Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 92 - Celestia

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'The runes!

The sword was broken, but the runes that were on it looked just like that!'

He held up his hand and looked at the black and gold dot at the back of his palm. Remembering the name he saw on the sword, he spoke internally.


[Yes, master.]


He was stunned that the sword replied to him, however he was even more so due to what happened next.

With a bright light that caught the attention of most people around him, a semi-transparent blade appeared in his stretched out hand.

As for those who saw it, they all backed away instinctively. Rather than being scared of the reason Arthur suddenly summoned a weapon, they were more scared of the fact that they had seen that sword once emit divinity, something most of the students in the room, being devils, were incompatible with.


"Your highness?"

Layla and Raylan called out to Arthur who was dumbfoundedly staring at the sword, it was then he finally remembered the place he was and apologized.

"Ah, my bad. Sorry about that.

Was a mistake, didn't expect the sword to get summoned when I just randomly thought of its name."

He then unsummoned the weapon and apologized again.

Raylan just sighed and motioned to the vice president to continue his speech.

Meanwhile Arthur was shocked out of his wits.


[Yes, master?]

'You can talk?'


It was apparent he was still shocked seeing as he was asking obvious questions. Calming himself down, he then spoke to the blade, with his thoughts of course.

'Since when could you talk?'

[Since master was talking to that scary black haired man on the....roof?]

'Scary black haired man on the roof…that's my dad!'

[Master's father? He has scary energy, scary but familiar. Master saw it too.]

'I saw it?'

He was initially confused, however, upon remembering his last words to Hades that night, he realised what the sword was talking about.

'I see, anyway. Why couldn't you talk before?'

[Master, too weak. Me, incomplete.]

'I'm gonna ignore the part about me being too weak, that's a sore spot for me currently.

The talk about you being incomplete, what's that all about?'

[Not sure, feel incomplete, parts missing.]

'Parts huh? How many parts?'

[Incomplete memory, cannot recall. However, at least 5.]

'Hmmm...Can you sense your parts if you get close to them.'

[Yes, I can.]

'Good, so, um...what gender are you? I am gonna need to know so I can decide how to refer to you.'



[Pouts in dissatisfaction]

Arthur could not help but laugh lightly at the sword's way of expressing its emotions.

'So a female then?'

[Obviously, my voice should be enough for you to tell.]

'Sorry Celestia, there are these things called 'traps', just needed to be sure.'


Hearing the genuine curiosity in her voice, Arthur felt that he would be committing some sort of crime if he told her the answer she was seeking.

With that weird feeling in him, he continued asking the sword questions, while acting like he was playing on his phone.

◇ ◇ ◇

At a certain point in the chaotic void, billions of light years away from the hell universe, a being who was floating around in space, stopped their movements and looked at a certain direction.

The being was dressed in all black, with a hood above their head obscuring their face from sight.

Two dots, glowing in an iridescent light could be seen from inside the hood as the being stared towards the direction of a certain universe.

||For. Balance.||

The being spoke those two words, their gender being indiscernible from their voice, before turning around to the gigantic rift that was in front of them.

Entering into that rift, the being drifted away, into the cosmos far beyond.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Now then, for the suggestion his highness gave regarding the mini sports festival for the second year."

"Huh? It's my turn already? Just gimme a second."

Arthur held up a hand and gestured for Raylan to wait, before speaking to the sword.

'I'd ask you the rest later.'

[Okay, Master, I'm going to sleep.]

'Yeah yeah, sleep tight. You would explain why you keep calling me 'master's when you wake up.'

[But Master is master though?]

'Later, not now.'

He dropped his phone and looked up, clearing his throat lightly before finally speaking.

"So, about the second year sports festival, or was it a mini sports festival?

Whatever, so regarding that, I felt it was too boring and decided to change the format"

"Boring you say? How so?"

Arthur turned to the one who asked that, he held his hand on his chin while wearing a pensive look on his face.



"Ah! Year 3 Class D2's representative right?"


The student who was interrupted, was shocked that Arthur was able to discern his identity so quickly, paying this no mind, Arthur continued speaking.

"I don't know about you, but to me it was boring as f*ck. At least last year's festival was.

So I decided, why not make it more Interesting?

To achieve that, I made the suggestion of the mini sports festival, to become an official school festival.

Of course, the second year exclusive sports events would still be there, I even have a few events I want to add, ones that would warrant the participation of more than just the top 1000.

I saw this thing called a 'cultural festival' when I went over to my mum's territory a few weeks ago.

The specifics are in the file I gave to your president over there.

I wanted the academy to hold something similar to these cultural festivals, but not exactly like them.

However, there would be events that all classes of all years can participate in, isn't that good?"

A lot of students began seriously considering Arthur's proposal, riding that momentum, Arthur continued speaking.

"All this is gonna happen over the span of two or three days, and as for the final day, there'd be an evening ball.

To be more specific, various evening balls and various parties all over the campus. Students should feel free to attend whichever one they want to.

All academics should be suspended for that week too.

On the last day, the teachers and other authoritative staff should not be within school grounds so we students can have as much fun as we want without being bugged by the teachers.

Cool, right?"

The suggestion was a bit vague in some parts, but many of the class representatives present found themselves agreeing with it.

Some were jealous that only the second years got to take part in such an event, mostly the sixth years who never had the chance to have one as the mini sports festival was introduced when they were third years.

However, some did not agree with it, for various reasons. One of those against it was the student council treasurer.

"Your highness, although your suggestion is wonderful. It would not be possible for various reasons."

"Oh really? Do tell. That's why I'm here after all."

Clearing his throat, the treasurer replied.

"First of all, the matter of the academy staff not being on school grounds, such a thing is impossible as there are some areas that need to be manned by some staff, 24/7."

Arthur nodded in affirmation, he looked around the hall and asked.

"Anyone with an idea on how to solve that, before I give mine?"

"Umm...it's quite simple, if the staff must really not be present for the parties or balls, isn't it enough to just get them to steer clear of those areas.

The stuff that needs manning can be taken up by students who want to, not that there's much that needs that though."

"As for the locations, each class has an auditorium assigned to them, there are teleportation gates there too. We could just use those."

Two class representatives from other classes replied to Arthur's words.

"Year 5 class C and year 3 class E9... Thanks for your follow ups."

Arthur then turned to the treasurer and spoke.

"You heard them, solutions for the problems have been given.

As for how they would be implemented, leave that to me.

So what's the next problem?"

The treasurer looked over to where the students who replied were seated, after writing a few things on his notebook, he spoke.

"The extra events you wanted to add, we need to know what these events are so we can find out if they'd be safe for the students."

"Oh, those? I'm gonna send a whole list of them.

There'd be sporting and non-sporting events.

For the sporting, we could have stuff like a battle royale? Everyone is gonna have sacrificial artifacts.

There would be some obstacle races too, with very interesting 110% safe obstacles.

I assure you, no harm would come to the participants, it's gonna reflect badly on me If anyone gets hurt after all."

The mischievous grin on Arthur's face made Raylan begin to have second thoughts on accepting Arthur's suggestion.

'But I'd need a proper reason, most of the representatives are already on board so it'd be hard to reject it now.


He turned to the treasurer and nodded, the treasurer then spoke of the last problem, one he believed Arthur would not be able to solve.

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