Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 85 - Clash Of The Grandmasters, Aftermath

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As Arthur thought about the sword that had fused itself with him, he sighed and dropped to the ground weakly, the medics who were on standby came up to him immediately and put him on a stretcher, taking him to the infirmary.

They also did the same to Owen.

'I hope mom handles the aftermath for me, I feel like I'm gonna sleep for a few more days.'

While such thoughts in his head, he passed out on the stretcher.

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Cattleya audibly clicked her tongue, scaring the two directors who thought she was somehow pissed at them.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing much, Arthur caused a commotion and he's probably expecting me to clean up after him."

Cattleya replied to Hades while pouting. The latter stared at her in confusion, wondering how she came to that conclusion. Noticing this, she spoke.

"Arthur and I have similar thought processes, if I caused such a commotion, I'd leave it to mum to clean up after me.

There's a 99% chance Arthur would think the same way."

"The remaining 1%?"

"Me over estimating my knowledge of how my son acts."

"That's very unlikely."

She nodded in response, dropping her legs to the ground, she wore her shoes and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To go clean up after my son, what mother wouldn't?"

Hades sighed and picked up his hoodie before standing up,

"Hold on for a bit."

He held Cattleya back, fished out a comb from his subspace and began combing her unkempt hair.

"You've gotten used to this."

"You forced me to do this for nearly five centuries, it'd be weirder if I didn't."

She laughed lightly and turned to the two directors when he was done with her hair.

"Both of you, I was never here, okay?"

They both nodded in response. Seeing this Hades couldn't help but ask.

"What's the point?"

"I'm tryna avoid pops."


"Mhmm, mum's dad came back recently and was looking for me for something, been avoiding him for about a week now."

"Ohhh, the grand duchess' father, come to think of it I've never met him."

"He's the one who taught dad how to be a doting father."

"Ah...I really want to see that."

"Don't hope for it, he's nothing but a tsundere old man."

"Tsundere? What's that?"

"A term I heard last time I went over to one of the 'Earths', simply put, he acts all cold and temperamental, but is not-so-secretly a warm friendly dude."

While making that sort of small talk, the two walked out of the room, leaving the directors who finally sighed in relief.

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The Aftermath of the battle between Arthur and Owen resulted in many things.

Firstly, a few thousand students received harsh scolding from their respective teachers for missing classes.

Next, the main arena for the second year class A was damaged greatly, the barrier generators responsible for creating the barriers to protect the spectators were damaged greatly too. Even the backups were in a sorry state.

The connection to outside Kreiz was still down for some reason.

Many blogs and social media unique to Kreiz experienced multiple server crashes due to overload. Far too many people were discussing their ideas on the battle between Arthur and Owen at the same time that even the magically enhanced servers couldn't keep up.

One major point of discussion was Arthur's collection of Artifacts.

Many felt that Arthur possessed a little bit too many artifacts, however one of Layla's casual statements about Arthur hoarding artifacts for years shut them up.

Some also pointed out that there was no law that limited the number of artifacts one could own, and even if there was, Arthur was a prince, such a thing may not apply to him.

Another point of discussion was Arthur's strength, his statement during the battle revealed that he might not be a superior stage master anymore but an inferior stage grandmaster.

Of course, Arthur was still an intermediate stage grandmaster but no one knew that besides Layla, Cattleya and Hades.

Another point of doubt was Arthur's inability to use energy but there was no proof that he was able to use it either.

The person in question also denied being able to use energy and attributed his usage of aura and magic mid fight to his artifacts.

However, it's not like the spectators were all fools. Many had realized that there was some foul play at work in regards to the matter of Arthur being unable to use his energy

As for the divinity he used, when asked where he got a divine artifact, he simply replied.

"Who do you think my dad is?"

Of course, his father was the Olympian god Hades, one who probably possessed hundreds of thousands of divine artifacts, he could just suddenly decide to pick a few and give them to his son.

Finally, the crux of the matter.

Owen's involvement with Zach.

The fight was simply Arthur using Owen to stabilize his new realm of existence and to vent his frustrations due to the gaze he sensed on him that morning, but no one knew that.

The official reason Arthur gave, was that he was saddened by what happened to Zach and felt he should teach the mastermind a lesson.

For those who didn't know Arthur personally, they felt he was a benevolent prince who pitied the late Zach and sought justice for him, for those who knew Arthur, the understood one thing;

He was just bullshitting.

Bullshitting with a smile on his face. They could not say that out however as they could be charged for defaming a royal family member.

Actual proof of Owen and Zach's meetings, alongside Owen's meetings with the Marquis of Pearce was released.

Although Owen disguised himself most of the time and used a voice changer, it did not mean he could not be found out.

Especially after Zach contacted him on the day of the incident hoping to receive suppressants for his ever increasing bloodlust.

As the meeting happened on the academy grounds and Zach was under close watch on Arthur's orders, Owen's identity was discovered after he had left the meeting grounds.

There were photos of the meeting between the two, and photos of Owen burning the outfit he wore to meet Zach.

The voice changer artifact was also found among his possessions.

There were also various teleportation artifacts that had the locations of the various known meetings between Owen and the Marquis logged on them.

The Marquis had admitted to forcing Zach into being used as an experiment in monsterization magic he eventually planned to use himself.

However, he repeatedly claimed his other sons were all innocent or the matter.

As they were truly innocent, they suffered no punishment besides having their rank of Marquis taken away and being demoted to mere Baronets.

Among the Devildom's nobles, the baronets where the second lowest rank, only higher than the knights.

There were even some knights that were considered higher than baronets in certain cases.

As for the Mosley House, one of the branch houses under Mammon's grand duchy, it turned out that they had been involved in monsterization experiments for a while and many lesser nobles and royals had fallen to their hands as test subjects.

Their punishment; Execution.

The former marquis also faced the Executioners blade.

As for the grand duchy, they received a few warnings to watch their vassal houses. A lot of prestige was lost and would take years to recover, but Mammon was simply happy that Diablo didn't go any further with their punishments.

His trauma of Diablo ran deep after all.

All of the evidence release was handled by Cattleya as Arthur passed out for a little bit over a day due to over exerting himself.

Cattleya's words when he woke up made him not consider fighting anyone or anything for a very long while.

"Next time you pull something like this, imma seal your energy with your true name, am I clear Arthurius?"

"Yes mother."

Hades, who walked in on that conversation couldn't help but stare in shock for a few moments, till Arthur noticed him.

"Huh? Dad? Thought you were gonna be in Olympus for a while longer?"

"Your mother contacted me and told me something along the lines of 'Arthur was using the power of a law', do you really think I'd stay in Olympus for a while longer after hearing that?"

He then walked up to Arthur and placed a hand on his shoulder, light flashed in his eyes flashed for a moment and the look on his face turned grave.

"Anything wrong?"

"Not really, I don't really have the best memories of my father and knowing my son inherited his ridiculous affinity for time pisses me off slightly."


Arthur nodded in response, however Hades only said that just to fool Arthur.

'There's no doubt, he would be able to use it too.'

The thoughts he had on the day of Arthur's birth, seemed to have come true in the most unexpected of ways.

He sighed and turned to Cattleya who was fiddling on her phone. Sensing his gaze, she looked up at him and asked.

"You ready now?"


"Huh? Ready for what?"

Cattleya stood up and grabbed Arthur's right arm, Hades grabbed his left, and then the two pulled out the struggling Arthur from his room.

"Relax, we're going to have fun, just not on this planet."


Before Arthur could say 'Huh?' for the nth time today, Hades had already activated teleportation magic, taking both Arthur and Cattleya with him.

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