Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 176 - Interlude 5 – 1 – Meeting Of The Progenitors


Luka walked out of a spatial-gate into a circular room and looked at the sixteen other beings within it. Seeing as she was the last to arrive she sighed in exasperation before walking to her seat.

In the middle of the room was a large circular roundtable that was divided into ten equal parts with multicolored lines running through each side to show the partitions. There were ten seats in front of each part, of which eight were occupied. Luka taking a seat made it nine.

Beside Luka was the empty seat that was chained all over as if to prevent it from being stolen. The part of the table in front of the seat was also chained in a similar manner.

On the walls behind each seat, was an arched spatial gate similar to the one Luka just walked out from. Looking inside the gates, one could see the space within twisting and turning every second.

The walls of the room were all black, and the main source of lightning in the room were the celestial bodies that shone their light from above.

The room had no roof. Where the ceiling and roof were supposed to be, was an open space. 

Looking out of it, one could see the figures of a myriad of stars of different shapes, sizes, and colors. One could also see the figures of giant semitransparent shells of different shapes containing billions of galaxies; universes.

Luka looked down from the figures above, to the constant stream of liquid multicolored energy that poured down from the space above them into the hole at the center of the table.

On each part of the table, there was a crest representing the being seating in front of it. Behind each seated being, there was another of the same race standing behind them with their head bowed.

They were all attendants to the seated beings, each of which, was an ancient breed that was at least five hundred billion years old. Luka looked back at her own attendant before nodding and turning back to the beings who had their gazes fixed on her.

She looked to the last person in the room who was not seated, neither were they standing behind any of the seated beings as attendants while inadvertently glancing at the golden-haired man on her right.

Feeling Luka's gaze, the lone person, a woman who had a stoic look on her face, wearing a white dress with multicolored hair that flowed down to her knees and similarly colored eyes, stood up and walked behind the empty chained seat.

|For convenience sake, I will now introduce the participants.|

She then pointed to the purple-haired and eyed man on her left, one Arthur encountered before the Nemo Galaxy auction began.

|Progenitor Drifter, Nash.|

Nash smiled at everyone while waving lightly. The woman then continued with the introductions, gesturing to the black-haired and eyed man beside Nash, she spoke.

|Progenitor Demon, Astrel|

The man nodded in affirmation to her words and she carried on to the woman with white feathered wings and a resting bitch face beside him.

|Progenitor Angel, Syndra|

Next was the male brown-haired celestial on her left.

|Progenitor Celestial, Zane.| 

Zane nodded in affirmation like Astrel did and the woman carried on with her introductions.

|Progenitor Devil, Quinn.|

The progenitor devil was a woman with bright red hair and similarly colored sharp eyes, she looked around the room with an amused look on her face, occasionally focusing her gaze on the attendants of the other progenitors.

|Progenitor Human, Adamas.|

To her left, was a man with curly blonde hair and brown eyes, his gaze was cold as if he was looking down on everyone and everything. Beside him was a familiar figure, a man with long red hair and glowing red eyes.

|Progenitor Dragon, Aleksas.|

Second, to last was a man was dressed as casually as anyone you could find randomly on the street, with a normal t-shirt and jeans, yet he gave off a domineering aura, as if he was a King ruling over quintillions.

And that is because he actually was.

|Progenitor Titan, Hyperion.|

Lastly, the woman's gaze fell on Luka as she concluded the introductions.

|Progenitor god, Luka.|

As soon as she was done speaking, Luka turned to Hyperion on her right and spoke.

"Definitely did not expect you to come."

"Before I am the 'Aggressor of Creation', I am the progenitor of the titan race, of course, I'd be here."

Hyperion replied to Luka with an annoyed voice, noticing his annoyance, Luka smiled teasingly before speaking.

"Someone's grumpy. What happened, did she reject you?"

Hearing her question, Hyperion involuntarily remembered the kiss he shared with a certain white-haired woman in front of the rapidly spinning wheel of fate.

"She called me shameless and teleported away, haven't seen her since."

Luka showed a look of surprise before chuckling and replying.

"I'm sure you did something silly."

"We would not have moved on if I did not take action. 

Now, enough of my love life, let's talk about the previous era's vestige that was discovered."

Hyperion's voice turned serious as he addressed the reason these progenitors were gathered here today.

Sitting up properly, he tapped the table, and the multicolored liquid that was pouring into the center of the table stopped. 

Next, the projection of a destroyed planet-like structure appeared in its place. It was desolate, without any signs of life, and was breaking apart. There was a giant hole in one part of the structure that looked like it was deep enough to reach the core.

The progenitors looked up at this projection, then onto Hyperion for an explanation. However, it was Adamas who spoke up instead.

"What you see, are the remains of some kind of space station. It possessed hundreds of dried-up energy cores which were used to power what I believe to be a super laser of some sorts."

Hearing Adamas' explanation, Astrel rose an eyebrow while asking.

"Was this in your territory?"

Adamas nodded before continuing his explanation.

"When I tried pouring energy inside one of the dried-up cores, it absorbed an enormous amount of energy from me but still was not at its limit."

Quinn rested her head on the table while facing Adamas before asking.

"How much?"

"Enough for one big bang."

Surprise flashed across the faces of all the listeners, except Hyperion, Luka, and the woman standing behind the chained chair.

Their surprise was not because of the fact that Adamas possessed enough energy to cause a big bang inside him, for progenitors that have lived hundreds of billions of years like them, causing big bangs was not much of a big deal for them.

The reason for their surprise was the fact that one of the hundreds of energy cores on a small planet-like structure could contain that much energy and still not be filled up.

"So it was some kind of weapon huh?"

Zane broke the silence as he ran a hand through his brown hair. He then looked at Adamas and asked him a question.

"Did you bring any of the energy cores with you?"

Adamas nodded in affirmation and was about to signal his attendant to bring the core but the woman standing behind the chained chair stopped him.

|I believe there was an agreement to not take out weapons or highly dangerous items here. An energy core with the capacity of a big bang fits the bill, does it not?|

Adamas dropped his raised hand and nodded before looking at Zane and pointing towards the woman. Zane only sighed and waved him off.

"So, what are we gonna do with this?"

Syndra asked, breaking the silence and Aleksas held a hand to his chin before speaking.

"We can give it to the Hermits? Those research crazed freaks would be able to find out more about it."

"That'd mean telling them about the previous era."

To Aleksas' suggestion, Nash who had been silent since the beginning rose his voice in reply. He looked at Aleksas who shrugged and said.

"I don't really care about it."

"Neither do I."

Quinn seconded his opinion and gazed at the other silent progenitors, silently urging them to make a choice.

Eventually, a majority vote was casted and the decision to give the strange weapon to the Hermit race was passed.

"Is there anything else? I want to continue my search for those six old fools."

Aleksas asked with a raised eyebrow, he was already preparing to leave when Nash called out to him.

"Six old fools? Who are those?"

To Nash's question, Luka replied with a yawn.

"That's what he calls the six oldest ancient dragons."

Hearing her reply, all the progenitors all turned to Aleksas and gave him strange looks, however, he ignored them and asked Luka a question.

"Did you meet her?"

"Her? Oh! Kelly. Yeah, I did, she still hates your guts. I also met the candidate girl who used to be around Lucifer.

It was quite surprising to hear he was dead though."

Luka replied to Aleksas before turning to the progenitor devil, Quinn, and asking her in a curious tone.

"Why didn't you protect Lucifer? Last time I was awake you told me you had taken a fancy to him. If so, why did you let him die at the hands of 'those' guys?"

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