, I still wonder what that space was and if I would ever be able to go back there.

The influence of the law of time over my body has been increasing also, even more so after I began comprehending destruction too.

It had reached the stage that my comprehension began increasing ever so slightly even when I was not actively trying to comprehend the law.

It was negligible but it was still there.

'I hope I can find that crystal soon...'

Another thing about myself that I have noticed lately was that I had become different from normal.

Ever since my eye started changing color due to the law's influence, I began noticing a few strange things.

First, I could now see some sort of multicolored energy coat surrounding both dad and grandpa.

I tried hinting about it to dad and his reaction was as I expected; one of shock.

He was too shocked to even notice that I was using clairvoyance to see his expression at the time. And that's normally something he would notice even if he was asleep.

As for Grandpa, he seemed to have noticed me looking at it before and has been suspecting that I could see it but he hadn't said a thing.

That same multicolored energy coat began appearing around me too.

It was an extremely thin layer of energy, almost transparent but I could see it whenever I used the power of the law of time on my left eye.

Just that the quality and quantity of the energy was leagues below dad and Grandpa's.

This led me to believe that there is something different about we three, Dad and Grandpa know, but I do not.

In addition, I doubt they are going to tell me if I asked.

Nevertheless, I would find out on my own, it is just one new addition to my list of questions.

I also want to find out what makes me different from other progenitors.

After all, there had never been a case of a prophecy given out to all universes because of the birth of a progenitor.

Also, it is odd that a god 'slayer' race is only appearing now even though the gods have been existing for at least trillions of years already.

The dragons and titans that are just as old already have their 'slayer' races.

Even the drifters have theirs too.

There is obviously something about me that is different from the other progenitors, and I definitely have to find out.

◇ ◇ ◇

Days rolled around and soon it was Friday again, the day of the student council meeting.

It is the first Friday after the events of Nicole's duel with Kian, and the student council is holding its usual weekly meeting.

This time the main topic of discussion was none other than the school festival I proposed.

I made my way over to the student council building while conversing with one of my subordinates, Phil, over the phone.

As I got closer to the meeting room in use, I began concluding my conversation with Phil.

I wore the Knight's uniform that I had taken a liking to, however, unlike the last time I was here, I was wearing the black version.

[That interstellar empire refuses to allow us to search that planet that meets the criteria, what should we do?

Lewis is getting impatient.]

As I opened the doors to the meeting room, I replied to Phil while wearing a light smile on my face.

"Just kill them all."

I cut the call afterwards and looked around for where Layla was, seeing as she was in the same place as last time, I walked over and sat beside her.

Looking around once again, I noticed I was being stared at, quite weirdly.

"Um...Layla, why the stares?"

Even though I asked, I could already guess why, her reply, only served to confirm my assumptions.

"When you have such a light smile on your face while casually uttering words far from light, it's hard for them not to stare you know?"

Layla replied with a sigh while I saw some other class representatives nodding in affirmation.

Ignoring them all, I looked over to Nicole who was seated beside Layla and waved at her.

She smiled while waving back and I once again noticed a few other class representatives who were staring at her in awe.

'She's such a pretty girl...'

I glared at them while infusing the power of the law into my left eye, activating the law of destruction's intimidation effect.

They all looked away instantly while shivering in fear.


Turning my attention back to Nicole who was tilting her head in curiosity at my actions, I wished she would give up on me and find someone else that is better for her.

She should know I would not be returning her feelings anytime soon.

It is not that I am not interested in love or I hate romance or anything. Just that my main goal right now is to get stronger as fast as possible.

So far, I have not seen any way that love or romance can help me with that so I have been ignoring it.

I laughed lightly and gestured towards the student council president who was wondering when to begin the meeting.

The secretary stood up and recited the minutes from the last meeting and what was decided on in order to gain permission and funding for the event.

"The crown prince stated that the event would be approved the moment the prince had at least 70% of the student body's support."

As soon as the secretary said that, I pulled out my phone and published the results of the poll I had forgotten I even put up.

The results showed that I had 85% of the student body in support of me.

I jumped over to the student council executive seats and waved the results in the face of the treasurer who was trying so hard to thwart my plans.

His frowning face made me laugh aloud as I tapped his shoulder before abruptly stopping and leaning over to whisper into his ear.

"I have evidence of your activities so don't think I don't know what you did."

I then walked back to my seat and stared at his expression of shock.

'I wonder how the students would respond if they know that the treasurer tried to bribe some students to vote against my idea.'

The student council president looked at us strangely but said nothing and continued the meeting.

(End of Arthur POV)

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