Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 7 - The Day It All Began

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The universe of Olympus was one which has been ruled by various beings, however it's longest and most prominent rule could be said to be the current one of the Olympian gods.

Spearheaded by the current King, Zeus, the eldest Olympians battled against their father, the king of the Titan race and his armies, taking control of the universe and renaming it Olympus from its previous name, Orthys.

Afterwards they solidified their rule and made themselves known to the nearby universes, deterring those who viewed Olympus as a weak target.

The duties of managing the various required aspects and territories was shared amongst the numerous gods of the pantheon with the 12 chief Olympians posses possessing the most authority and power. Over thousands of years, they have improved their strength. Both economical, political, and of course Military strength, raising them from what they were in the past by leaps and bounds.

It was another normal sunny day in a certain city known for their relaxing hot springs when a beam of light suddenly flashed across the clear blue sky, traveling at unbelievably fast speeds before coming to a stop right above the courtyard of a certain building.

The beam of light's true identity turned out to be a carriage pulled by multiple greater pegassi. It's door opened up with someone proceeding to jump out of the carriage down to the courtyard below, landing with ease as he quickly walked into the building.

His yellow flaming hair could be seen flowing behind him alongside his cape due to the speed at which he moved down the hallway into the indoor open air bath where one person was languidly laying at the edge.

"Father, we need to call uncle and the rest of the twelve, there's a serious matter at hand, one that requires the entire councils attention" spoke the yellow haired man.

"Apollo, you're interrupting my rest, what could have possibly happened that would need the councils attention?"

Yes, the yellow haired man was Apollo, god of the sun and music and poetry, while the one he referred to as father was none other than Zeus! The king of the gods.

"It's a prophecy father, two in fact. Two very dangerous prophecies"

The moment Apollo spoke, Zeus' face turned serious immediately. Apollo was also a god known to be able to receive oracles and prophecies about the future, and if there is anything about his prophecies that has to be known, it is that they are always fulfilled.

However, he has never received two prophecies before at once, Zeus could instantly understand why Apollo was so agitated. Standing up from the bath, he replied.

"Very well then, I understand the seriousness of the matter. Shadow nymphs, send word to the rest of the council, tell them it's a matter of the highest threat level"

As soon as he said that, his shadow wriggled before splitting into several parts and speeding out of the building.

"Let's go then, I'll join you in your carriage, been a while since I rode it" Zeus told Apollo who was staring blankly at him, he the proceeded to leave the building and walk to Apollo's carriage before continuing

"Hurry up boy"

It was then Apollo recovered himself before moving to catch up with Zeus.

While they journeyed to the top of the highest mountain in all of Olympus, which the universe was named after, the shadow nymphs that served Zeus set out to the teritories of the various gods as they delivered his message, with these gods having various reactions, some surprised, some felt enraged while some laughed.


In the Atlantis Cluster, on a world that had 100% water and no landmass, a certain being emanating stupendous amounts of divinity rose up from a throne holding a golden trident in his hands as he looked towards the direction of Mount Olympus, turning into water and flowing away the moment after.


Somewhere else in the Underworld, a being dressed in black clicked his tongue in annoyance before turning around and speaking to the two women behind him,

"Persephone, Demeter, I'll have Charon send you over"

"What about you?" the woman who happned to be the goddess of spring, Persephone asked as she looked towards him.

"It's probably a trival matter, a proxy will do" he replied before proceding to walk out of the room.

"I'd advise you not to do that, you know how cranky he can get when you dont listen to what he says, even if you have no obligation to" the voice of the second woman, Demeter, goddess of the Harvest rang out in response. The being dressed in black nodded before answering,

"True, i don't want any flies buzzing around my teritory, an Avatar will do then."

He walked out of the room without giving the two women a chance to say anything else. A servant entered soon after, bowed and said,

"Madams, your transport is ready." Persephone looked at the servant before speaking to Demeter

"Don't mind him mother, Lets go."

She then held Demeter by hand and pulled her out of the room. In the hallway she slightly stared at the back of her husband who seemed to not care about a thing before walking in the opposite direction while thinking internally.

'He should be able to handle himself if anything goes wrong.'

Over years there have been meetings in which the twelve chief Olympians have all been called, however there has only been few instance of the highest-level threat being invoked.

There were very few things that could warrant such a level of threat, a situation in which the entire pantheon could be destroyed was one of them.

The hall of the gods was noisy as both the lesser gods and greater gods were all noisily chatting with each other about what could possibly be the threat. The hall became silent the moment twelve lights appeared in front of the twelve giant thrones as the chief Olympian gods arrived and took their seats.

The silence prevailed for a few seconds before some began to notice the presence of a 13th chair. Some believed it was prepared for Hestia, the goddess of the hearth however seeing Hestia take her usual position beside the central bonfire, a few finally arrived at the truth and figured out who the last seat was for.

At that moment, darkness suddenly welled up from the bottom of the seat before taking a humanoid form, which then turned into the figure of a man, one with dark hair, eyes and clothes. Staring at this man Zeus spoke with slight annoyance

"An avatar, really Hades?"

"It's enough to fulfill its purpose so yes Zeus, an Avatar"

The man who turned out to be Hades, god of the underworld replied with a tone no less annoyed that Zeus. Most of the gods held their breaths as the tension began to increase, Zeus was very obviously getting angrier as even his hair started slightly sparking. Seeing as this was no time for a petty quarrel. Poseidon, the god of the seas and king of the Atlantis cluster decided to mediate.

"Not now both of you, we have more pressing issues at hand, this is the first time we've received two prophecies at once"

At his words most of the beings in the hall we're surprised as it was truly a shocking event for two prophecies to be given at once, they all realized the reason for the meeting and figured the content of the prophecies couldn't be any good.

Even hades who was ready to squabble with Zeus had a look of shock on his face as he decided that he could put off their quarrel for later seeing the matter of the prophecy as far more important.

"Tell that to him" Zeus replied to Poseidon's earlier words, he took a look at Hades who blatantly ignored him before continuing.

"As of today, it has come to my notice that two prophecies have been delivered at once, something unprecedented.. However the main issue is there the contents of both prophecies are unfavorable."

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