Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 39 - Results Out, School? Begins

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"How did it feel to you then dear brother?"

"It felt more like....the power of a law."

Creusery's words stunned both Inglis and Aurora who were about to admonish them. That was expected, they just said Arthur was using the power of a law.

Although it was impossible for normal people to comprehend a law without being transcendents, this did not mean they could not tap into its power. However, only those at the peak of the Epic realm and Sovereigns were able to do so.

Yet Arthur, who had just reached the peak of the Master realm, was able to do so, unconsciously at that.

This was an effect of the law crystal he received from Alexia, although he was unable to comprehend the law held within, just coming in contact with the crystal and gaining the knowledge of the law had improved his ability to use the law's power.

His already high affinity played a part in this too, if he could use energy, he would have been able use the power of the law with ease, he could have also broken through to the grandmaster realm just now too.

As he heard the words uttered by Cattleya and Creuserey, Diablo remembered that over a year ago, Arthur had met a certain light blue haired woman, one he presumed was a being called a 'Candidate for Time'.

'Alexia Vladi, just what did you do to Arthur.'

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Meanwhile, that certain blue haired woman suddenly sneezed loudly. Looking around her one could see over hundred beings armed to the teeth, showing obvious hostility towards her.

"That bastard should know I have a bottom line. This, is crossing it."

The beings around her were not attacking her of their free will, they were all controlled using various black magic and artifacts.

"Don't worry, I'd free you from your misery soon."

She removed the pocket watch hanging on her neck and held it in her palm.

|Chrono Controller|

The watch disappeared from her palm and reappeared behind her, it's size far larger than before. The hands of the clock vibrated before coming off the giant watch. The detached hands shone with a blue light before floating around her, when the light died down, they had transformed into weapons while still retaining some of their original shape.

The hour hand had become a short sword, the minute hand a long sword and the second hand, a spear.

Holding the long and short swords in her hands, she dashed towards the assailants around her.

Although they are all wearing armor, her swords easily cut through them like butter. While running past them with overwhelming speed, she gently sliced their napes and wrists with her swords. Without stopping for even a moment at a speed that's faster than one could comprehend, she ran through the first group of assailants.

After she passed through them, their bodies started bursting out blood like a water fountain.

She aimed for the opponents soft arteries, easily piercing through their neck guards. While running, she cut down people's lives with a style of fencing that utilizes the speed,

A blood flower bloomed showily each time, and it had the effect of amplifying the enemy's unrest.

Soon flames and arrows start raining on her. As one would expect, it was impossible to dodge these flames and arrows that were so widespread, however she never needed to dodge in the first place.


With that one word, the rain of flames and arrows stopped immediately remaining in their positions without moving.

"This is more tiring than I thought, [Second Hand]."

As she said that and dropped the short sword, the floating spear flew into her hand immediately. Taking a stance, she threw it towards the assailants.

|Stellar spear|

Before it reached them, she had already spread her wings and flown high into the sky, out of the planet's atmosphere. The giant clock behind her, followed suit.


Then there was an explosion with the force of a star behind it, alongside a deafening roar. It was large enough to cover the entire planet and spread to a nearby planet, causing it to also explode, and it went on, becoming a chain reaction until all the planets of that star system had been destroyed, alongside its sun.

"Why didn't i do this earlier, oh well, at least I got to test out that fencing technique."

"You don't normally cause such destruction, what's the occasion, do you perhaps want to change sides?"

She heard a voice and turned around to see a black haired woman floating behind her, clicking her tongue she replied.

"As if! I only joined this so I could become stronger without actually increasing my realm of existence."

She then stretched out her hands towards the direction of all the debris left from the destroyed planets. Her two weapons flew back to her hands, unscathed. She put them back in their place on the clock, then miniaturized it again and hung it on her neck.

"Oh yeah Alexia, what about that kid you were stalking, Lucifer's descendant."

"I wasn't stalking him okay!! And I left his verse a year ago, or was it three, or five? The time flow difference messes with my mind sometimes, anyway I left because if I were to stay there any longer, that bastard might have found him."

"That 'bastard' you speak of is your father though?"

