Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 174 - Interlude 4 – 2 – The Two Unfortunate Enforcers

The firstborn daughter of the Progenitor Dragon;

Was also the Progenitor Dragonslayer.

This was information that besides the ancient dragons and the ancient dragonslayers, the number of people who knew of this, was no more than a dozen.

It's not as if it was some sort of grand secret to the two main parties involved, but for their progeny, it was information that could topple the delicate balance of power between the two races.

Kelly ran a hand through her hair before sighing and turning her gaze back to Luka.

"Did my old man send you?"


Luka replied before suddenly putting on a sad face and using a hand to wipe an imaginary tear.

"You used to run and hug me anytime you saw me when you were younger. 

Oh, how sad it is when they grow up."

Kelly's eyebrow twitched upon hearing Luka's words, ignoring them, she turned to Alexia who had been staring at her in shock, and asked.

"What's with you? It's not the first time you've seen the real me, is it?"

Alexia then snapped out of her stupor and massaged her forehead while replying.

"You are usually a lot more violent."

"No, I'm not."

Kelly was quick to refute but Alexia gazed at her with dead fish eyes while exuding a silent pressure, making Kelly falter a bit.

"S-so-metimes I am but not every time."

Alexia kept on staring at her with the same dead fish gaze, making her take a step back involuntarily.

"F-fine, I know I have violent tendencies but I usually rein them in. I only let loose when my old man is around."

"That explains why he doesn't want to meet you in person."

Luka spoke up upon hearing Kelly's words. As for Alexia, she sighed in exasperation before suggesting they move elsewhere.


The other two were about to agree, however they were stopped the space in between them cracked open and two masked beings dressed in white robes came in through the crack.

The essence of the laws of wisdom, knowledge, and causality could be seen emanating wildly from their bodies.

Although they had masks on their faces, one could tell their genders from their body structures.

|Who dares to reject the blessings of the ones who gov..er...n...|

The man spoke up with a haughty voice, however, when he saw the faces of the three women around him, his voice gradually became smaller and smaller.

As for his female companion, she had already taken one step back into the crack she came out of, unfortunately, Luka would not let her off so easily.

Waving her hand, the cracked space closed up quickly and the masked woman had to take her leg back out in order to avoid having it cut off.

Luka then spoke up, ignoring the obvious fear the two were feeling at the moment.

"You were saying something about rejecting blessings, care to continue?"

The two shook their heads with great vigor in reply to Luka's question. Seeing this, Alexia burst into laughter.

"Don't scare them so much, Lady Luka."

Kelly nodded in affirmation to Alexia's words before snapping her fingers.

A seven-ringed teleportation magic circle manifested on the ground around them and with a flash of light, the five were moved to another room that was much larger and had more seats.

She took a seat before gesturing to the duo and saying.

"Take a seat."

The two wanted to shake their head but Kelly cut them off and continued.

"I insist."

The duo swallowed their saliva and reluctantly sat down. Alexia poured glasses of wine for them but they were too scared to think about drinking.

'W-why did it have to be these three?!!!!!'

The man was internally screaming in frustration. He had originally volunteered to go here but he did not expect the culprits to be the three women in front of him.

'That's lady Kelly right?! Why does she have horns?! Unless...?'

Both Kelly and the man, worked for the same group of people, or to be exact, Kelly's other personality worked for them, the original, did not.

'I never thought I'd encounter her progenitor mode!'

He screamed internally once more before turning towards Alexia.

'That's Vladi right?! The real thing! 

Therefore, the rumors that Lady Kelly was her watcher were true! Why is a progenitor even acting as a watcher in the first place, we are from two totally different 'powers'!'

Turning to Luka, he wished he had the power to go back in time and prevent himself from coming over here.

'The progenitor god of all people! Why is she with Vladi and Lady Kelly?!'

He felt like pulling out his hair due to stress, he turned to his female companion and saw she was in a similar state to him. Although she looked calm, she was currently stopping her body from trembling due to instinctive fear.

"So, did you guys come over because I stopped the system?"

Finally, Kelly decided to break the silence. She already knew the reason the two came over in the first place and only wanted to mess with them a bit.

The duo, were beings who worked for the ones responsible for the candidate selection. They were also the ones who placed the system in Tivia.

In the cosmos, they were three groups of individuals that were considered 'the three great powers'. No other group of beings or organization possessed more power and influence than them.

One of the three, were the progenitors.

Each and every progenitor was a force to be reckoned with and while they were usually independent, they banded together under the same umbrella in certain occasions.

When they did, very few beings or groups could stand up to them.

One of the few groups in this category, were the ones that Kelly worked for due to certain circumstances. They had their influence stretched out across a myriad of universes much like the progenitors and claimed to be the ones who maintained protected the order of the cosmos.

They had various sub-groups and departments that worked under the leaders of this group.

An example would be the group of beings who dished out punishments to those who broke the law of causality on a large scale; The Causality Guardians.

Among these sub-groups, would be the ones who watched the candidates of time and destruction and prevented them from breaking the rules of the candidate selection; The Watchers.

Regarding the matter of what the 'candidates' were candidates of, that is a story for another time.

Another example of the sub-groups, would be the one where the duo in front of Alexia, Kelly, and Luka came from.

The Enforcers.

They were the ones who handled matters like the current situation where Kelly disabled the system of the entire planet they was on.

Their duty, in this case, was to find the one who was responsible and punish them appropriately while also restoring the system as disabling it on one planet, would cause an error in the system for the entire star system, which would then cause an error in the galactic system, and then the cluster, then the supercluster and so on and so forth.

It would take a long time but eventually, the entire system of the universe of Tivia might be affected, as such, the duo was dispatched to deal with it early.

The beings of Tivia were barely adapting to this new system, any errors now would cause untold chaos. In fact; at the moment, other parts of the planet were already in chaos as the new livelihood they had managed to build around the system was crumbling in real-time.

Unfortunately, the culprit was someone far more powerful than the duo sent to handle it, and even if they called a superior enforcer to handle it, he or she would still not be able to do anything due to the presence of the progenitor god Luka.

Carelessly taking action against not one but two progenitors, both of which could be considered high-ranked in the event that the progenitors had a caste system, was not a wise decision to make at all.

The man thought about this before deciding to throw away his pride. He suddenly knelt on the ground and bowed to prostrate himself while touching his head on the floor.

"I beg of you Lady Kelly, please reactivate this planet's system!"

Seeing his actions, his female companion also followed suit and pleaded with Kelly, much to her surprise.

"This...is awkward."

Alexia broke the silence before turning to Kelly who was still in shock at the duo's attitudes.

"Um...there's no need for all this though? I was gonna do that anyway."

As she spoke, Kelly snapped her fingers and there was a shattering sound, the next moment the ambient energies went haywire for about 30 seconds.

By the time they calmed down once more, a blue board could be seen floating in front of Kelly once more. Seeing it trying to pry into her information, her eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

The female enforcer noticed this and hurriedly waved her hand while manipulating her energy. The next moment, the board in front of Kelly disappeared and her expression returned to normal.

"Thank You!!"

While still bowing, the two exclaimed their thanks and were about to leave but the cold voice they heard next, froze them in their tracks.

|Hold on a bit you two.|

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