Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 41 - School Life

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{Hey guys, Author here.

So I just wanted to give you a little heads up as the next two or three chapters would be more of info dumps.

Just some basic stuff you need to know about the school and the world background.

You may skip them but I advise not to as there would be a few references to the things said in these chapters later on in the story.

Best to read them so you don't get confused, I think?

Kindly bear with me for a bit, just wanted to get this info out there.

Who knows? Maybe I might give y'all a fight scene right after?

Thanks in advance, for continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.}

Arthur's first few weeks of school were quite uneventful to say the least. He spent most of his time beating up the fools who came to challenge him for a fight.

Duels between students were forbidden, that is if one did not follow the system set in place.

Each student was given a smart watch, one that contained most of their student information, it also displayed their rank.

This rank was given according to the their combat test results, with the highest Arthur, being rank one, Layla was rank 2 and so on.

This was a system put in place to prevent unnecessary fights between students. As there were not less than ten thousand students in each year, fights were bound ot break out between them on a daily basis.

The rank system was created to prevent that from happening, one could challenge another student to a duel, a maximum of 5 times a month.

If the challenger is lower ranked than the challenged, and the challenger wins the fight, they would take the rank of the challenger.

However if one challenged a student in a higher or lower class than them, it did not increase nor decrease their rank whether they won or lost.

This meant that the ranks only applied to students within the same class or school year, so a first year student could not hope for a rank increase by challenging a second year.

As each student could only challenge other students 5 times a month, in turn they could only be challenged 5 times a month.

Also it was not allowed to challenge students that were ranked one thousand ranks above oneself, in other words a student ranked 2000 could not challenge a student ranked 900, and the limit they could challenge was 1000.

This was so that upper ranked students would not be challenged by foolish lower ranked students who were hoping for a stroke of luck to make them win.

Within the first week of school, Arthur was challenged 5 times already, and 5 times he beat the living daylights out of his challengers.

He did not make an attempt to challenge anyone at first but some jealous students began spreading rumors about him being scared of losing his rank.

He picked 5 out of them and beat them up publicly to serve as an example to the others and to shut up them up.

Layla also had her fair share of challenges and she naturally won all of them, effortlessly at that. The higher ranked students in the top hundred were all members of the Devildom's nobility and they knew Layla's strength well, so they did not even bother to challenge her.

As for Arthur, he beat up the instructor during the combat exams, none of them wanted to fight such a person and be humiliated for no reason.

The students were placed into classes according to the scores they had on the exams, a lot of them were already friends with each other, and they even made more friends from the new faces they met.

There were a total of 100 students per class, each classroom was designed like a conference hall, with seats in a staircase arrangement. The desks and chairs were naturally the best of the best and the lesson notes were displayed on the latest magi-tech projectors.

Arthur also made a lot of friends among the other students placed in his class, some Devildom's nobles, some lesser royals and even the few exceptional commoners that were placed in his class.

Although some said that a prince should not mingle with commoners, since when had Arthur ever listened to such nonsense?

He befriended who ever he felt like and as for those he approached, they realized he wasn't nearly as scary as the rumors they heard made him out to be.

He was easygoing, a bit too carefree and he was frighteningly smart. A few teachers tried to pick on him but ended up regretting it.

They believed that a prince that could not use his energies must be incompetent and that he was only able to defeat the instructor because he was tired from battling other students.

Arthur used his genius intelligence to show them that he was not the incompetent they thought he would be.

Once he even pointed out for them to check the scoreboards for the student who got the highest score in the entire freshman year.

He ended up becoming enemies with most of the teachers but he could not care less, he was going to school not to learn but to get the eyes of the ancient powers whose attention he attracted off him.

Kreiz was under the protection of the Devildom's royal family so there were practically no eyes belonging to other universal powers on it.

Diablo made sure to erase each and every one of them personally after all. Even more so when Arthur was attending the school at the moment.

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It was another day in class and Arthur was almost sleeping as usual. After being bugged by Layla repeatedly to at least pretend to listen he finally sat up and decided to listen to the general knowledge class teacher's words.

"The average universe possesses over 50 billion galaxies, this is the least amount that universes have been found to possess.

The Hell Universe is one of the Larger universes of the universal sea, possessing over 100 billion galaxies in total, the true number of galaxies is not known however. Only the Master, King Diablo is privy to that information.

As the master of the universe, King Diablo has the authority to alter the shapes and designs of existing stars, planets and even the layouts of galaxies and galactic filaments.

These are just the known benefits of the authority of the master."

The teacher was a transcendent realm devil, one at the intermediate stage, he was known among the teachers of the freshman year as the 'Knowledge Guru'.

He was confident in his general knowledge and even studied the laws of knowledge and wisdom. He was also an Arch mage, one significantly stronger than his peers.

For someone like him, who reached the transcendent realm after just 500 years, he was very proud of his achievements, which was why he was currently fuming internally at Arthur who made no effort to conceal how disinterested in the class he was.

"Too bad they don't let us have phones during the classes, I'd be completing my m*nster H*nter now, was so close to the final quest."

"Arthur, stop it."

He looked at Arthur who was loudly proclaiming his desire to play games and Layla who was trying to stop him.

'If you wanted to do this, then don't sit in the front row!'

He calmed himself down and continued speaking.

"Within this universe, as there are over 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of planets and stars, this makes it impossible for the reach of the devildom to spread across every corner.

This means that there are some galaxies and galaxy clusters, even galactic filaments that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years without knowing the existence of the master of the universe or the devildom itself.

There are also some worlds that the denizens don't even know of the existence of other races besides theirs, some don't even know of magic and the other energies, some are still in their primitive stages too.

This is the same even in other universes."

He switched the slide that was being displayed to one titled 'Methods of strength measurement.' And continued speaking.

"So there are various methods of measuring strength, the most commonly known is the existence realm measurement method. This method is also the most accurate as it clearly tells the various levels of existence.

From the Master realm to the monarch realm, though there are rumors of a higher realm existing, those are merely rumors, there couldn't possibly be any things stronger than the masters of the universes."

"How can you be so narrow minded and call yourself a teacher?"

Arthur rudely interrupted the teacher, many gasped in shock upon hearing this. Arthur however, did not let up, he continued speaking.

"You study the laws of knowledge and wisdom, you should know more than anyone else that it is impossible to know everything, there's clearly a realm that exists above the monarch realm."

"And since you claim to know of this realm would you please enlighten the class?"

The teacher retorted immediately Arthur finished speaking, he was getting visibly angry at Arthur's words but struggled to keep his calm.

"How am I supposed to know that? You're the one with the law of knowledge not me, you should know this. I am sure that it exists though, got confirmation from grandpa after all, he said his dad was there."

Everyone couldn't help but believe Arthur's words, after all his 'grandpa' was none other than the king of the devildom and Master of the Hell Universe, Diablo.

Diablo's father was the one who was known was the strongest devil to ever exist, the most powerful king of the devildom since its inception.

He was said to be even stronger than the Masters of the ancient universes that have existed for millions of years, he was the one who deserved the title of 'King of Hell' the most, Lucifer.

It was totally understandable if Diablo said Lucifer was in this realm said to be above the monarch realm and they were all inclined to believe it.

This enraged the teacher further but he held it in with superhuman willpower and attempted to continue the class.

"Okay, thank you for the information prince Arthur."

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