Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 179 - Interlude 6 – 2 – For Balance

Footsteps echoed as the First Progenitor strolled into the large hall with their hands at their back. 

They were dressed in all black robes, with a hood above their head obscuring their face from sight.

Two dots, glowing in an iridescent light could be seen from inside the hood as the being stared towards the ceiling of the hall.

|A Pity|

The being spoke those two words, their gender being indiscernible from their voice, before turning their gaze to the gigantic door at the end of the hall.

Walking up to it, it opened up automatically allowing the first progenitor to walk into the room on the other side of the hall.

It was a large and completely empty banquet hall, one over five hundred meters in length and width. , perhaps the banquet that was supposed to be held in the empty Hall.

On both sides of the walls, windows with painted glass depicting the images of some sort of banquet

The first progenitor looked up at the ceiling that was almost twice as high as the banquet hall's length.

Heaving a sigh of exasperation, their outfit changed to a pair of black jeans and leather boots, with a hooded cardigan on top.

The same two iridescent lights could be seen from inside their hood as they placed both hands in their pockets.

|Although I expended a lot of energy when I pulled that stunt, it doesn't mean I'm not strong enough to be defeated by mere lesser pandemonium beasts.|

As they spoke, the beautifully painted windows shattered and the most grotesque beasts intruded into the large hall.


Cracks appeared on the marble floors when their feet landed on the ground. The beasts that landed on the floor were all about six to ten meters tall, with glowing red eyes and claws sharp enough to cut through almost every known metal.

Chaotic energies poured out from their bodies as they growled towards the first progenitor who was only shaking their head at the sight of these beasts.

Some were humanoid with four to six arms and had other appendages like multiple tails of a few pairs of wings.

Others were on four feet. They had tails bladed tails and had horns long enough that they seemed to stretch to the sky, the muscles on their feet bulged with unknown amounts of strength and they snarled lowly while keeping their bloodshot eyes on the first progenitor.

The rest were more abnormal in nature. One was a humanoid but with four legs instead of two and one arm sticking right out of its chest.

Where its arms were supposed to be, were tentacles that slithered like snakes. Its head was that of an eagle's but with four horns sticking out in the four cardinal directions.

From the sides of its torso, where two pairs of arachnid legs that clicked against each other as the creature let out a screech.

It was nearly fifteen meters tall and of all the beasts present, it emanated the greatest feeling of power. Yet it was not their leader.

It dropped to its knees with its two pairs of legs and lowered its head as another beast, or rather, person, walked out from the middle of the gathering of monsters.

It was a man that looked no more than 20 years of age, with blood-red hair and eyes. He was dressed in a three-piece suit and had a hand on his head.

In his hand was a walking stick that he twirled around his fingers while humming a tune.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look at the First Progenitor as his face changed into that of a middle-aged caucasian male. 

Taking off his hand and clearing his throat, he spoke with a clear voice.

"Hello to you, dear child. Now, what brings you here? To Statera?"

To his question, the first progenitor heaved a sigh once more as he replied in a normal voice.

"Even if he is your sibling, it doesn't mean that you can prevent me from entering his abode now does it? Besides, you destroyed the hall he used to like so much."

The suit-clad man was about to reply but he suddenly held his tongue and turned his gaze in another direction. 

"...I see, something interesting is happening."

Turning to the first progenitor, he continued as a wide grin crept onto his face.

"We would have a talk later, for now, I have to go deal with more important happenings.

I'd leave these kids to play with you."

The moment he was done speaking, he vanished from the area without leaving behind any traces. The next moment, the beasts that surrounded the first progenitor roared loudly as they dashed in their direction.


The essences of a myriad of universal laws shone all around their bodies as they crossed the short distance between them in milliseconds, all slashing at the first progenitor with their various claws and bladed tails.

There was no risk of friendly fire as in when the attacks of the beasts hit each other, they phased through seamlessly without damaging their fellow beasts.

'Hmm...these beasts can use laws that require delicate manipulation, huh?'

With those thoughts, the first progenitor tilted their head sideways to dodge the bladed tail that threatened to impale their forehead.

The next moment, they rose their two hands, grabbing the two pairs of claws with one hand each, then jumping up to dodge the other bladed tail that came for their feet.


Clicking their tongue internally, the first progenitor disappeared from their position with a flash of multicolored light, before reappearing a few hundred meters in the air.

|Crazed beasts like you aren't worth the effort.|


While speaking, the first progenitor rose up a hand as a jet black book appeared within. There was a sudden wind and the pages of the book flapped open before stopping somewhere around the halfway point.

|Imperial Privileges|

The horned eagle-headed beast looked up upon hearing their voice and narrowed its eyes. It then kicked off the ground into the air and flung its tentacles forward.

Small pores opened up on each of the tentacles and green poisonous fog was released into the atmosphere. Opening its beak, the beast spoke with a deep nasal voice.

|Aspectal Authority of Poison : Hounds of Poison|

The green fog condensed and reformed itself into a giant badger that let out a low growl, before opening its mouth to devour the first progenitor.

|First Privilege : Creation |


The first progenitor paid no mind to the hundred-meter tall poisonous badger that was attempting to swallow them whole, alongside the eagle-headed beast who was charging right behind it with flaming tentacles.

As soon as they declared the 'first Privilege', a golden spherical barrier manifested around them and blocked the poison badger's jaws from reaching them.


There was a loud explosion on the ground and the eagle-headed beast flung its tentacles forward while glancing downwards.


It let out a surprised voice as it saw that all the other beasts on the floor were all being held down by gigantic humanoid golem constructs that emerged from the ground.

|Second Privilege : Space|

The first progenitor's voice resounded once more as the space in between the eagle-headed beast and the first progenitor, shattered like glass.


Shattering along the space, where the tentacles of the eagle-headed beast that were trying to grab the first progenitor.

|Third Privilege : Reality|

The 'third privilege' of 'reality' transformed all the beasts on the ground into tiny mice which the giant humanoid golem constructs, promptly crushed underneath their feet.

A purple haze filled the air as the eagle-like beast suddenly realized that it had been in the air for far too long despite the fact that it was not attempting to fly.

It tried to move but found out that it could not, the space around it had been sealed completely, preventing it from moving an inch.

|Fifth Privilege : Destruction|

The first progenitor skipped the fourth and went straight for the fifth as they closed the book in their hand and heaved a sigh.

Turning around, they flew out of the hall, leaving behind the beast that was silently turning into space dust.

| I really wanna punch that guy in the face but I won't for 'his' sake.|

Unclenching their fist, the first progenitor looked at the stars around them as the book in their hands faded into particles of light.

|I guess it'd be bad if I make any more moves and accidentally fuck things up, huh? I'd have to be quiet for a while now.

So that everything would go as planned.

For. Balance.|

Waving their hand the first progenitor ripped the space in front of them open, before floating into the tear as it slowly closed up. 

♧ ♧ ♧

Hey y'all, it's your friendly neighborhood author, _michael here.

So how do I start this?

This chapter was supposed to be the second chapter of Volume two, however, I realized that I made a little error when posting the chapters and still posted them under volume one.

Unfortunately, I realized this a bit too late.

Even though I succeeded in rectifying it and placing the two first chapters of Volume two where they belonged, it did not change the fact that there were now two empty chapters.

I felt bad for those who may unlock chapter in batch and end up spending their coins on these two chapters that were just filled with Dummy text, so I quickly whipped up a new interlude to place in these chapters.

This interlude would probably leave you with a lot of questions, like who the first progenitor was talking to?, and what were those 'pandemonium beasts' he fought?

All I can say is that you all should keep on reading and you would see the answers you seek.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to you continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!

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