Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 91 - Student Council Meeting

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The mini-sports tournament organized for the second year students was something that the body that governs most of student only affairs in the school planned; 

The student council.

The council consisted of the class and assistant representatives of every class in every year, the president is selected by an election that is usually held every two years.

The current student council president is a 5th year Lion beastkin lesser prince named Raylan Brock. 

His family ruled a small galaxy that was under the territory of one of the Dukes of the Devildom. When he was in his second and third years, he was the vice president for the student council, in his fourth year, he was elected as president and was currently serving his last few months of his tenure.

As the vice president, he held a great degree of authority and he used this to his advantage when he brought up the idea of the mini sports festival for the second year students.

It was an event much like the other school festivals. However, this one was supposed to be done when one was in their second year.

When bringing up the idea to the directors, he told them that the sports festival was aimed to prepare most of the students for their realm expeditions in their fourth years.

It was a quite sloppy excuse and the directors obviously noticed this but chose to let it go and approved the mini-sports festival for the top 1000 second years. 

Despite being an event where only the top 1000 were allowed to participate in, the turnout rate was surprisingly high.Most also took it as an unofficial visitation day.

◇ ◇ ◇

"..Is how things have been for the past three years but it seems that there may be some changes this year."

The student council had meetings every Friday at the conference hall of the student council building, located right next to the Senate building of the academy.

The Senate building was where the offices of the 'big ten' directors were located, and also where most administrative affairs were handled.

The conference hall in the student council building was large enough to contain thousands. The seats were arranged spirally, with two seats for the class representative and the assistant from each class.

There was a microphone in front of each set of seats so in an event where the one seated had to speak, they would not have to worry about their voice not being heard across the large hall.

In front of the hall, was the table where ten student council executives sat. The president in the middle, the treasurer and secretary to his left.

Then vice president was on the right. As for the other executives, the sat on the other sides of the U-shaped table.

The student council president, Raylan, had just finished giving a brief history on how the mini sports festival for the second years came to be and informed them that there would be a change.

"The change won't be temporary, there's a high chance of it becoming permanent."

He held his head and sighed in exasperation before murmuring to himself.

"Turning it into a normal school festival.

Or would it be a second year festival? Visitation day?

How am I gonna appease the other classes."

However everyone ended up hearing his murmurs loud and clear. One of the class representatives then addressed the elephant in the room.

"Why the sudden change?"

"I received a request I could not ignore, that's the last thing we'd talk about today. 

Since not everyone is here, we'd have to wait for a while before we begin the meeting."

"Not everyone is here?"

"I thought we had confirmed we were all present after the attendance was taken?"

Murmurs could be heard across the hall from the various class representatives.

The representative of the Second year Class A, Layla, looked beside her and realised something different.

'There's an empty seat.'

The assistant representative, Nicole, was seated to her right, yet there was an empty seat on her left. One she was sure definitely wasn't there during the last meeting.

After a few moments of wondering, she finally arrived at what might have been the reason for the extra seat. As soon as the thought came to her, she spoke towards Raylan.

"Pres, the person who's not here yet, it couldn't be?"

"It's exactly who you think Lady Layla."

Raylan nodded in affirmation while speaking, his ears then twitched suddenly and he continued.

"Seems he's already here."

Majority of the hall turned towards the main door to catch a glimpse of the person who made the student council president wait for him before beginning the meeting.

The door opened and they were greeted with the appearance of a silver haired boy answering a phone call, a boy they all recognized.

He wore the white uniform of the high-ranking knights, with black and gold colours as contrast. A black mantle with red lining was draped over one shoulder. 

Just beneath his bangs were eyes of dark obsidian, an elegantly straight nose, and a pair of thin lips. All came together…perfectly. He had a light smile on his face, but the words he spoke were the farthest things from 'light'.

"Then that planet is done for. I'm kind of busy now, we'd talk about what we're gonna do with the rest of the star system later."

He cut the call after saying those ominous words and looked around him before saying,

"Huh? You're all here already, and i thought I was early."

Casually strolling over to where Layla was seated on the fourth row, he took a seat beside her like it was natural. Looking around once again, he noticed that most of the people in the hall were giving him strange looks.

"What? Why's everyone looking at me funny? You too Layla?"

"It can't be helped when you say such dangerous words the moment you get here, and why are you even here?"

"Cus I have a suggestion, and your president accepted my suggestion. So I came over to hear the specifics and see if there's anything else needed if my suggestion were to be taken up."

It was then that the members of the student council snapped out of their shock at Arthur's words and finally connected the dots.

'So it was the prince who suggested the changes.'

Arthur, who just answered the question Layla asked on behalf of the other class representatives, turned to Raylan and said.

"You guys can have your regular meeting, we'd talk about that later."

He then looked over at Nicole, who was seated on Layla's left and waved, to which she gave a light smile and waved back.

Of course, this earned him a glare from Layla.

Raylan cleared his throat awkwardly and began the discussion of actual student council matters, while Arthur just played on his phone.

◇ ◇ ◇

'It's been almost an hour now, are these meetings usually this long, thank goodness i wasn't class representative.'

Arthur was sending looks of pity towards Layla who had to endure these long boring meetings every Friday, even more so when nothing being discussed in the meeting had anything to do with her.

'Well, that's expected, the academy has hundreds of thousands of students, I hear the new first years alone are nearly 100,000. That's nearly ten times our year, was the exam super easy this year or something?

Student council meetings are gonna get longer, meaning less time with Layla, so I might have to think of a way to pull her out of it in the future.'

While Layla, was attentively listening to the matters being discussed, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

'Arthur's definitely planning something. Something i won't like!'

She turned to glare at him, and was met with a mischievously grinning Arthur. The suddenly, he began frowning. 

While she was wondering the reason for his abrupt change in expression, Arthur was clicking his tongue internally.

'Tsk...Didn't expect to remember that now.'

As he was thinking of how he was going to pull Layla out of the student council in the future, he couldn't help remember the dream he had this morning.

'That black silhouette, just what sort of existence was it? 

And the fragment of light it was holding too? Was that a source of power? Some kind of futuristic weapon?'

As he was theorizing on its identity, he thought of the other two people he met in the dream.

'That black haired girl, just what did in-dream me do to her? She seemed to have been crying at the time.

And lastly, that sword. 

It was definitely that blonde chick. Swords that have human forms are rare, even among ego weapons.

Just how powerful was she? And to think such a powerful weapon was shattered.

Come to think of it, the weapon felt familiar, like I'd seen it before.' 

Frantically searching his memory, he realised where he saw a weapon with a similar outline.

'The runes!

The sword was broken, but the runes that were on it, looked just like that!'

He held up his hand and looked at the black and gold dot at the back of his palm. Remembering the name he saw on the sword, he spoke internally.


[Yes, master.]


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