Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 2 - A Thousand Years Ago... (NEW)

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The figures of two persons could be seen running through a forest, the speed at which they moved was too fast to be seen with the naked eye.

They jumped from tree to tree, occasionally landing on the ground before jumping back up to the trees.

The first of these two figures, was a girl of average height and a slim build. She had fair skin and long black hair that spilled over her shoulders down to her waist.

She had almond shaped green eyes and spruce eyebrows that made her seem expressionless.


Hearing that loud noise, she looked behind her and saw a few trees that she had passed, falling down to the ground like dominos.

She followed the direction in which the trees were falling with her eyes, clicking her tongue audibly upon seeing the speed of the trees' fall, was increasing.

"Arthur, Basilisk on your 3 o'clock!"

She spoke to the second person her right, who was moving through the trees with a speed no less than hers.

The second person, the one she called Arthur, was a boy who had short hair that looked like a mix between silver and platinum blonde. His facial features were highly handsome and his had deep dark obsidian eyes.

His pupils were not shaped circularly like normal, but instead they were a vertical rectangular shape.

"I know Layla, we have to lead it to an open space, fighting it here would be the height of stupidity."

Arthur replied to the girl on his left, Layla, before speeding up his movements.

Layla nodded and did the same, running through the trees faster as the duo moved to escape the Basilisk that was hot on their heels.


The moment he heard a hissing sound, Arthur put more strength into his legs and jumped off the tree he happened to be on, even breaking the sturdy branch in the process.

The next moment a green blob landed on where he was, and within a few seconds, the entire tree had melted to the ground.

"I really don't want to get hit by that..."

"Less talking, more moving, we're almost at the clearing."

Layla reprimanded him and urged him to move faster as the duo had almost reached an area where they could take on the basilisk without obstructions.

Arthur nodded and kept on moving, dodging the occasional acid greed blob that came after him.

'Gotta conserve energy.'

It did not take long for the duo to emerge from the sea of trees, into the open space that was devoid of any trees.

Landing on the ground the two prepared to battle the basilisk that was very close to reaching them.

Layla flicked her fingers and a sword bayonet appeared in her arms, she loaded a few bullets in it before looking at the two pairs of holsters on her thighs.

Confirming that her guns were there, she looked up to the forest in front of her, counting down the seconds till the basilisk appeared.

Arthur held out his right hand, a second later, there was a flash of light as a semi-transparent blade appeared in his hand.

Gripping it tightly he glared at the forest, waiting for the basilisk to come out.

A few seconds later, a giant snake like creature emerged from the forest, melting all the trees in its wake.

At times, basilisks were lizard like, and they were sometimes snake like too.

This one was more like a snake than a lizard, it possessed no legs, and its tongue darted in and out. It was so large that a fully grown anaconda looked small in comparison.

It was both hideous and intimidating enough to make weak minded people piss themselves.

However, the duo were far from weak minded. They both looked at other parts of the basilisk's body, taking care not to look at its head.

"Layla, what do we know about it?"

"It's a child so it won't be that strong but it also won't be weak either."

"Its physical strength is high as it could easily flatten hundreds of trees."

"Basilisks all have high magic resistance, young or old. Our best bet are aura based attacks."

"Its speed is also something of note."

"It has quite the deadly poison too, and it's attacking us because a certain silver haired idiot saw fit to poke it in the eye while it was sleeping."

"It was 50% accidental you know? Still isn't there something you're forgetting about."

The two turned to face each other and said simultaneously.

""Do not meet its eyes.""

The basilisk that was about to attack them realized something and stopped.

The two humanoid children that dared provoke it, were purposely not meeting its eyes.

It was quite intelligent so it realised that they must know about its petrification ability that required eye contact.

It instantly became on guard against them and started sizing them up while circling them slowly.

Arthur who had been watching the basilisk's movement turned to Layla to speak.

"Is this-?"

However, he was interrupted before he could finish. The Basilisk tried to gobble him up in a single bite.

Arthur hurriedly threw himself out of the way.


The Basilisk's mouth left a crater in the ground, as if a bomb had just gone off.


It aimed for Arthur again, its tongue darting in and out. The Basilisk moved with both speed and precision!

However, Arthur didn't just sit there. He pointed his blade at its open mouth.



The electric blast went down the Basilisk's throat, which caused it to tingle. However, it only lasted a short time. Shortly after, it darted its tongue in and out like nothing had happened!

"Are you an idiot or something?

First you look away from it when it was right behind you, then you attack it with magic, less than a minute after I just told you it has high magic resistance.

Did you not hear my words?"

Layla spoke as she jumped up lightly in the air so as to not be affected by the shockwaves of the Basilisk's attacks.

"Less talking, more helping."

Arthur replied as he casually dodged the Basilisk's tail that came flying at him with barely perceptible speed.

Clicking her tongue, Layla released the safety on her gun and fired at the basilisk rapidly.


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