Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 86 - Day Out.

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Cattleya Vaughn, daughter of Devil King Diablo Vaughn, is the one who governs over the aspect of destruction in the Hell Universe.

To put it simply, of she were a god, she would be the god of destruction.

Of course, she had other lesser aspects that she governed over but those aren't important now.

Although she is a being called the 'Arch devil of destruction' and the 'strongest Leviathan', she is still one of the main entities of the Devilian Pantheon and princess of the Devildom.

Like every other main entity of the pantheon, she has a territory she rules over. Unlike popular belief that any territory under the control of the unpredictable Arch devil of destruction would be nothing to write home about, the Galaxy Cluster Cattleya rules, is far more developed than others.

"To put it mildly, it's far more technologically advanced than at least 90% of the other territories in the Devildom." Said Arthur, while performing a flat spin with a neon-green colored hover board.

"Remind me again Arthur, why are we playing with hover boards when we're supposed to be in school preparing for our tests?"

"Cus my mum dragged you and your parents with us as we were going on a trip."

Layla sighed in exasperation while slowly floating around on a hover board similar to Arthur's, just hers was blue, not green.

The academy was currently on a mid semester break, following the events of the previous week where Arthur publicly exposed and defeated the culprit behind the monsterization incident.

However, despite being a break, most students remained in school to prepare for the tests that would be given on the week of resumption.

Layla also planned to do the same as she had not given up her goal of beating Arthur in the academic rankings.

She returned home for a briefly to personally deal with a few things and came upon the scene of Cattleya 'persuading' her father to follow her on her trip to her Territory.

Apparently, Hades had some things he wished to find out from him as such, Cattleya went over to get him. She succeeded in coaxing Layla's mother, Iberis and upon Layla's arrival, she ended up being captured by Cattleya which resulted in her Father reluctantly agreeing to go.

Looking over to the restaurant at the edge of the ring they were in, Hades and Conrad Eryrth could be seen having a heated discussion about some important things she was not allowed to know.

'Its probably about the war that Arthur spoke about, seems his dad is trying to come up with a way to make Olympus and Hell stay out of it officially with My dad's help.'

Hades did not want war as there would he an influx of souls in the underworld due to the trillions of deaths that would occur, Diablo did not like war because he felt it was simply a waste of time.

Although their reasons were different, their goals were the same as such they agreed on finding a away to make their respective universe stay out of it, while making back up plans for the event they fail to achieve their goals.

Diablo had noticed something suspicious about the actions of a certain race that warranted his attention, as such he delegated matters to Grand Duke Eryrth, who had wanted to have the discussion in Aeturn.

Unfortunately, Hades was whisked away by a certain whimsical princess, who then came over to do the same to him, even going as far as to take his daughter 'hostage'.

While he knew that no harm would come to her, he simply couldn't let his daughter stay in the hands of the whimsical princess for too long so he ended up following.

That brings us to the current situation, where Cattleya and Iberis were over on another planet known for their spas and hot springs, and Hades was discussing important matters with the Grand Duke.

Leaving Arthur and Layla to themselves.

Layla's mother, who she knew to be the strictest being in existence, barred her from touching anything related to school for the period of a week much to Layla's shock.

Her reason was that Layla was overworking herself and needed to rest. Layla was too stunned to even tell her that a being on the superior stage of the master realm wouldn't get overworked from too much studying.

'Well, since I'm here, I might as well just enjoy it.'

Convincing herself with that, she walked up to Arthur who had challenged a few other nearby people in the ring to a race.

The track they picked was a medium length track called Guiana, there was a reverse track named Guiana 2.0 but they decided to leave that one for another day.

There were various rings along the track which the racers were required to collect, this alongside the stunts they performed and their race time were collated to form their final score.

It was a space themed track approximately 5km long sponsored by actual space based co-operations.

The leading sponsor of the track was a company called Noil, an interstellar multi-purpose conglomerate that specialized in aeronautics, advanced technologies, space exploration, weapons manufacturing and military defense.

The company was actually one of the many co-operations that existed in the territory Cattleya ruled, Albelion.

"You ready?"

"Ready when you are Phil."

Arthur's last match for the day was against a human boy named Phil, for the past few days, Arthur had challenged Phil many times but had never once defeated him.

It was a race where usage of magic or other energy, alongside usage of artifacts of any kind, was banned. Various artifact cancellers were installed at regular intervals along the race track.

It was all down to the competitor's skill with the hover board, to decide if they would win or lose.

"Ready? Set?"


The race began as the buzzing sound was heard from the speakers.

The start line was located near a rocket's Launchpad, the rocket was emblazoned with flags that had the crests of the Noil Conglomerate on it.

The two boys sped down the track, off the two ramps that allowed one to fly past the rocket. Though there was a high chance of crashing into it, the two displayed exceptional skill in navigating past it.

The two then entered into a hangar area with Arthur maintaining a narrow lead while trying to prevent Phil who was hot on his heels from overtaking him.

After exiting the hanger, they was a set of two intertwining roads inspired by an interchange road system where the racers could jump from one to the next.

It was a common wrecking place of when switching from the lower road to the higher road, one's hover board goes sideways and crashes between the road and the wall. 

Towards either side of this track section is an array of satellite dishes and observatory buildings.

The two performed flips in the air, collected a few rings and landed few seconds later, however the one in the lead was different.

"Phil's in the Lead!!"


"Go Arthur!"

The two continued on till they reached a ramp where they both performed a flat spin, with Arthur spinning three times and Phil, four.

They entered a long runway that eventually split into half.

This was where the tension was the highest as the biggest dangers of the race were here. Gigantic moving crawlers moving around randomly on the track, requiring the racers to maneuver around them.

Successfully evading the crawlers, Arthur picked as many rings as he could before ducking to avoid the hurdles that were placed as obstacles.

Phil, on the other side of the runway, moved off on a curved ramp and performed five barrel rolls, shocking most of the spectators.

Eventually, the two moved into a small jungle where they encountered another rocket. At this point, the two were tied as they were preventing each other from taking the lead.

There was a ramp right in front of the launching rocket, this required them to move off the ramp and dodge the rocket.

Landing, they continued on a straight road, eventually finishing the race with record breaking times.

◇ ◇ ◇


"Are you kidding me??!"

Arthur and Phil's voices filled with shock rang out at the same time.

The former was shocked as he believed this to be the time he finally beat Phil.

As for Phil, he was shocked that Arthur actually managed to catch up to him and break his previous record.

"I'm sure I would eventually win, but I have to leave here tomorrow."

"You finally remembered you have tests in two days?"

"Huh? They're starting in two days?"

Layla face palmed after hearing Arthur's question, however Phil and the others laughed at this.

"Dude really? You don't even know when the tests are."

"No biggie, I'm still gonna be first in my year anyway."

"So much confidence..."

"Of course, I'm a genius after all. She can testify to that."

Arthur replied while pointing towards Layla who had given up on him entirely.

"See you next time I'm over here, as for the track, I should probably tell mum to get it upgraded so the race could be more fun next time."

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