"Doesn't change the fact that he's a bastard, it's a good thing the second phase won't begin for the next few thousand years, by then he should be strong enough to help me out of this ridiculous situation I'm in."

"Ridiculous situation huh? That's true; your father ganging up with your stalker to chase you across universes is quite the ridiculous situation."

"Tell me about it." Alexia sighed as she spoke, and then waved her hands in the air a few times saying a single word.


After she did that, she turned to the black haired woman who was staring at her in shock and said.

"Let's go you jobless supreme."

"I'm not jobless! And was that okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a star."

As she said that, she disappeared from that location, the black haired woman looked at where the solar system used to be and laughed before disappearing too.

In the empty space, the destroyed sun slowly reappeared, as if its destruction was undone.

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Back on Kreiz, the academy exams, continued for the next two weeks as planned. Layla also had her match against an intermediate stage grandmaster but unlike Arthur, she did not embarrass him, even though she could.

Eventually the results were published a week after the exams were finished, as expected the top scoring student was Layla.

She had a score of 185 marks out of 200. Seeing as the difficulty was raised this year, her score was above what the teachers who set the questions expected. Her written test score was 85/100, her magic test was 50/50 and her combat test was 50/50

Surprisingly following in second place was Arthur with a score of 174 marks. His written test was 99/100, the highest score among all the examinees, his magic test was naturally 0/50 however in his combat test, he scored 75/50. The extra 25 marks were due to his feat of defeating the instructor.

Although there were rumors that he used his status as a royal family member to add the marks for himself, they quickly died down when records showing extra 25 marks being added for examinees that defeated instructors in the previous years were published.

The third, a member of the Hollis Family, one of the great-grandsons of the current Duke of Hollis. He scored 170 marks in total. In fourth place was the daughter of a Count house, Nicole, who scored 168 marks. The fifth place was ten marks below her and the rest of the examinees had scores below that.

Eventually, the chapter of the examinations came to an end and the students reported to school within a week.

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The entrance ceremony was presided over by one of the directors of the academy, and then with a speech given by the freshman representative, Layla. As it was a boarding school, the students were shown their dormitories and the other facilities that were provided for them, at least the ones within walking distance of their dormitories.

The Dormitories were split between male and female students however there were no strict rules prohibiting students from going over to each other's dormitories, they just did not for fear of rumors if they were seen. Some still did but they were smart about it and did not let themselves get caught.

Each student was assigned a single room to them, according to their year of study. The first years/freshmen like Arthur had the dormitories closest to their school grounds. Although it was closest, due to the sheer size, it was a distance that would take one an hour to walk over. Because of this, there were transport facilities provided for the students, not for free of course, they had to pay to uses these facilities.

Arthur's room was on the last floor of his building, and it was quite luxurious, more so than the other rooms in his dormitory. This was a room specially reserved for members of the Devildom's royal family.

After arranging his things, Arthur went over to Layla's room in the female hostel, squeezing his way through the crowd of fans that somehow found the location of her room.

"How on Kreiz did they find out your room location?"

He sighed, mentally exhausted after squeezing through the tens of girls that crowded the hallway.

"Someone who was there when I received my card key saw it and spread the news, I'm going to have it changed, can't deal with this."

"Oh, then you can use the room for the royal family members upstairs, it's free now."

"Arthur, it's a room meant for the 'Royal family members' you know?"

"Yeah, and I, a royal family member, is telling you to use it, just don't tell anyone who might spread that information."

"Appreciate the offer, I'd start moving now."

"You might wanna wait till that crowd outside dies down. Or just call the dorm mother over."

And that she did, the dorm mother came over and drove away all the students outside her room, with a bit of coercion of course. She was surprised to see Arthur in Layla's room but then she remembered the rumors of a possible engagement between the two and nodded in understanding.

Seeing that, Layla forgot about the original reason for calling her and ended up spending nearly an hour trying to persuade her that there was nothing of the sort, Arthur just laughed all the way and made no effort to affirm nor deny it.

Eventually Layla was moved to the room reserved for the royal family members and had significantly less visitors coming over. She only informed her closest friends of the situation, naturally she ended up getting teased about being engaged to Arthur.

And so the next day, their school life began.

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