Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 182 - Diablo’s Action

Cattleya then turned around after ending the entire star system and snatched Arthur from the stunned Creusery's arms, after murmuring something to herself, a 7-ringed magic circle enveloped her and Arthur.

The next moment, she was gone.

Even if she was not as well versed in space magic as Creusery was, Cattleya could still perform teleportation provided she had been to that place before and she had its coordinates and that was what she just did.

Creusery on the other hand stared at the place where the star system once was for a few moments, even going as far as to infuse his eyes with the essence of the law of space.

'There's something that survived Leya's Annihilation?'

He was about to make a move towards it but he stopped abruptly and looked around for a bit before turning around and leaving the area.

◇ ◇ ◇

Cattleya's destination was a place she was quite familiar with.

Aurora's domain.

To be more accurate, she navigated herself directly to the point in the domain where she sensed Aurora present.

Arriving there, she was met with the surprised figure of both her mother, Inglis, and Aurora herself.

"Huh? Leya what's w-"

|Not now mum.|

Cattleya did not even give Inglis the time of day and turned to Aurora who spoke up before she could say anything.

"Worry not; I already know what's going on. Place him on the bed over there."

Without even trying to understand why Aurora had prior knowledge of Arthur's injuries, and why the room she happened to be in conveniently had a bed she could lay him on, Cattleya complied with her and placed him on it.

[Combined Authority of Fire and Life: Rejuvenating Flames of Life]

Translucent flames burst out of Aurora's body and covered his unconscious body that was beginning to turn green.

'Last time I used this was when I met Diablo huh?'

With such thoughts, Aurora rose her both hands and spoke.

|Medicine Magic: Full Set|

After the first statement, her hands glowed white and countless medical tools appeared midair.

She grabbed a few of them and began removing the bullets in Arthur's body one by one, with each bullet she removed, Arthur's pale complexion seemed to get better.

In less than three minutes she was done. His complexion began brightening up again and the green coloring began receding.

Aurora rose her hands and spoke again.

|The Ailment: Poison|

|The Type: Soul|

At the second statement, more than half of the medical tools floating in the air disappeared, leaving mostly bottles and syringes of various shapes and sizes.

By the third statement, a few of the syringes had already inserted themselves into Arthur's body and injected their contents inside him.

Then the syringes disappeared, leaving behind five long needles, which she proceeded to pierce in a pentagram format on Arthur's chest.


The unconscious Arthur spat out black blood, which alarmed Cattleya, but Aurora held a hand up, motioning for her to not come any closer.

She passed magic into one of the needles and from the eye of the needle, it spread out like a thread to the other and to the next until all five needles had this thread of magic power passing through them.

"Phew, I haven't done that in so long, couldn't take any chances."

Aurora turned around and saw a hand holding a face towel stretched out in front of her.

She grabbed it and thanked the person who gave it to her before addressing the impatient Cattleya.

"So the physical poison is taken care of, as for the soul poison, that's not something that can be treated instantly.

It was only a small dose in each bullet but it was still soul poison nonetheless, it will take a while."

She pointed to the five needles and the white thread of magic power passing through them and continued.

"Until that thread turns black."

Looking at it, one could see that the edges if the thread of magic power around one of the needles was already graying out.

Hearing that, Cattleya sighed in relief before looking towards Creusery who was narrating the earlier events to Inglis.

"How did you know Arthur was there?"


"It's not the first time that you've seen him going for those shady auctions and stuff.

Yet you were looking for him for some reason and you even went straight over there as if you already knew where he was.

And let's not talk about how suspicious that entire star system was, something and someone that were there survived even after I destroyed it."

She then turned to Aurora and continued,

"Your earlier words are starting to make less sense now, you said you already knew what was going in when I hadn't even said anything.

How's that possible, it had barely been 3 minutes from the point he was shot until the time I came here, I did not even know where you were exactly I just warped to the location with the highest point of flame-attributed energy.

But somehow you already knew about it."

Creusery was about to speak up but Cattleya cut him off.

"It clearly wasn't Creusery, he was probably checking out whatever survived my Annihilation.

I wasn't in a right state of mind and I noticed it, much less him who was far calmer."

She then stopped talking and turned to Creusery before asking him one question.

"Where's dad?"

◇ ◇ ◇

To answer Cattleya's question, we have to backtrack to a minute after Creusery left the area that Cattleya just cosigned to oblivion.

The 'something' that survived Cattleya's attack, was a box, the one Arthur bought that contained a law crystal.

The box itself was not so valuable and could definitely not block Cattleya's attack on its own, but when you take into account the fact that the box had been bathing in the aura of the law of extinction centuries, possible even millennia, that's when things get tricky.

The rank of the law crystal is what brings us to the 'someone' who survived.

There was a ripple in space and a small pocket dimension space opened up and spat out a man.

His face was one that Inglis and Aurora would have recognized at first glance, the celestial galactic ruler who left a clone behind when they entered the galaxy he dwelled within.

He was also the one responsible for sending the armored celestial that attacked Conrad.

However, unlike the clone of before, this was his real body, or at least his real body in the hell universe.

He snatched the box and opened it, feeling the aura of extinction that poured out of it at a rank that was definitely above that of the monarch rank, he smiled before closing it up.


With one word, the injuries he sustained when Cattleya decided to delete the star system were rewound to a time before they ever happened.

|How is she not a candidate of destruction when she casually brings down the force of a quasar on a single star system in an instant.|

He spread out his senses and scanned around him only to discover that a few nearby star systems were taken out too.

Shaking his head, he continued speaking to himself.

|Well, since she is not one of the destruction candidates, this means I can act against her.|

He was about to warp away before suddenly feeling a presence behind him. A voice then spoke out, from such a close range that he could feel the speaker's breath on his ear.

|Since I'm not one, I can also act against you too.|

Before he could even form a reply in his head, he found himself inside a sea of flames.

The next moment, he was in a pile of rocks.

He was very confused because he recalled being in the middle of…nothing, a second earlier.

Then the pain hit him.

He finally understood what happened.

From the moment he heard a voice beside his head, some sort of magic had been casted on him to make his thoughts unable to keep up.

He was then grabbed by the arm and flung with enough force to send him flying through a nearby star and into a planet orbiting round said star.

The box in his arm was also not there anymore.

|I see…|

Hearing that voice again, he looked up and saw the speaker.

A man wearing a black turtleneck and Jeans, with black gloves his hands. 

The shiny box in his hands was the one the celestial had on him a few moments earlier. He looked at the box with scrutiny for a moment, the look on his face then changed to recognition as his lips curled up in a grin.

|Not what I came for but I'll take it as a bonus.|

He clasped his palms together and the box disappeared within his palms.

After which he ran a hand through his dull silver hair as he stared at the celestial with his dark obsidian eyes.

|Can you stop acting like an idiot and stand up already?

I will have you know that your realm concealment does not fool me.|

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