Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 175 - Interlude 4 – 3 – Kelly’s Story

|Hold on a bit you two.|

The two enforcers' bodies froze in fear due to the anger that was dripping from Kelly's voice.

|Tell your damn boss, the next time he wants to give Alexia a warning or anything, he should come himself and not attempt to possess my body without my permission just because I reduced my realm of existence.|

She gave the two a message to pass on to one of the leaders of the great power they belonged to, the one who had possessed Kelly's body to send a warning to Alexia some time ago.

The two nodded in affirmation while sweating profusely.

|Good, now get the fuck out.|

Once they were given permission to go, they did not dare linger any longer. The next second, they had both teleported away, leaving the trio behind.

As they left, Luka turned to Kelly and asked.

"One of 'them' possessed you?"

"Yeah, without my permission too. Simply because I agreed to work for him a little bit."

Kelly answered in a voice filled with irritation as she took a sip of her wine. Luka laughed at this before asking once again.

"You don't seem to like it very much, working for them I mean. Why do you still do it?"

"Because I can get something I want from them, it's guaranteed. Made sure he took an oath."

To understand the reason why Kelly worked for people she obviously did not like, one has to first go back and understand the reason for Kelly's feud with her father.

Progenitors have the ability to sense the moment a new progenitor is born. And in the event that that new progenitor is a 'slayer', their target race's progenitor would be able to tell.

This was why when Arthur was born nearly 15 years ago, Luka awoke from her deep sleep and sent out the ancient gods to find him.

In the case of Kelly's father, the progenitor dragon, a similar situation occurred.

Kelly was the first daughter that Progenitor dragon Aleksas ever had.

As someone who took good care of all the women he laid with and the children they bore him, he was present from the moment her mother went into labor till she was born.

That was why the moment she was born, he was able to instantly tell that she was a progenitor like him, and one born to kill him at that.

This fact left him shocked for a while, as he did not know what to do to his only daughter who was born to kill him.

Although he cherished the newborn, he also cherished his life too so he decided to look for a solution to his 'slayer' problem.

The first solution, was simple, to kill the newborn Kelly.

That way he would have eliminated the entire race of dragonslayers before it could even begin.

However, he decided against that. The reason he gave himself was that even if he killed her, a new progenitor dragon slayer would eventually be born and this new progenitor may not be his child and would be far harder to discover and deal with.

Convincing himself with that sloppy reason, he opted for another solution.

He cast a spell on Kelly, one that could be considered a curse under certain circumstances. 

Its function was to prevent Kelly from taking any action, either physical, emotional, magical, supernatural, or the like that would cause harm to him in any way.

As Kelly was still a weak newborn at the time, casting such a spell was relatively easy and there were lesser restrictions.

Of course, the law of causality did not let such a thing pass by easily but someone like Aleksas had his ways of maneuvering the law.

Like so, Kelly grew up under the loving care of her mother. Aleksas was a busy man but even so, he tried his best to be a good father to the young Kelly.

She eventually grew up to be very fond of her father as such upon discovering that she was the progenitor of a race born to kill him, she was distraught.

However, the desire to ever harm her father did not exist within her. Even when the newly created ancient breed dragonslayers urged her to take advantage of the fact that she was close to Aleksas (They did not know about the father and daughter relationship then), she refused to.

She lived her life, ignorant of the spell placed on her, and Aleksas never bothered to mention it. She believed that the reason she never wanted to harm her father was because she simply loved him that much, he was her father after all.

Unfortunately, all things have an end. 

Kelly's ignorance was not exempt.

Just like how Alexia discovered her father's curse, as she was about to ascend into the monarch realm thirty thousand years ago, Kelly also discovered her father's spell when she ascended to a higher level of being.

She confronted her father about it and when he revealed to her the true nature of the spell and its functions, Kelly's world came crumbling down.

She discovered that what she thought were her own feelings, her own decisions, were nothing more than the result of the spell's influence.

Of course, while most of it was due to the spell, part of it was genuine but Kelly refused to believe any of it was.

She then arrived at the conclusion that the reason her father cared for her as much as he did, even more than any of her elder brothers, was to make sure she had no thoughts of going against him in the future.

This led to her having a falling out with her father and was also one of the reasons she ended up working with another great power that although was not at odds with the progenitors, weren't exactly allies too.

The second reason was that 'The one who governed wisdom and knowledge', offered to help her break the spell on the condition that she worked for him for a certain amount of time.

Kelly had hastily agreed to the deal at that time since she had little to no luck searching for a way to break the spell even after millions of years, as such, she was stuck with them until she fulfilled her end of the deal.

Her split personality was then created to seal away her memories of being the progenitor dragonslayer so that she could ignorantly carry out her work as a watcher.

Sadly, the trigger to return her to her original self was quite easy to figure as such she had been returned quite a few times.

In the event that someone who personally knew of her father and who he really was, were to call out his name and title while referring to her, there was a chance she could revert to her original self.

The closer the person was to her father, the higher the chance was. This was why Luka was able to easily get her back to her original self.

On a side note, when Alexia first met Arthur and told him that she could tell he was a progenitor because of the fact that she had met other progenitors, she was lying.

If progenitors were that easy to discover then a good number of them would have perished in their younger years.

The reason she knew of this was because a bona fide progenitor; Kelly, had told her that Arthur was one beforehand.

The same way the progenitor drifter discovered Arthur was a progenitor just by looking at him and vice versa, was the same way Kelly discovered this too.

She was in her original state at the time so she just offhandedly informed Alexia before switching personalities.

After narrating to Luka the reason why she was stuck with her insufferable job, Luka nodded a bit before abruptly knocking Kelly on the head.


"Didn't your mother teach you to never make hasty decisions?"

"Huh? Why are you bringing mum up here?"

"Why? You're really asking me this? Should I wake her from her cold sleep and inform her of your stupidity?"

Hearing Luka's threat, Kelly's face turned white as a sheet of paper as she hurriedly began to beg Luka.

"Please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't!"

Seeing Kelly like this, brought a smile to Alexia's face as she took a sip of her wine. Her gaze then suddenly turned cold as she glared at a certain point in the room.

"Come out already you fucker."

From the dark corner of the room, a figure wearing a black robe, one that had the image of a golden eye. Seeing him Luka rose an eyebrow and spoke.

"Seekers of the truth? You guys still exist. I thought that old man would have wiped you out already."

Turning to alexia, she continued.

"And you got yourself entangled with them? You spent at least a dozen millennia at Lucifer's side. Didn't he teach you how to avoid shady groups like these?"

Alexia, however, only gave her a light smile before standing up and speaking.

"You do not know what I saw Lady Luka, which is why you would not understand my decision."

She then grabbed the man's shoulder and teleported out of the room, leaving Kelly and Luka behind.

Luka's eyes glowed golden for a second before a smile crept up onto her face.

'I know what you have seen little girl, I know who you have seen. Messing with a concept at your age. Quite bold.'

She laughed out loud much to the confusion of Kelly who was giving her a questioning look.

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