Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 42 - Messing With Teachers Just Because He Can

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"Okay, thank you for the information prince Arthur."

"No biggie."

Arthur said as he went back to daydreaming about his M*nster H*nter and the strategies he could use to continue his game play.

The teacher gritted his teeth at this but he continued speaking to the rest of the class.

"There is another method of measuring strength called the cultivation realm method, this method is similar to the existence realm measuring method, the number of realms is the same too.

What we call energies is called Qi by them and the realms there range from the qi gathering till the Celestial realm. This should not be confused with the celestial race however.

When measuring strength with this method, the transcendent realm existences are called Ascension realm experts. The demigod realm existences are called Half- Immortals and the deity realm existences are called Immortals.

The masters of universes that use this method are called Celestials. Now then who can mention another method of strength measuring?"

"Leveling system! The kind you have in RPGS! Not the weapons though, the games."

A student shouted out in response to his question which evoked a small laugh from the members of the class. Arthur had a confused look on his face as he was wondering how they found that funny but he decided to keep to himself.

"Correct." The teacher smiled and nodded in affirmation before continuing.

"The denizens of the universes with leveling systems are known to possess these systems from birth and have their strength measured by level similar to how one would see in games.

The level limits differ for each universe with some having a limit of hundred and some a hundred thousand.

Some galaxies within the Hell universe are also known to possess this system, this is mostly within the higher dimensions and primary planes however and also places where the essence of the law of knowledge is more profound."

Right before he was about to continue, he was interrupted by Arthur once again.

"Nope! I'm done! Cant do this anymore, for the past one week you've just been spouting basic information that anyone capable of passing the academy's exam should already know.

I mean, who here doesn't know of the leveling systems? Who here doesn't know of the cultivation worlds? What about the number of planets and galaxies? Its basic information we all know.

And also, the things you've been saying have been sounding familiar and I finally remembered why." He turned to Layla who was sighing in exasperation and asked.

"Hey Layla, remember that time we snuck out of class to go read some books in the castle library, then that unnecessarily large book that fell on the librarian's head, 'The hell universe in its entirety'. Don't you think what he's been saying is similar to that?"

Layla stared at Arthur with a weird face for a few moments before shaking her head and replying.

"First of all, I did not sneak out from class, you dragged me out regardless of my will."

"What's the difference?"

"There is a difference Arthur, a very big one, secondly were you not the one to cause the book to fall on the Librarians head? Lastly, even if what he's saying is similar to the book, there's this thing called 'Tact'. You are not supposed to point that out, especially in front of 99 other students."

"Once again, what's the difference? Whether I point it out in front of 9 or 99 students, it doesn't change the fact that it's the truth though. See how he's been silent, it's because he knows I'm right."


"Ah! The bell, finally this boring class is over."


Arthur then stood up, ignoring the teachers shout and jumped out through the window, simply because it was closer.

◇ ◇ ◇

On the way to the next class, a combat class, Arthur thought about the events set out for the students. During their fourth year, they were to go on for a realm expedition.

This was when he planned to go to Varona to retrieve Lucifer's legacy that was left there. He remembered the blue haired woman who told him of this and wondered how she was doing.

'I hope she doesn't get caught by those guys she said was chasing her.'

He also wondered how old she truly was, seeing as she knew Lucifer, someone who existed over twelve thousand years ago.

'She's older than mum and uncle Creusery, she's definitely an old hag after all.'

Of course for Alexia's race, she was considered someone who just became an adult but Arthur did not need to know that. He would only say her race consisted of old hags if he did.

He made his way to the combat class, one where he also liked to anno-, banter with the teacher in charge. He was also a transcendent realm devil, one who had gained his second pair of wings, he was also close to becoming a demigod realm existence.

Although he wanted nothing but to beat Arthur up whenever the latter messed up his classes, he was scared of the repercussions. Namely; Cattleya killing him.

The one with the title of 'Strongest Leviathan' was not one to be trifled with, he was a smart person and he knew how much Cattleya cared for Arthur, if he harmed Arthur in any way, his existence was forfeit.

Arthur also knew this and poked fun at him precisely because of it, this was also because he could defend himself if he was attacked.

He had a ring on his finger, one that protected him from three attacks of transcendent level strength while also alerting her of his location.

This was just basic protection for a royal family member.

The sixth year students in the school were having a tournament where they all competed for the rank of strongest in the class for the last time before their graduation, he looked at them as they were training while walking down the hallway in the combat class building.

The tournament started with a free for all, where the final 128 are selected, this was when the individual matches began, and they continued down to the last two finalists.

Like the exam, this was also going to be broadcasted across various channels, local and international. Many dignitaries were in attendance, once again, like the exam students ended up showing off to get the attention of these dignitaries.

The students of the academy were expected to achieve the superior-stage grandmaster realm by graduation. Considering that most of them are gold realms when they are admitted into the academy, it was a barely reasonable demand.

Superior stage grandmaster in six years was obviously faster than normal but some still said that it was still slow for the students, considering the resources they were given.

Only those who were born with high existence realm like Arthur and Layla who were born in the master realm, or even those other geniuses who were born in the grandmaster realm could reach the Legendary realm at their graduation. Cattleya was one of these.

There were even some who started off on the Gold realm but ended up also achieving the Legendary realm at their graduation. Of course, such cases were very rare.

The Legendary realm was the mainstay for most Devils in the higher planes of existence or primary planes, you could see civilian devils in this realm in places like this. The capital of the Devildom, Aeturn is an example of this.

Although it is considered a great realm in the lower or secondary planes, it is something that can be seen casually in higher ones.

This is also where it becomes difficult to increase in realm as the energy required for breakthrough to the next realm increases exponentially.

Even so, some geniuses still break through this realm easily and advance to higher ones. Right now, the strongest student in the academy is an Inferior Stage Legendary Realm devil.

He was a direct descendant of one of the Dukes in the Devildom, one born in the inferior stage of the master realm.

He was helping his fellow sixth year students to train in preparation for the upcoming tournaments, Arthur was just staring at them until Layla came over and hit his head with the grip of her bayonet.

"Ouch! What on Kreiz was that for?"

"For disturbing the class and making an enemy of another teacher."

"It's not like there's anything for me to learn from him though?"

"Yeah sure, but others do."

"Do you?"

"Yes I do thank you very much."

She snorted and began dragging him towards the hall in which their next class would take place in. Others who saw this scene laughed as it was something that they had encountered more than once in the first few weeks of school.

Some of Layla's close friends also came to chat her up upon seeing her, most of them had teasing grins on their faces.

"Hey, Lady Layla, dragging Prince Arthur to class again huh?"

"It seems you've already began practicing for the future, if you know what I mean."

Their words caused Layla's face to turn red instantly, she was about to start denying their claims but Arthur spoke up first.

"Rather than a fiancée, she acts more like a mum to me, I mean look at this."

By 'this' he meant her holding his hand and dragging him to class, his words evoked a small laugh from the girls, As for Layla.


She hit him with her gun once again, let go of his hand and stormed off, upon reaching the end of the hallway she turned around and said.

"You better come to class okay?!"

Hearing this, Arthur laughed and said.

"See, like a mum telling her kid to go to school."

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