Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 178 - Interlude 6 – 1 - The Slumbering Fifth

Interlude 6 – 1 - The Slumbering Fifth

It was an infinite darkness.

No matter how far one went, there was no end

No matter how long one waited, there was no dawn.

There was one spot, where there was light.

A throne that floated within the darkness--Only there.

However, there was no one seated on the throne. The light was just the throne glowing a bit for some reason.

This reason, however, was unknown.

In front of the throne, was a giant gray orb.

One easily four feet tall and wide.

The distance between the two, however, was also unknown.

Was it close by?

Was it far away?

That was something one would have to be physically present there to find out.

The gray orb floated in silence, remaining in the same position.

Whether this orb would one day move, was still unknown to this day.

◇ ◇ ◇

Far beyond the throne, more than a hundred meters away, was a cliff.

At the bottom of this cliff, was a field.

One filled to the brim, with the green of nature.

It was green as far as the eye could see.

This field was completely out of place in this dark space, however, one could not deny the beauty of nature in this place.

Up in the air, was another gigantic orb, however, this one was like the last.

Floating in silence, unmoving and unresponsive to anything.

Even the mysterious winds that blew across the entire field.

◇ ◇ ◇

As all things had an end, so did this field of green.

There was a cliff on the other side of the field, one that was just as dark as the rest of this entire space.

Reaching the top of this cliff, there was more darkness, darkness all the way, until a certain point.

It was a capsule, the kind used to put someone in cold or cryogenic sleep.

It was cylindrical and silver in color. About 6 feet long and 2 feet wide.

It had a transparent cover, one that could be used to see the person slumbering on the white cushion inside.

It was an adult woman.


It was a girl, her face was too youthful to be that of an adult woman's.

She was a beautiful fair-skinned girl of slender build, with long black untamed her reaching her waist.

Despite her slender build, she was visibly endowed and had all the curves in the right places. She wore a black one-piece sundress that gave off a sense of childish innocence and maturity at the same time.

If she were standing, she would have been about 5 feet 9 inches tall, the average height of a 17-year-old girl.

On her hands, were black fingerless gloves decorated with tiny glittering diamonds.

Her age was unknown.

Her name was unknown.

The reason she was here, however, was not as unknown as one may think.

At one certain point in time, a certain person from a certain universe, had an out-of-body experience where that person came over to this dark space at a certain time.

While that person was on the other end of the cliff, right behind the throne facing the gray orb, something happened.

This young girl, awakened from her deep slumber.

Her eyelids fluttered open to reveal a set of unique obsidian eyes, with an additional red ring around her pupils.

She stared forward listlessly for an unknown amount of time before her eyelids began fluttering shut once more.

However, before she returned to her slumber, she spoke one word.


It seemed as if she had more to say, but was swallowed by the jaws of slumber before she could finish her statement.

Silence returned to the dark space as the person who had come her had also left, none the wiser about the existence of the girl who was slumbering on the other side of the cliff behind the throne.

◇ ◇ ◇

The 'Previous Era'.

It was something the Progenitors knew of.

To be exact, it was something only the ten oldest progenitors knew of.

The heads of the other two great powers of the cosmos were also aware of this thing called the 'Previous Era'.

However, exactly what was this 'Previous Era'?

If one asked the people who were aware of its existence, they would be given a variety of answers.

A time before there was 'no time'.

The time before the 'fracture'.

A time when time was 'destroyed'.

A period when 'Chaos' was prevalent.

A period when 'Order' tolerated this prevalent 'Chaos'.

So many answers, yet one could not know which was right.

Perhaps, all of them were right.

Perhaps, all of them were wrong.

One thing was for sure, and that was that at one point in time, this 'Previous Era' existed.

If that was the case, then what happened to it?

What was the reason it came to be called, the 'Previous'?

Exactly what happened during that time?

Not many people knew of this, only a select few were aware.

Even among the progenitors, even among the leaders of the Three great cosmic powers.

The number of people in all of existence, who knew the true reason for the previous era's end, could only be counted on one hand.

Of these five, some were aware of the others, while some did not even know anything at all.

The First knew of the Second, but knew not about the third and fourth.

The Second knew of the First and third, but was not sure of the existence of the fourth.

The Third knew of the First, the second, and was the reason the fourth awakened.

The Fourth knew not of their identity as a survivor of the previous era, much less the identities of the other three.

They all awakened at different times, for different reasons, and had different goals.

Each one of them, had different regrets.

Each one of them, had various unfulfilled wishes.

Things that they still strived to gain, even in another 'Era', even if they did not possess their previous memories anymore.

However, not one of them knew, about 'her'.

The slumbering fifth who awaited the day, that her 'Lord', would come to wake her up.

♧ ♧ ♧

Hey y'all, it's your friendly neighborhood author, _michael here.

So how do I start this?

This chapter was supposed to be the beginning of Volume two, however, I realized that I made a little error when posting the chapters and still posted them under volume one.

Unfortunately, I realized this a bit too late.

Even though I succeeded in rectifying it and placing the two first chapters of Volume two where they belonged, it did not change the fact that there were now two empty chapters.

I felt bad for those who may unlock chapter in batch and end up spending their coins on these two chapters that were just filled with Dummy text, so I quickly whipped up a new interlude to place in these chapters.

This interlude would probably leave you with a lot of questions, like what is the 'previous era'?

Or who are these people I called 'First, Second, Third, and Fourth'.

A lot of you are also curious about the identity of the unknown girl who was slumbering in that dark space.

All I can say is that you all should keep on reading and you would see the answers you seek.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to you continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!

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