Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 5 - Half-god Assassins (NEW)

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Arthur responded to Layla's punches with punches of his own. The collision of their fists raised a thunderous roar that shook the air.

Shockwaves spread out every time their fists collided and the earth under their feet cracked and shattered.

The two then noticed something and rose their hands into the air simultaneously.

From the moment Arthur released his lightning punches till the moment they both simultaneously reached into the air, not a minute had passed.

Their exchange of blows occurred within the few moments when their weapons were up in the air.

This showed just how fast they were.

Arthur grabbed his semi-transparent blade and Layla grabbed her gun, wasting no time, they both aimed their weapons at each other.

Arthur's sword on Layla's neck.

Layla's gun on Arthur's forehead.

"I win."

"No...I win."

As Layla responded to Arthur's words, her green eyes glowed as magic power blazed within them.

Seeing this, Arthur couldn't help but audibly click his tongue.

"Tsk...Paralyzing magic eyes.

You know I can break out of those right?"

"Sure you can but the time it would take you to break out is enough for me to pull my trigger at least once."

The two stared at each other in silence for a few moments before Arthur finally broke the silence as he sighed and spoke.

"Fine, you win."

He dropped his sword on the ground after saying that.

Seeing his admission of defeat, Layla smiled and release her grip on her gun, allowing it to fall to the ground.

She heaved a sigh of relief as she dropped downwards and sat on the ground.

Arthur also did the same, however he laid down and rested his head on her laps.

Seeing this, she just shook her head as she was too exhausted to even bother telling him to get off.

"That was my third win."

"I still have seven more wins though."

Arthur replied to Layla's words with a smug look on his face, earning himself a cold glare from her.

Feeling her glare, he was about to reciprocate before noticing something, thus, he burst into laughter.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing Arthur suddenly start laughing, Layla couldn't help but ask why.

"Well, I wanted to see the look on your face but more than half my vision was covered by your, *cough* assets *cough*."

Hearing his words, she was initially confused but upon seeing where his gaze was directed at, she realised what he meant.

Her face turned red as she grabbed his neck and began choking him.

"Maybe I should just end you now.

It would save the gods a lot of time and energy."

"Whose side are you on?!"

"Definitely not on the side of the sexual harassing prophesied child of destruction."

Layla replied to Arthur's question while tightening her grip on his neck.

Arthur pulled her hands off his neck and sighed before speaking.

"No matter how you look at it Layla, those things are big, I was just stating the obvious fa-OW! OW!- I'm sorry!!"

She grabbed his neck and began choking him more than before, even going as far as to use strengthening magic on her hands.

"T-t-tap ou-ut!"

Arthur barely managed to get his words through before Layla released her grip, however she kept her hands close to his neck just in case he threw out any sexually harassing remarks again.

Arthur, who was free from Layla's choke hold, rubbed his neck while speaking.

"The auction is in a month, I just wanted to get in shape for the fights that would ensue after."

"Isn't that auction suspicious as f*ck, just don't-."

Layla didn't complete her words as she noticed a change in Arthur's expression.

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head and stood up, stretching his arms before turning to her.

"Pass me your gun, the last one that still had a full mag."

Layla wordlessly passed him the gun with a questioning look on her face, he ignored it and checked the magazine of the pistol, confirming that it still had all its bullets, he tapped his foot on the ground.


With a low humming sound, a wave of silver energy spread out from underneath his feet.




Layla turned her head backwards as she heard grunts of pain and surprised voices coming from the forest behind them.


Arthur fired towards the direction where the sounds came from.






This time, there were five grunts of pain coming from the forest. To be more specific, behind some broken trees that were at the edge of the forest.

Arthur calmly walked over to the direction where the sounds came from with Layla trailing behind.

He reached the fallen trees that were destroyed by the basilisk and kicked them away.

The force of his kicks shattered the wood and caused splinters to fly everywhere, he ignored all this and kept on destroying the already broken trees, ocassionally lifting a few smaller ones, until he reached the source of the earlier grunts of pain.

Five men were in the floor, two were dead, and the other three were injured.

The two dead men had one bullet hole in the head and chest respectively.

The other three were lucky to survive and had less vital areas injured, however, for some reason they could not move.

Seeing them, Layla realised what they were and understood the reason for Arthur's sudden change of mood.

'Half-gods huh? No wonder he's pissed.'

Arthur stared at them coldly before raising the pistol in his hands and firing at their heads.


With two shots, two of the three dropped dead. As for the third, he glared at Arthur intensely.

If looks could kill, then the glare he was giving Arthur would have bored a hole through his head by now.

"Fools like you piss me off the most."

He dragged the last one by his leg and pulled him to the middle of the clearing.

From his hand, a silver energy that gave Layla goose bumps poured out and wrapped around the man's leg.


He screamed out loud like his leg was on fire, even so Arthur wordlessly dragged him to the middle of the clearing.


Arthur stretched out his hand and spoke, his sword flew into his hands. Grabbing it, he poured that same ominous silver energy into it and stabbed the man's stomach.


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