Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 192 - How Does One Become Sub Cosmic?

The beings that could completely perceive, and manipulate ambient cosmic energy in their surroundings, were those known as 'Sub-Cosmic' beings.

One might wonder why they are called 'Sub'. 

The reason is because of the existence of complete 'Cosmic Beings', however, that is a story for a later date.

Hades, Diablo, and Arthur.

One of the things the trio had in common was that they were all sub cosmic beings.

Sub-Cosmic beings have the ability to physically see cosmic energy, hence the reason for Hades and Arthur's reaction when Diablo brought them into the space where they were currently seated.

They could see the cosmic energy that was being emanated from the core of the Hell universe.

The multicolored energy that Arthur usually saw in a thin coat, surrounding Hades' and Diablo's bodies. The multicolored energy that Diablo utilized to prevent Arthur from retrieving Celestia. The multicolored energy that Hades manipulated when he was reinforcing the chains on Kronos in Tartarus. The strands of multicolored energy Hades usually saw.

That was all Cosmic energy!

Hades said that Arthur reminded him of his father, Kronos. 

The reason was simple, Arthur was just like Kronos; a sub cosmic being, one that possessed the power of time.

For the existences known as candidates to become candidates, they were required to be sub cosmic beings as the aspects of the laws they held, were things that showed better results when used with cosmic energy.

It was also the reason the celestial was able to rewind Diablo in time, albeit temporarily during their battle.

The reason he was unable to do so a second time, was because Diablo was on guard and was using the ambient cosmic energy to cover his body in order to prevent such a thing from repeating itself.

More light would be shed on the beings known as candidates at a later time, for now, the focus remains on sub cosmic beings.

Being a sub-cosmic being had other benefits besides just manipulating ambient energies. 

The first and foremost benefit was the change their physical bodies underwent upon becoming sub cosmic beings.

The base parameters of their physical bodies increased greatly. Increased physical strength, speed, dexterity, etc. that surpassed that of others in the same realm of existence. Their souls also became stronger and most importantly, their physical bodies became nigh-immortal!

No matter how beaten battered and bruised they were, given time, their bodies would eventually heal by absorbing ambient cosmic energy.

As such, it was extremely difficult to kill a sub cosmic being, this, however, did not mean they could not be killed.

If the sub cosmic being was a mere transcendent and he offended a high-tier deity, the deity could snuff him out of existence before his body could even think about absorbing anything!

Nevertheless, for sub cosmic beings from races that did not have regeneration abilities or did not know any healing spells or skills, it was convenient.

It was precisely because of this that the three eldest Olympians, could not end their father Kronos.

He was a sub cosmic being, while they were not!

Even if they eventually ganged up on him and defeated him after gaining strength, his nigh immortal body prevented them from killing him, as such they could only imprison him in the deepest parts of Tartarus.

'However, that was a mistake; Tartarus is filled to the brim with dense cosmic energy. If we did not occasionally reinforce his seals, he might have eventually broken out.

And I would have never known about this, if I didn't stay in Tartarus for tens of thousands of years before becoming able to sense the ambient cosmic energy within it.'

Hades had this thought as he was explaining to Arthur why he and his brothers were unable to slay their father.

He then went on to explain the next benefit of being sub cosmic.

And that was the fact that sub cosmic beings did not need to be in the deity realm to exist in space. However, this benefit was only useful for sub cosmic beings who were not deities.

The third benefit he spoke of was that sub-cosmic beings were not affected by the changes in energy concentrations.

In other words, as far as he or she was a sub cosmic being and could manipulate ambient cosmic energy to protect their selves, it was possible to leave their galaxy and go into the chaotic void of their universe, without being crushed to death by the pressure of the high concentration of energies.

Other benefits would be listed in due time but for now, these were the three most important benefits.

Lastly, just by becoming a sub cosmic being, does not mean that one would automatically become able to use cosmic energy as proficiently as other energy types they were used to.

One had to train to increase their proficiency in the much harder to manipulate cosmic energy.

Also, sub cosmic beings, did not possess innate cosmic energy.

In other words, their energy cores did not regenerate cosmic energy like it would for magic, aura, and other energies.

Sub cosmic beings could only use ambient cosmic energies, as such, they were dependent on the level of concentration of cosmic energy in the area they were in and at the time.

When Hades finished with his lengthy explanation, Arthur took a deep breath before making a guts pose.

"Although the information was not much different from what I already knew, it's good to have confirmation.

Now I don't need to use a spacecraft every time I move from one planet to another."

Hearing her son's words, Cattleya face palmed while not bothering to address them. She was too busy assimilating the information Hades had just said.

'Cosmic energy and sub cosmic beings. So that's why they all felt different than normal.'

Cattleya then asked the question that had been on her mind ever since Hades went deeper into the topic of sub cosmic beings.

"How does one become sub cosmic?"

She looked at Diablo and Hades for answers. Feeling her gaze, Diablo sighed and replied.

"I don't know. From what I have seen, each being awakens their ability to perceive cosmic energy differently. 

I did some research and found out that some beings can exist in a place with dense cosmic energy for hundreds of millennia and yet not be able to sense it, while some could stay there for a few years and become sub cosmic beings.

I became sub cosmic after carefully absorbing my father's energy core over an extended period of time. I also unknowingly did so in an area filled with dense cosmic energy, fortunately, my realm existence was high enough for me to not take any harm just by being there.

Oh, and on a side note, my father was a 'Cosmic being', not a 'sub'."

Cattleya nodded after hearing Diablo's explanation. She was slightly surprised at the fact that her grandfather was a cosmic being but she decided to think about it later before turning to Hades for his answer.

"Mine was something similar to his, I spent the first fifty thousand years as the king of the underworld down in Tartarus.

After overthrowing my father, the entire Olympus was in disarray. That was natural, we had just usurped the position of the master from my father and taken out most of the main entities.

After the whole fake game of lots, I ended up dealing with the problematic underworld.

The underworld cluster is right next to the Tartarus cluster, in fact, you can say that they intertwine with each other.

So while I was dealing with the shit going on in the underworld, I spent most of my time in Tartarus. Eventually, due to dealing with the chaotic underworld and the thousands of titans and giants imprisoned in Tartarus, I ended up spending a long time there.

Even after I got everything under control, I was so used to the atmosphere of Tartarus so I spent most of my time there.

Before I knew it, I was able to see some multicolored strands of energy. At first, it was very little but it kept increasing over the years. 

At one point in time, I ended up blacking out and by the time I woke up, I saw myself coming out of a cocoon similar to how Arthur did.

That was probably because of my body changing to become that of a sub cosmic being's. Only took about an hour though, not months like Arthur's did."

Hearing Hades' last statement, Diablo raised an eyebrow and said.

"Mine took half a day."

Hades shrugged and replied.

"Like you said, it's different for everyone."

"Still, I do believe that one's bloodline also matters."

Diablo added with a shrug. Cattleya then turned to Arthur who was fiddling concealment ring. Feeling her gaze on him, Arthur looked up and tilted his head in confusion.

"Is there a problem?"

"How did you become a sub cosmic being like your father?"

"Yes, you did say you would tell us."

Cattleya asked and Hades added after hearing her question. Suddenly everyone's gazes turned to Arthur.. He then sighed and decided to speak.

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