Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 183 - Against The Celestial Mastermind

|Can you stop acting like an idiot and stand up already?

I will have you know that your realm concealment does not fool me.|

The celestial clicked his tongue audibly before standing up and dusting himself off.

|Anyone below me in realm of existence would not be able to see through it; even those drifters who were snooping around could not.

There is also no one in this universe who is in a higher realm of existence than I am.

That means you are the same as me, an intermediate stage monarch.

Isn't that right, universal master?|

The one he spoke too, Diablo, just sneezed a little and sighed in exasperation.

It was around this time that Cattleya asked where he was, so like this, her question can be said to have been answered.

|Sorry about that, my daughter is probably being all suspicious again.

On that note, you mentioned something along the lines of taking action against her.

If so then I cannot let you have that box back.

Even If I did give it to you, it would most likely be just to mess with you before you die.|

The celestial's face contorted at Diablo's words but he forced it in and tried to play it cool.

'I didn't expect the universe master to take action after I had already gotten what I wanted. 

And this was the last piece I needed too.'

Over the past one year, he had been collecting things he believed would grant him access to the realm above the monarch realm, if such a realm existed. Some of the things he murdered some of the lower and mid-tier deities that came for the auction and took from them were on that list.

The law crystal he in Diablo's possession was the last thing he lacked.

|What you are doing is only going to make you and apocryphal existence, one that can be easily stomped by the real thing.|

Diablo spoke up once again during the celestial's few moments of silence while descending to the ground.

The celestial stared at him for a moment before finally speaking.

|You know, Intermediate stage monarchs like you and I have enough energy inside our energy cores to bring a few million galaxies to their ends.

Under certain circumstances and with a bit of doping, a few billion. But, why stop at that?

Why not go higher, higher than just a mere superior stage. It is not much different to be honest, been there, had my soul damaged and I fell back to the inferior stage.

Had to work my way back up from the inferior stage while searching for clues on what lies beyond but that is beside the point.

So what do you say?

You give me the crystal and I leave your universe in peace, as for my earlier remarks, we can scratch that, I would not be doing anything to anyone.

In fact, when I succeed, I can give you a few hints.|

He just casually spouted information that showed the difference between high-tier deities and monarch realm existences.

To his speech, Diablo just sighed before stomping on the ground and volleying the rocks that floated up towards the celestial.

The celestial caught the rocks and crushed them with his bare hands before also sighed.

|So this is the choice you made Huh?|

[Authority of Light]

By the time he called out the name of the authority, Diablo's fist was already in his face.

A punch sent him through the ground and out the other edge of the planet.

However, the smile on his face showed he was not hurt at all.

|Oh well, I never really liked the old ways.|

|Let there be light, lots of light.|

And there was light, far too much light than what was needed to light up the entire star system they were in.

Dozens of giant orbs of condensed light appeared before firing smaller condensed beams of light towards Diablo who seamlessly weaved through all of them.


He then suddenly found himself back in his starting position after hearing a small buzzing sound and this time, the orbs of light were coming after him.

'Fucking Reversal.'


As another planet was added to today's death toll, Diablo clicked his tongue while wondering how to kill the celestial while dealing the least damage to the surroundings.

'I wanna keep things in this galaxy.'

He flew at a speed where one could barely see a streak of light moving through the void of space as he dashed towards the celestial who was waiting with two whips In hand.

|This goes against my Aspect but who cares?!|

He swung both whips towards Diablo at the same time, each carrying an aura Diablo was very familiar with, just on a stronger scale.

A random void beast that happened to be there was hit and withered like a dead leaf in a matter of seconds.

The two whips then transformed into extremely long blades with a flash of light which the celestial then proceeded to use like a pair of scissors and cut Diablo up.

Heaving a sigh, Diablo coated both hands with his aura and caught the two blades before speaking.

|I really want to minimized the Damages, but I'm gonna have to give you a good beat down before that.|


He shattered the two blades before calling out under his breath with a low voice.

[Civil Sunrise]

With a bright flash of light, he disappeared from his position. 

To be more specific, he moved so fast that it seemed like he had disappeared, even to the celestial.

The next second he had one fist in the celestial's chest, the next, two more punches had landed consecutively on his face and by the third, two on the knee and one on the solar plexus.

He then spun around and delivered a high kick to the head sending the celestial flying off into the distance.

[Civil Noon]

Diablo took a fighting stance, then vanished again as he arrived at the celestials landing point beforehand and threw out another punch at a speed that made light seem like a snail.

However, the wounded celestial caught it with his hand and retaliated with his own light speed punch to Diablo's face as his wounds were being reversed.

Suddenly, the celestial found his vision tilting sideways, it took him a second to realize that Diablo had kicked him off his feet and he was in the process of falling.

However, he never hit the ground as Diablo had launched another kick to his chest, sending him flying back out of the planet they were on.

|'Civil Noon' is a kicking technique, you idiot.|

Diablo spoke before taking the same stance once more.

The sun's light dimmed and sky then turned orange, as if the sun was truly setting, however the words Diablo's superior hearing picked up told him that was not the real sunset.

[Authority of Vastness: Massive Orb]

A giant burning ball of orange colored flames, one larger than the planet itself came tumbling down on the poor planet.

[Civil Sunset]

Diablo kicked off the ground and into the air with his palm stretched forward. He channeled Aether into it as he drew his palm backwards, before delivering a palm strike to the massive orb of flames.



Space trembled as the clash resulted in an explosion that released shockwaves that could be felt even a dozen light years away.

As for all the habited planets in that range, it was safe to say that they had all become uninhabited once more.

From amidst the explosion, the celestial saw Diablo burst out unscathed. He narrowed his eyes before creating a sword of pure celestial energy and raising it to clash with the incoming Diablo.

However, a few meters in front of him, Diablo disappeared and re appeared at his left side.


He was too fast for the celestial to react and as such, Diablo's fist covered in Aether slammed into his solar plexus with enough force to shatter the planet he just kicked off, sending the celestial flying once more.


The celestial was about to activate his reversal mid-flight but was stunned when a hand suddenly appeared right in front of his face with a beam of Aether shooting out of it.


Like so, the celestial's headless body fell to the ground in an unknown planetoid, with Diablo landing right after it.

|Fighting while minding the damages done to the surroundings is quite difficult, don't you think? I cannot have this escalate to the stage where we have to start dishing out galaxy destroying attacks. |

Diablo asked the headless body that was suddenly standing on its own two feet.

The essence of the law of life covered it and right before his very eyes, a new head grew back- or would have if Diablo did not see fit to input the power of death in the half-grown head.

After slicing off the two arms that tried to prevent him from doing so, that is.

Grabbing the body from the head, Diablo dragged it to a nearby cliff while speaking.

|I really wish you were gonna die already but I'm a monarch just like you and I'm not that easy to kill.|

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