Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 3 - Basilisk’s End (NEW)

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The basilisk slithered around to dodge the rapid fire, in the process, it ended up moving backwards, creating distance between it and the duo.

Arthur took advantage of this and jumped backwards to Layla's position, looking at the gun in her hands, he sighed and spoke.

"I really still can't understand how you turned an assault rifle with a 50 round capacity into a bayonet that has a one meter long sword attached to it."

"We'd talk about how awesome my gun is later, for now we have to kill that thing."

Layla replied with a straight face, but if one were to look closely, she was barely able to stop the corners of her lips from curling up into a smile.

Arthur, who was right next to her, noticed this and chuckled lightly. Naturally, this earned him a glare from Layla.


The basilisk, enraged that it was being ignored, charged towards the duo with glowing eyes.


Arthur, who'd realized this was not the time to joke around, swung his sword at the approaching Basilisk. Of course, he turned his gaze away from it so that he didn't get petrified by it.

'Aura Claw.'

As soon as he let loose the silver three pronged aura, Arthur swung his sword again horizontally, releasing a golden coloured aura this time.

'Sword of Victory!'

He couldn't afford to fight the Basilisk without being serious as it was close to him in strength.

Immediately after releasing the attacks, he took a few steps backwards with his free left hand behind his back as he watched the silver and golden auras strike the Basilisk one after another.

***BAM! BAM!!

Multiple scales broke off from its body. Although its scales were tough, they weren't unbreakable.

However, although it took damage, it was not enough to deter it. The Basilisk kept moving forward, and attempted to devour him with its mouth.

Arthur rolled on the floor, evading its attack, and then swung downwards. However, its scales suddenly straightened, and shot right at him!


At the same time Layla's shout rang out, three triangular scales pierced his body.


However, instead of the expected blood, huge shards of light fell from his body.

Seeing this Layla realised what happened and what Arthur planned to do, she took aim with her gun and fired rapidly, keeping the Basilisk occupied as it tried to dodge her aura filled bullets.

Up in the air, the real Arthur shrugged his shoulders to reveal a pair of jet black wings.

Using the wings to keep himself afloat, he filled his sword with aura and swung it downwards.

"Sword of Victory!"



A massive blast of golden aura struck the Basilisk. His blade had certainly left behind a wound.


The Basilisk's eyes narrowed sharply, and it spat black liquid at him.

"I don't think I should get hit by that even if I can survive it."

With those words, he retracted his wings and let gravity bring him back to the ground.

The moment he landed, he immediately kicked off the ground and moved towards the basilisk that was still facing upwards.

"Body strengthening, Body strengthening again and Kick to the face!"

As he spoke, he used magic to strengthen his body multiple times and landed a kick to the Basilisk's face, sending it flying backwards.

"Layla! Follow up please!"

"You don't need to tell me."

Layla took aim with her gun and fired again, this time the bullets moved faster than before, unlike the other bullets however, these were spinning as they moved.

As the basilisk was still stunned from the kick, it could not dodge and ended up getting hit.

The spinning bullets kept spinning and drilled through the Basilisk's scales, tearing into the flesh underneath.

Arthur walked up to Layla who was glaring at him.

"Next time tell me before you do something like that, I almost had a heart attack thinking that was the real you."

"Sorry about that, the basilisk is quite smart, it might understand our words so I didn't want it to know I was about to trick it."

After Arthur attacked the basilisk with the golden and silver auras, he put a hand behind his back and activated a mirage artifact he had with him.

When the scales of the basilisk shout out towards Arthur, he had already jumped up into the air and used the mirage artifact to leave behind an after image of himself, as such the basilisk attacked the after image thinking it was the real him.

Arthur looked towards the basilisk and spoke to Layla with questioning tone.

"That's not all right?"

"Of course not."


Snapping her fingers, the basilisk that had barely managed to stand back up, began screaming out in pain.

The bullets embedded into its body began spinning once again and then,


They began exploding.

"Spinning bullets laced with explosives to drill through the scales and pierce its flesh, then with a snap of my fingers, they explode inside the monster's body.

I just recently developed these."

Layla explained with a smug look on her face, seeing this, Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at her expression filled with pride.

"It didn't finish it off though..."

"Of course it didn't, the basilisk is two stages above me, the bullets are also just prototypes, never expected to end it with that."

As she spoke, the injured basilisk, whose wounds were healing slowly hissed and spat out green and black liquids towards them.

"Dodge now, talk later."

The two then dodged in opposite directions, causing the basilisk to choose between the two.

It turned its head towards Arthur, who it perceived as a greater threat and its eyes flashed.


"Did this thing just try to petrify me?!"

Arthur who was running while looking at the Basilisk's lower body, couldn't help but question it after hearing that unusually loud hiss.

As the basilisk realised that it couldn't petrify Arthur, it slithered towards him faster than before.

"Sorry in advance."

Arthur spoke to his blade as he threw it in the air.


The semi-transparent blade spun fiercely in the air like a fan's blades, slicing through the flesh at the back of the Basilisk's neck.


Blood burst out of its body where it was injured and Layla didn't hesitate to fire towards its injuries.


The enraged basilisk spewed a green blob towards Layla's location and turned to Arthur before spewing both green and black liquids.

Arthur gracefully dodged the attacks and stretched out his right hand.


With that command, his blade flew back into his hand.

He kicked off the ground and leapt into the air, as he did so, he swung his sword.

'Aura Slash.'

A silver aura poured out of his sword and left along wound on the Basilisk's body.


It hissed and its scales straightened and shot towards him again, this time, there were dozens of them.

Arthur landed on the ground and created a double layered aura barrier to block some of the scales while deflecting the rest with his sword.

Layla also did her share by shooting down any he missed.

The basilisk, saw Layla who was helping Arthur deflect its scale attack and dashed towards her in rage.

Naturally, she didn't just stand there and let it reach her. Raising her gun in the air, she poured her aura into it.

To be more specific, she poured her aura into the one meter long sword that was attached to the top of the gun.

"Dark Slash!"

A savage dark energy poured out of the sword and headed towards the basilisk, striking its body head on.


The basilisk cried out in pain and still tried to ram into her with its body, unfortunately, it was met with a face full of bullets.


She emptied out the magazine before dodging to the side, snapping her fingers, the bullets embedded into its body, all exploded.



It screamed out loudly in pain due to the multiple small explosions happening in and on its body simultaneously.

Riddled with holes, the basilisk fell to the floor.


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