Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 146 - Garuda Shoot & Wall Break

The third event has ended and the fourth event, which was the last event for the day, was finally about to begin.

The fourth event was not going to be a team battle, it was an individual game. A competition similar to target shooting. Shoot the flying target with magic and the number of targets shot decides the placements. Incidentally, as its name implied, the target for this event is a replica of the flying monster which could be considered as the cousin to a griffin; 'garuda'. However, unlike the magic lifeform Takaku, it is just a self-flying golem, so it was much closer to a magical tool.

[Now for the fourth and last event of the day, it seems that our participants are all set. With that, let us start with the first shot. First, Jessie from Team A, go ahead!]

Unlike the previous events, the fourth event has the participants challenge the event one by one. Garuda Shoot will first have them shoot one at a time for five sets. The placements will be decided after that, but if the participants still have the same scores, they would do another five sets. If it is still a tie, then they'll shoot one at a time until someone misses.

The first to shoot seems to be a student named Jessie from Team A. 

"Fuu… Ready."

A pause after a deep breath. As the garuda was released in front of her following her signal, it was then hit by the fire arrow cast from Jessie's right hand.

Jassie's magic activation speed, magic power efficiency, and her own physical reflexes were not bad at all. She was one of the second year's top 500 out of over 10,000 students and she was already showing that she deserved it.

[Jessie splendidly hit her first nerve-wracking shot! Next up, Team B! Sola! Feel free.]

"I'm ready any-… -time!"

Following Jessie, it was now Sola's first shot. You can say anything, as a signal to start, but it seemed like the one in charge of releasing mistook "I'm ready" for Sola's signal and released the garuda before she could finish her words. 

Even so, Sola was someone who was very proficient in lightning attribute magic. This magic was overwhelmingly faster than any other attributes in terms of reaching the target, so she managed to shoot down the garuda released from her right without falling into panic.

[Oops! There seems to have been a little trouble there, but the garuda was shot through without any issues! Next up, Team C's Joaquin!]

"Fuu… Okay! Do it!"

Same as Sola, Joaquin was also a user of lightning magic but he was significantly far less skilled at it than Sola.

As for his first shot, it was extremely close to missing. While only slightly, the released lightning had the property to guide itself to an object, so it managed to hit the garuda's wings somehow; but on the other hand, despite this, it only hit the wings.

[Joaquin seems to have just barely hit. Next up, Team D's Kut!]

"Okay, I'm ready!"

On Kut's signal, a garuda flew out from his left and with a glint of light, the garuda fell to the ground. At first glance, the garuda showed no signs of damage, but in its center was a hole that looked like it was pierced with a needle and the area around it was slightly charred.

[Now this is certainly rare, Kut is a sorcerer holding the light attribute. Normally, light does not have much use outside of illumination but if you gather and condense sufficient light, it'll have enormous power. In other words, it is like a magnifying glass focusing the rays of the sun.]

Tom's commentary helped those who failed to understand how Kut took down the garuda monster.

After that, the event continued on and the fifth shots concluded. At this point, Jessie missed her first shot, though it looked like she did it intentionally, Sola scored perfectly, Joaquin missed two shots, and Kut scored perfectly as well.

With that, the third and fourth place was decided, and it then turned out to be a one-on-one between Sola and Kut. In the next five sets that followed, neither of them missed a shot, so they finally entered the extended one-by-one sets.

Sola bored through the garudas with lightning while Kut shot them down with light that could not be followed with the naked eye. This one-on-one seemed to continue endlessly, but the end came abruptly.

[Now for the 32nd shot, Kut, on your signal.]

"...… I'm ready."

The garuda that flew at Kut's signal… did not fall to the sky and only disappeared to the sky without anyone hindering its flight. 

Kut scowled in frustration but at this point it was obvious that he barely had any magic power left. Magic that reflected, gathered, and shot light. No matter how efficiently one can control their own magic power, it does not change the fact that this magic exhausts a large amount of magic power.

[And! Kut could not activate his magic! It appears that he is out of magic power! Still, you fought the good fight! Everyone, a round of applause for Kut!]

If he used different magic, then he might still have enough to shoot. If he had used wind or water, then he may have had enough for several shots. Even so, Kut likely wanted to win using the light attribute and the magic he had absolute confidence in.

Perhaps knowing that as well, the audience gave a loud round of applause to the frustrated Kut.

◇ ◇ ◇

The first day of the school festival came to an end and the guests and spectators went around the other exhibits placed in the class before returning to their residences.

The second year Class A's maid cafe was one of the most visited, naturally this was largely attributed to the presence of two people, Layla and Nicole who returned to the class after helping summon the 'magic lifeform' used in the second event. Followed by this was the art exhibit held by Class D2. 

As for the hotels on Kreiz and its surrounding planets, they were making a lot of money due to the sheer amount of people who came over from various galaxies in the hell universe to see the school festival.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next day came quickly and it was time for the last and final event of the sports section of the school festival.

After this would be the award ceremonies to award the winners of the respective events. The focus of the festival would then shift to the other exhibits available.

[And now, let us move onto the last event! Event No. 5, Wall Break!!]

