Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 147 - Preparations

The final event was undoubtedly Silva's complete domination and Silva finished in first place. The second place was taken by Kerry who diligently damaged the walls, the third Kiara as she was lacking in power, while Magnus ended up in fourth place, as he couldn't destroy the wall.

The moment Tom's announcement finished, Arthur stood up and left the commentary box while looking at his phone.


"Yes, your highness."

Arthur called out to Lute who appeared from nowhere as usual, he sent a message on his phone before turning to him and speaking.

"Tell my mum that I'm going over to Margrave Boffin's territory, after that, ready the space craft, 'we' are going over to Margrave Boffin's territory."

Lute sighed in exasperation before nodding and disappearing again. Arthur then happily jogged over to the teleportation gates that led to the class block.

After arriving at Class A's classroom building, he went over to his classroom while occasionally branching in some other class exhibits and doing a little bit of advertisements for them on his social media.

Upon arriving at his class, he walked over to where Layla was coordinating his other classmates/ staff of their cafe exhibit and dragged her over to the makeshift back room without a word.


Naturally, Layla did not seem to be happy with that, however Arthur conveniently ignored that and spoke.

"So, after the festival, I'm going over to a special realm where a year is about 730 days to do some...training. Care to join?"

"Before I reply to that can you tell me why you could not wait for the day to end before telling me this?"

"No reason whatsoever."

Arthur shamelessly replied to Layla's question and the two stared at each other in silence. Until Layla abruptly pulled out a pistol and fired two shots at Arthur.



The sound startled the other students who were in charge of the cafe and even the customers present causing them to all turn towards the back room where the noise originated from.

Layla nodded in satisfaction as she saw Arthur crouching while holding his arm that got grazed by her flame attributed bullets as she put her gun away.

She then walked out of the back room and smiled to the customers while giving them a reason for the disturbance,

"Apologies for the noise just now, a certain magic tool was refusing to function properly so i had to use some...'heavy handed' methods.

As thanks for your understanding, we would be giving out a free drink to all the parties present."

She gave a light bow and ignored all the questioning stares from her classmates and those who wanted to know what magic tool required two gunshots to function properly.

On a side note, Layla's bullets had a regeneration negation effect so until Lute came over and healed Arthur, he remained injured.

◇ ◇ ◇

"One week..."

Arthur spoke up while reading the reports sent by Lewis on his tab. He was counting the amount of time it was supposed to take for him to move from Kreiz to the territory of Margrave Boffin, home to the genius Alchemist and Magi-tech engineer, Weinbert Boffin.

Unfortunately, he had spent an extra three days due to some complications and was getting tired of seeing darkness and distant stars every time he looked out the windows of the spacecraft.

As it was a craft that was equipped with all that was needed for its inhabitant's survival for at least two months, there was no need to dock at any star systems in between.

Due to this, the journey had been one with minimal interruptions, besides the short event that resulted in a three-day delay, courtesy of a certain Arch devil of Destruction.

Arthur had missed the final hours of the school festival and the ball that occurred on the night of the second day simply because he wanted to make this trip but ended up being delayed anyway.

'On to more important things, they found a law crystal with the law of water this time, it's cool and all but it's not what I need.'

Arthur put that event at the back of his mind and looked at the reports from Lewis on his tab. He had taught Lewis the spell to reveal if a crystal realm planet core was a law crystal and he had used it on another planet that met the criteria.

It was indeed a law crystal but that of the law of water, as such, Arthur told them to let it be and not attempt to extract it.

As he was having those thoughts, Tasha appeared in front of him and spoke.

"Your highness, the alchemist is here."

"Huh? I thought 'we' were the ones going to meet him?"

"That was the plan but he seems to have come to us instead."

Although it was weird, Weinbert coming over to meet Arthur saved him a lot of time so he found not problems with it.

After giving permission, two other of Lute's team members led a trio of alchemists into the room. One of them, was Weinbert Boffin, the genius Alchemist and magi-tech engineer, as for the other two...

"My Assistants..."

Arthur looked the two over and nodded before gesturing to the seats that were prepared for them.

"You were later than scheduled so I set out to meet you myself, did not expect to see you on the way though, your highness."

"Some certain events that occurred, delayed us quite a bit."

Arthur replied to Weinbert as he looked the man over. Standing at 6'5 ft. tall, with ash gray hair that made him look old, Weinbert Boffin was a man with dark circles under his eyes and an unkempt beard.

Nevertheless, his dark eyes seemed to shine with the wisdom and knowledge he had acquired in his nearly nine centuries of life.

Weinbert gestured to his assistant who brought over the briefcase he was holding, he collected it an opened it up, showing the contents to Arthur.

At some point, Lute came over and scanned the case, before nodding towards Arthur in affirmation.

"Most people would trust in the reputation I've built over centuries and take them without any further checks you know?"

"Unfortunately, I happen to have trust issues. Especially in these trying times."

"Trying times?"

"Never mind."

Arthur waved off Weinbert's question and picked the gauntlets that were in the case. They were dark obsidian with a gold outline. Each one had a single buckled strap that had a function that prevented accidental removal once strapped on. Beside the strap was a small push button that seemed to have some other function.

Holding the gauntlets, Arthur asked Weinbert about the effects.

"Multiplies the base physical stats and Aura of the wielder by 3 times. Equipping the both of them stacks it to 6. It also has an attention diversion rune so even if you do not cover it up, your opponents would not notice it easily as their attention would be diverted to other parts of your body."

"At what cost?"

"The original cost is half of the wielder's magic power, and the backlash is that their base physical stats, aura and magic are halved for the duration it was amplified for.

So if you used it to multiply your base stats for an hour, you'd have those stats halved for the next hour after deactivation, same with your magic and aura.."

Arthur nodded in affirmation as he equipped the both gauntlets, he then passed a bit of magic power into them however the amplification he expected did not come.

"Ah, if you just put in magic normally, it gives the effects of basic body strengthening magic. To use the 3x multiplication, you have to push the button beside the strap."

Doing as Weinbert said, Arthur poured magic power into the gauntlets and felt his magic sapped from his body at an alarming rate.

In a few seconds, he had lost a little bit over half his magic power but the effects were worth it.


He felt his muscles tighten and his bones harden as his aura flared wildly. He casually swung his hand downward however he ended up easily slicing the reinforced steel table in front of him and denting the floor underneath.

"I think I can take on a legendary with this..."

He spoke casually while ignoring the shocked looks on the faces of Weinbert and his assistants.

'I didn't expect it to have this much of an effect...'

Although he made the gauntlets according to the specifications of what Arthur had given him, he did not expect them to display this much of an effect.

One should recall that although Arthur just crushed a table, it was a table in a spacecraft provided for a member of the Devilian royal family that ruled the Hell universe.

It was obviously not made of ordinary steel!

Arthur just nodded and took off the gauntlets, there was a sense of weakness that enveloped him the moment he did but he acted as if nothing was wrong and spoke to Lute.

"Although I have this, we'd still go out to get spares soon you know."

Lute's expression contorted at this but Arthur just grinned and took out a document from his inter spatial ring.

Tossing it over to Weinbert, he asked him to look it over which he did before revealing what was supposed to be a bright smile, but he only looked creepy due to the dark circles under his eyes.

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