Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 40 - Interlude 2-The Pieces On The Board.

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The golden glass casino cum bar was bustling as always today, hundreds to thousands of people from different races were seated in various sections, either drinking or gambling.

Some came with friends to celebrate their successes, some came alone to celebrate their failures. All in all, it was another normal day for the golden glass.

The balcony counter of the bar section was one of the most popular places to sit, there have been situations where people fight just to get a seat there. Today, it was also the first place to be occupied, the best drinks were also served to the customers seated there on the house.

Two customers were seated side by side, a man and a woman. The man was dressed as casually as anyone you could find randomly on the street, with a normal t-shirt and jeans, yet he gave off a domineering aura, as if he was a King ruling over billions. He had golden eyes and hair and also a little beard on his chin. His obviously expensive chain watch jiggled every time he raised his hand to take a drink.

The woman was dressed in a pure black gown, contrasting with her white hair and skin. The gown was decorated with various jewels and precious stones of unknown worth. Her eyes were an upturned shape and they glowed with a small silver light.

As for the facial appearances of the two, they was nothing short of praiseworthy. Men and women alike stopped to stare at them, even the bartender who had seen hundreds of beauties of various races was slightly stunned.

The two sat there conversing over drinks, what they were speaking of was unknown to others as even the person next to them could not hear a thing.

"They're staring."

"Of course they will, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?"

The woman showed a small smile while chuckling at the man's reply, a smile that instantly captivated the hearts of those watching.

Seeing the others in the bar fall for her charm so easily made the man heave a sigh in exasperation as he thought internally.

'Happens every time, it is not even surprising anymore.'

"You're probably thinking something along the lines of 'it's not surprising anymore', right?"

As she accurately guessed his thoughts, he laughed then showed a devilishly charming smile that made many men pinch their girlfriends just to get them to stop staring.

Shaking her head at his childish attitude, she spoke up with a serious tone,

"The recent happenings, do you know of them?"

"Exactly what do you want to know? Depending on that, I'll know if I can tell you or not."

Hearing his reply, she paused to think for a moment before asking three questions.

"Do you know what he actually is?"

"Why did he appear now?"

"Who was the one who interfered with the verses?"

As she asked her questions he laughed as if he expected that and said,

"You ask quite a lot, did you perhaps forget we're enemies? Do you really think anything i tell you would be the truth?"

"This is a neutral zone though? Besides, there's no point in lying to me."

"We both know such nonsense doesn't apply to us. And what makes you think there's no point in that?"

"It's still a neutral zone though."

Seeing as she was going to keep insisting of neutrality and not give him a proper reply, he sighed before deciding to answer her questions,

"First of all, he's exactly what you think he is, or at least what you've been told he is.

As for why he is appearing now, it's random, nothing special to it, he just happened to appear now.

Lastly as for who interfered, I might have an idea but I'm not sure if I'm right."

"Just say who it is and where they are."

She spoken impatiently, eliciting another laugh from him,

"Fine I'll talk, first of all I can't talk about the other person's identity even if I wanted to, secondly as for finding her, I can't do that too, that person is quite good at blending in, they could be in this bar with us and we wouldn't even realize."

"How's that possible?" She asked in surprise,

"It's the nature of their existence, I'm sure after detecting the interference you tried to stop it, seeing that you couldn't you decided to search for its source. That's what you did right?"


"And what was your search criteria? Someone with a high enough existence level and energy level to do such a thing right?"

"Yes, you also searched for them too?"

"Obviously, the result was unexpected, we found nothing. It was only later on I realized why."

"And why is that?"

Taking a deep breath, he replied to her,

"Like I said earlier, that's the nature of that person's existence. Their maximum energy level is not stable, it depends on the current amount of energy they possess.

After such an action, they were bound to have used up a lot, if not all their energy.

What we should have searched for was someone with an existence level comparable to ours, but with an abysmally low energy level, possibly as low as a master realm, or even lower."

Hearing such ridiculous search conditions, the woman face palmed and then sighed.

"We're dealing with such a ridiculous person here. If we search now would we have any results?"

"Nope, they've already hidden themselves, you'd find nothing. If it's any consolation, you should know the only type of existences that can't be found by that guy's search right?"

She had a look of realization at his words, she then nodded in agreement, before she could speak, he continued.

"Let's forget about this for now, this is a bar, for drinking, let's just enjoy ourselves shall we?"

"Fine, I'll talk about it to the others later."

"I think it's best they don't know though. But I won't say anymore, we should enjoy ourselves, just like that duo over there."

Feeling something off at his words, she turned to look at the duo he was referring to and almost dropped the drink in her hand due to shock. He laughed seeing her reaction and said,

"In a way, they're just like us."

Looking at the devil and god who were playing around like children, she smiled and nodded in affirmation.

"Indeed, they're just like us."

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