Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 6 - The Story Begins (NEW)

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Arthur stretched out his hand and spoke, his sword flew into his hands. Grabbing it, he poured that same ominous silver energy into it and stabbed the man's stomach.


The man coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"I just want to live my life quietly."



Arthur spoke as he pulled out the sword and stabbed the man's stomach again, causing him to scream once more.

"I don't want any business with the gods."



"Yet you bastards keep coming to try and kill me!"



The man's loud scream resounded across the forest, causing monsters hiding within to shrink back as they felt fear towards whatever made him scream so loudly.


There was a loud flapping sound and Arthur looked up to see a winged woman descending to the ground.

She had five pairs of jet black wings and dull silver hair.

She stared at the half dead man in front of him and sighed before speaking.

"Just put him out of his misery already."


Arthur wordlessly shot the man in the head twice, killing him instantly.

Giving the gun back to Layla, he spoke to the silver haired woman who just arrived.

"If you were here mum, why didn't you just kill them?"

The silver haired woman, Arthur's mother, chuckled and replied.

"Its part of your training."

Arthur rolled his eyes at his mother's words and looked at the corpse in front of him.

He waved his and there was a bright flash of light, by the light finally died down, his sword had disappeared.

He then allowed his body to fall backwards towards Layla who was standing behind him.

"Huh? Ah!"

Layla hurriedly caught him and was about to ask why he did that, but she was interrupted by a loud roar.


The trio turned to where they heard the roar come from and saw a basilisk, one that was far larger and obviously far stronger than the one Arthur and Layla fought.

"Looks like its pissed we killed its kid."

The giant basilisk was large enough to easily tower over the tall trees of the forest, it narrowed its eyes at Arthur and Layla and charged towards them with an angry look on his face.

"You can read the facial expression of a basilisk?"

"Nope, just saying."

Arthur's mother looked at the gigantic basilisk that was making its way across the sea of trees and rose a finger in the air.

She flicked it and a bolt of deep red energy flew towards the Basilisk's forehead.

The speed, was not even perceptible.

Arthur and Layla couldn't see it at all.

The red bolt flew towards the Basilisk's forehead and pierced it with ease, killing the creature instantly.

A second later, its entire body was engulfed in black flames as it burned to ash instantly.

The total time it took for all these to happen, was three seconds.

To Arthur and Layla, it looked like Arthur's mom just rose her hand and the basilisk disappeared in flames.

"That thing was a transcendent."

Arthur spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

His mother dropped her hand and tilted her head to the side before asking.


Arthur just sighed and decided to ignore the fact that his mother just ended a being that could flatten an entire continent single headedly with little effort.

He motioned towards the corpse on the floor and asked a question.

"Why do these half-god assassins keep coming anyway?

They're so weak."

She shrugged her shoulders and retracted her wings before replying.

"I dunno, they've been trying for fourteen years with no success, they should have given up by now.

The gods are so damn persistent.

Then again, if you didn't go around beating half step legendries, I think they might have given up."

Arthur chuckled before standing up properly, stretching his legs out, he asked his mother another question.

"The prophecy, it came a few months before I was born right?

After you and dad already did the 'deed'."

His mother raised an eyebrow before flicking his forehead and replying.

"Yes, what about it?"

He held his forehead and gave his mother a look of indignation before speaking.

"Heard there was quite the commotion, what actually happened?

I don't exactly know the full story."

Arthur's mother, walked up to the corpses behind the broken trees and picked them up before replying.

"You were right about the commotion.

As for what happened, I don't know it all but I can tell you most of it.

Your dad told me what happened over on his end after all."

A shadow suddenly covered the trio, but Arthur ignored it and spoke.

"Tell me what happened."

"Okay, but let's go back first."

Arthur's mother replied as she gestured to the giant craft that was hovering in the sky.

He nodded and spread out his wings and flew towards it.

Layla sighed and did the same while Arthur's mother just jumped up into the craft with ease.

Landing on the open hangar door, she tossed the corpses she was carrying to the uniformed men who were standing with heads bowed.

"Take them to forensics."

""Yes, your highness.""

She then turned to Arthur who had landed on the hangar and retracted his wings before speaking.

"So the prophecy huh? It all started on that faithful day, fourteen years ago."

She began telling him about the circumstances that surrounded his birth.

The birth of the prophesied child of destruction

The birth of the one who could potentially bring an end to the gods.

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