Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 90 - A Dark Future?

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"Oh please Master, would you really listen to the words of this plebeian. 

You're just the end result of a failed experiment, what gave you the right to act so high and mighty, Master only tool you in because be felt sorry for you, if anything is to be thrown in the trash it should be you."

To the two girls who were spotting out words filled with thorns to each other, in dream Arthur only replied.

"You two are so close."

""We're obviously not!""

'They're obviously not!'

Both Arthur and the two girls voiced out immediately, however in dream Arthur just chuckled lightly for a while, before finally speaking words that normal Arthur would consider very ominous.

"I hope the peaceful days like this will continue forever."

And it seems he wasn't the only one who thought that way.

"Lord Arthur, that's a flag."

"Master, that's a flag."

The two bickering girls instantly retorted the same thing, however the two also seemed to share the same sentiments.

"It would truly be wonderful if everything could remain peaceful."

"Yes, and i would be able to spend all day staring into Master's red and blue eyes, that would be bliss."

"You really have strange tastes, scrap metal."

"I am simply admiring what I consider beautiful, how can you not understand that, failed experiment." 

While the two were bickering, Arthur was thinking about something else.

'Red and blue eyes? Just like those giant stars, are my eyes going to change colour eventually?'

However, he could not complete those thoughts because the scenery suddenly changed.

He found himself down on one knee, barely supporting himself with a broken gold and black sword. The outline of the blade looked familiar but he did not have the time to dwell on it.

'Is that, silver blood?'

He was in a small pool of silver, at first he wondered where it came from, but seeing more silver dripping out of the cuts on his arm, he instantly realised it was blood.

'I know some gods bleed gold, but I've never heard of any bleeding silver.'

"Lord Arthur! 

Please don't, don't do this, I'm begging you.

Please, NO!"

He heard the black haired girl's voice that seemed to be pleading with him, his arm was then raised and he felt an enormous amount of energy, a type of energy he remembered to have sensed only three times in very small amounts throughout his life.

'I can sense the energy?! Isn't this too real for a dream?!'

With the sound of something being zipped shut, the sound of the black haired girl's voice disappeared.

Forcing himself to stand up, in dream Arthur looked at the broken sword in silence as it shattered into more pieces and faded away. 

Before it did, he heard a voice in his head, it was the voice of the cheerful blonde.

[You'd find me again won't you, my dear Master.]

Before he could dwell on the words he heard, he felt his blood run cold as another voice spoke.

This time it was a deep voice, one of a man, each word sent chills down his spine.

--Why. Do. You. Fight. Knowing. It. Is. Futile.-- 

Arthur looked up in front of him but all he could see was red, the skies were red, the ground was red from being soaked in the blood of countless beings.

Hills of corpses were piled up around him, in front of him was a dark silhouette with a humanoid form, on its head glowed two red dots where its eyes were supposed to be, a thin line right above its chin, where its mouth was supposed to be.

One of its hands was slightly stretched out to the side, in it, Arthur could see something glowing. It looked like a giant shard of broken glass and was shining with a bright light.

The thin line on the face of the dark silhouette slightly opened up and more words were spoken.

--Accept. Your. End. For. It. Is.... Inevitable.--

And then, everything went black.

◇ ◇ ◇

Arthur woke up with a start, he felt cold sweat from all over his body, jumping out of his bed, he ran to the dressing mirror he had recently installed and looked at himself in it.

'It changed again.'

His left eye, was blue.

'Damn, even if I have affinity for all elements, I don't think the law of time should be affecting me this much.

It's clearly not normal for me to be having dreams of the future when I haven't even comprehended half of the basic law yet.'

He ended up punching the mirror in a fit of rage, shattering the reinforced glass completely.

His fist was as one would expect, totally unscathed. He was an intermediate stage grandmaster that could hold his own against half step legendries, it was only normal that he received no cuts just by breaking a mirror that was nearly 10 inches thick.

Arthur felt like flipping over everything he saw, however even if he did so he would still be angry.

'If that was really my future, does that mean that I would one day end up battling some kind of existence that would reduce me to such a state.

Even with an enormous quantity of that obviously superior type of energy at my disposal?!

What sort of f*cked up future is that?!'

He was pacing around his room while pulling at the hair on his head due to stress.

'No, let's calm down.

How sure am I that it's my future?

It may not be, it might just be a possibility.

Yes, a possible future, not one set in stone.

If that's the case I can change it, yes I should be able to.'

He walked up to his cupboard and opened it up, he then began searching for a certain bag he was given nearly four years ago.

Finding it, he pulled out something from inside, a grey gem.

That was a memory gem, a gem that one could transfer memories that they wished to pass on to others inside. Just by channelling your energies into it, you would be able to open it up and view the memories within, if there are no requirements, that is.

'This thing's requirement is not something Alexia should have met, so how did she have this.

Thinking about it logically, there's only one way she could have had this. 

She must have been given the crystal by the one who has the memories sealed within.

After all, the requirement is to possess an 'Annihilation', in that case, there's only one person who could have given this to her-


Arthur theorized the memories contained within the crystal were those of his ancestor, the previous devil king Lucifer who Alexia claimed to had been friends with.

The crystal was one of the other things in the bag that she gave him alongside the law crystal, he just never noticed it early as he was bewildered by the presence of the law crystal.

Viewing the memories in the crystal once again, he walked over to one of his tables and picked up a file. Opening it, he confirmed the contents were similar to the memories and sighed.

'I wanted to put it off until I regained full control over my energies but after seeing that future I've come to a realization.

I have to get stronger faster, but I need time. 

To reach the level I sensed myself in that dream at, who knows how many millions or billions of years it would take.

Mom said I was even more of a genius than she is, so I should expect to reach her level in less than ten thousand years but it's not enough, so I have no other choice but to use this.'

He gripped the crystal tightly as he thought about its contents.

'The Crystal realm's 'rain of crystals' will help find the first key.

The second key is to not be a deity.

The last key is to be a sub-cosmic.

I might have found the first, I definitely have the second, but I don't understand what the third is.

I feel dad and grandpa might know but they won't tell me.

Even so, I have to know, I have to find out.

After all the three keys are the conditions to cast the spell in this crystal, the forbidden spell, created by the most powerful Devil King in the history of the Hell Universe.'

The spell had to be used in tandem with another spell so that the ones around the user would not notice its visible physical effects.

The spell was one that sped up any and everything about the user, ranging from movement speed, to thought speed. It even influenced their growth and speed at which they increased in existence level.

The speed of law comprehension was not out of its range of influence. Naturally, for such a spell, there must be some side effects, but Arthur considered them negligible.

He looked at another set of files that contained the information on a certain star system in the Crystal realm, ones he received from Phil.

'I'd go over there after the meeting, if it's a hit, then I would have met two of the conditions to cast it.'

The forbidden spell Lucifer created;

'The Third Magic: Existence Acceleration.'

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