Matching Tom's commentary, the students in charge of preparing the stage produced several large blocks midair. These blocks slowly fell down and combined together almost as if they were Tetris blocks, constructing several layers of walls, and then a gigantic square wall enclosure. 

Written on each side of the enclosure was A, B, C, and D respectively to mark each team's spot, which each participant was pointed towards.

[In the middle of these walls, lies a treasure, so the first to destroy the walls and get their hands on it will be the winner!]

Just as the name implied, the fifth event was a contest of breaking the walls created. For the placements, the first to destroy the walls will be the first place. The moment the first placer takes hold of the treasure, the placement of the other participants will be decided based on how much they destroyed at that point.

It was a simple and easy to understand event.

[Now then, allow me to introduce the participants challenging the fifth and final event! 

Team A; Silva!! 

Team B; Kiara! 

Team C; Kerry! 

Team D; Magnus!]

Tom introduced the participants but… Honestly, Arthur could not think of this event as anything other than a free win for Silva, though he refrained from expressing those thoughts. 

[And now, let the event… begin!]

"Flame Lance"

On Tom's signal, the event began. And simultaneously, Silva's clear voice was followed by the activation of magic. 

All of the flame lance's destructive energy was directed to the wall to minimize the waste, it was a nearly perfect 'Flame Lance'. A normal wall likely would have been blasted to smithereens by that attack. And even walls produced by magic probably wouldn't be able to withstand it unless it was imbued with plenty of magic power. 

However, for this event, that was far from enough.


[Silva immediately went for a 'Flame Lance!' However! The wall is still there! It's somewhat gouged out and shows some charring, but it's still going strong!!]

'It would be unwise to assume that the wall would be so simple to handle.'

Silva thought as he held a hand to his chin, however he really did not understand the power of his magic just now,

It was only the exterior of the wall that looked fine, the inside was practically crumbling already. Although the stage planners designed it with the intention of resisting even Silva's magic in mind, Silva was much stronger and more proficient at magic manipulation than they expected, as the destructive impact completely affected the insides.

"How about this! Explosion!"

[Silva now used detonation magic! It is a more powerful attack than the Flame Lance of before! The first wall crumbles away!!]

The first wall that already took plenty of damage with the first magic crumbled, unable to withstand Silva's "Explosion".

[Silva quickly destroyed his wall, but how are the other teams faring!?]

Following Arthur's words, the video feed on the midair monitors changed from Silva to the other students. Kiara and Kerry were tapping the walls and hitting them with weak magic, seemingly trying to examine something. 

Both of them do not seem to have high-powered magic, so they were most likely searching for points that can be destroyed even with weaker power.

What they were doing could not be considered wrong. 

There were two methods of defeating these walls. The first was to repeat high-impact high firepower magic as Silva did. The power of the magic, the ability to manipulate so that the impact hits the wall properly, and the magic power to repeat this are necessary factors for this one.

The other was to find the weak point of the walls like they were doing. If one keeps in mind how these walls were blocks that fell down at first, it should be clear this was not one big solid structure. It is just that blocks of varying sizes locked together intricately and became one wall. Because of that, weak links on the wall where the blocks lock together exist.

"Should be here."

"It's here!"

The two of them discovered their wall's weak link at nearly the same time, then fired magic on these places, and successfully collapsed a part of the wall.


Contrary to their expectations, the wall was not destroyed completely in one hit, causing the two to simultaneously tilt their heads in confusion.

Just because it was a weak link did not mean that it would instantly destroy the wall in one hit. Even if one were to attack a weak link of a wall made of numerous blocks, only one portion will get destroyed. Still, the duo immediately realized that as they searched for more weak links to damage them.

[Kiara and Kerry are steadily destroying their walls. Team C seems to be going somewhat faster? As for Magnus, he has gone all rapid fire! He is firing off magic one after another! However, he seems to be somewhat lacking in power!? The wall isn't taking much damage!!]

In contrast to the two steadily demolishing their walls, team D's Magnus planned to do it like Silva and destroy the wall with multiple spells. 

Having said that, a wall that Silva could not break in one hit would never be broken so easily and it seems like he was casting continuously as much as his magic power will allow him.

"Wind Slash" "Flame Arrow" "Flame Lance" "Tornado" "Flame Sword" "Wind arrow" Dammit! Nothing's working!!"

The wall seemed to be gradually getting chipped, but since each attack on its own was too light, it couldnt quite collapse the wall. Since it was made to match Silva's firepower, it might have been made it too sturdy.

[Whoops! While we were observing the other teams, Silva had broken through the third wall! There's only one wall left!!]

While the three were still struggling with the first wall, Silva had broken through the third wall in a blink of an eye. And then he immediately started preparing to destroy the last wall.

"This is the end. Explosion."

[Silva! He easily broke the last wall and took the treasure inside! This marks the end of the event!! And the end of the sports section of the school festival in this arena. We would be tabulating the scores for the teams and announcing the total winners shortly.]

The final event was undoubtedly Silva's complete domination and Silva finished in first place. The second place was taken by Kerry who diligently damaged the walls, the third Kiara as she was lacking in power, while Magnus ended up in fourth place, as he couldn't destroy the wall.

The moment Tom's announcement finished, Arthur stood up and left the commentary box while looking at his phone.

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