Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 191 - What It Means To Be Sub-Cosmic.

The quartet reappeared in a dessert filled with black sand. There was nothing visible in sight for miles, save the small round table with four chairs around it.

Diablo took a seat and waited for the other three to do the same. After Cattleya sat down, she looked at Diablo and asked.

"Where is this?"

"The most secure place in Hell."

Cattleya was only more confused by Diablo's reply. Turning to Arthur and Hades, she saw the two staring in a certain direction with slack jaws.

She looked at where they were staring but all she could see was a dessert. She did feel a large amount of energy radiating from that direction but nothing out of the ordinary.

Diablo calling this place the most secure in Hell meant that there would be one or two things out of the norm, that was why she did not see the large amount of energy she was sensing as out of place.

"What are you two looking at?"

Her voice brought Hades and Arthur out of their stupor. Both turned to Diablo and asked at the same time.

"What is that?!"

"Are you crazy?!"

However before Diablo could give a reply, the duo felt a presence behind them. Turning around instantly, they were met with the figure of a black-haired woman who stared at them with a disinterested gaze.

[Answering your earlier questions.

I am Hell and yes, he is most likely crazy.]

Her voice was devoid of emotion, just like the look she had on her face. She walked over to an empty spot on the table and a new chair formed out of the sand. She then took a seat and looked at Hades and Arthur before asking.

[I was under the assumption that humanoids sat down on chairs when having a conversation.]

Hades and Arthur reflexively sat down upon hearing her voice. Hades then looked at Diablo and asked.

"Is this place what I think it is, and is she who I think she is?"


Hearing Diablo's nonchalant reply, Hades became furious.


Cattleya was shocked at Hades' sudden outburst. She was so used to his calm demeanor and had never seen him truly angry so her shock was understandable, the same could also be said for Arthur.

Diablo, the target of Hades' anger, chuckled before replying.

"Worry not, the location is ever-changing. That is why I dared to bring you here. If you were to teleport to these coordinates at another time after we leave, you might find yourself in a spatial storm, or in the jaws of a void beast."

Hades' anger reduced upon hearing Diablo's reply but he took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"We aren't here to deal with his craziness, we're here to deal with Arthur's situation."

He spoke, as if trying to convince himself as he took multiple deep breaths. After calming down, he then turned to the black-haired woman, who he believed was most likely the avatar of the Hell universe's consciousness.


[I find that address appropriate.]

"Is he always like this?"

[Majority of the time.]

Hades sighed before turning to Arthur and speaking.

"I'd tell you the answer to your question but after that, you have to tell me how you know about this in the first place. Are we clear?"

Arthur who was looking at his fingers, wondering where his inter-spatial ring went to, heard Hades' words and was about to nod absentmindedly before realizing what he said.

He turned to his father with a narrowed gaze while checking his other hand for the concealment ring. Seeing that it was still there, he poured magic power into it and reactivated its concealment effect before sighing.

[Haven't seen that ring in a while. To think someone found that place.]

Hell's voice broke the silence as she stared at the concealment ring. Arthur turned his head and was about to ask her how she knew of it but Hades spoke first.

"Miss Hell, please."

Turning back to Arthur, Hades asked for his answer.

"Fine, I agree."

Hades nodded and turned to Diablo before asking.

"Are you talking, or should I do it?"

"Go ahead."

Receiving Diablo's reply, Hades turned back to Arthur and began speaking with a serious face.

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The word had many definitions, however, the one took the cake for being the most popular.

'Of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone.'

The 'Cosmos' from this definition, would be all of existence as a whole. The universal sea, the universes within it, and their contents are all part of the cosmos.

The strength and vitality required for sustained activities, was Energy.

As such, one could say that the strength and vitality required for the sustained activities in the cosmos, was Cosmic Energy.

Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent any and everywhere. It is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules, and in space. 

The cores of every galaxy and universe in existence, can be simply called giant orbs of highly condensed cosmic energy.

However, this energy that sustained the entire cosmos was immensely powerful and could be considered far more superior to other types of energy.

High concentrations of cosmic energy, did more harm than good to a majority of the existences in the cosmos.

The pressure from the concentrated cosmic energy, was harmful to many beings, as such filters were put in place to reduce the concentration of the energy to a level that was acceptable.

These filters, were universes and the galaxies within.

Of course, universes had other purposes for existing, but one of them was to reduce the concentration of cosmic energy to a level that the beings within it could survive without harm.

They were a sort of safe zone for beings who could not withstand the pressure of cosmic energy. 

However, the energy was not removed, but only filtered to reduce its concentration as the universes themselves ran on cosmic energy. The excess energy that was left after this filtering process was then absorbed by the universe and used as a source of power.

Galaxies further filtered the already lowered concentration of cosmic energy to an even lower level, and so did most planets. However, there were disparities in this.

This is where the concept of primary and secondary planes, high-level and low-level worlds/planets, etc. came from.

Galaxies that are closer to the core of the universe they are in are considered primary planes/high-level galaxies. This means that they are affected by the cosmic energy given off by the core of their universe, increasing the ambient energies in them and making them stronger and more durable. The same also applied to the planets within these galaxies.

The beings who live in these high-level planets or galaxies, would all be born capable of withstanding the high energy concentration, as such even if they go to a lower level planet or galaxy, they would not have too many issues.

However, if a being from a lower level planet, who has been living with low energy concentrations, goes to a higher one, they would suffer consequences, as the pressure from the high concentration of ambient energies present would be too much for them to take.

Beings from the lower existence planes would not be able to withstand the pressure from the amount of ambient energies that are present in the higher planes/dimension.

The only way they would be able to take it, is if they are in a high realm of existence. As one goes higher in realm of existence, their physical bodies and souls become stronger. Thus, depending on their realm of existence, one could be affected very little by the increased concentration of energy or not affected at all.

Upon exiting one's planet, the concentration of ambient energies (cosmic energy included) increases. It increases even further upon leaving the galaxy, and then the universe as a whole.

It is precisely because of this that one needed to take certain precautions when leaving their planet, galaxy, or universe.

If one was not at a sufficient realm of existence, then the action of leaving one's planet or galaxy would be nothing short of a suicide attempt.

For example, in the event that a grandmaster realm existence, makes an attempt to leave his home planet without taking proper precautions like preparing a spacecraft or spacesuit. Even if he succeeded by some force of nature, his body and soul would be crushed by the pressure of the ambient energies outside and die faster than the coldness of space can get to him.

As stated earlier, the reason for this increased energy concentration, was due to the presence of the greatest energy type that was the backbone behind life in the cosmos; cosmic energy.

Like other energy types can be manipulated, the same could be said about cosmic energy. However, most beings could not even perceive the existence of cosmic energy, much less dare to dream manipulate it.

Majority did not even know it existed in the first place! 

They also did not know that it was around them, from worlds that had no knowledge of magic and other supernatural things to those who prided themselves on this knowledge.

There existed beings everywhere that did not know about cosmic energy and what it did.

The beings that could completely perceive, and manipulate ambient cosmic energy in their surroundings, were those known as 'Sub-Cosmic' beings.

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