Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 93 - Bizzare Phone Call

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"The last issue I have is the budget. It took nearly 3 months to get the directors to approve the current mini sports festival, even so the budget we were allocated was barely enough.

For your suggestion, the budget needed would be nearly 5 times more. What are you gonna do about that?"

"Huh? I can fund it myself if that's the problem."

For Arthur, funding a school festival was not an issue for him, he had lots of money at his disposal.

Enough to fund the festival three times over and he'd still have enough left. This was just his personal money, not counting the amount he receives from Cattleya monthly, or the amount he gains for simply being a royal family member.

And definitely not the amount he had swindled from various casino managers over the years.

Unfortunately, there was a school rule that prevented him from funding the event personally.

"The Royal academy rule book, Article 784, Sub Article 39.

'Under no circumstances should any and every student regardless of status, use personal funds for the sake of an event that involves other students on academy territory.'

This was put in place to prevent students from starting up weird events and funding them personally in case they did not receive funding from the school."

And Arthur's reaction was as one would expect.

"Bullshit rules like that were made to be broken."

The treasurer, who had expected this answer, calmly replied.

"In that case, the student council cannot accept your suggestions as it would be breaking a school rule."

Arthur stared at the treasurer for a few moments before laughing loudly. 

"On a normal day, I would have chosen to argue this out with you but lucky for you, today happens to be a day where I'm quite busy."

He then pulled out his phone and dialled a number, putting it on loudspeaker so everyone could hear it.

"Arthur, are you perhaps trying to abuse your authority?"

Layla who had been silent all this while suddenly asked. Arthur however, shook his head and replied.

"Doing that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I really don't want the event I suggested to be forced.

I won't enjoy watching that at all. 

So I decided to call in a favour, nothing much, it'd be completely legal, I think."

"You think? And what do you mean 'won't enjoy watching'? Are you really not participating?"

"Yes I'm no-"

Before he could finish speaking, the person he called finally answered.

"We'd talk about this later."

He put his phone on loudspeaker before holding it up and speaking in a loud voice.

"Hey, Uncle Creusery!"

Nearly half the students in the hall raised shocked voices, they did not expect Arthur to call the crown prince of the Devildom.

The treasurer wanted to stop him but he did not dare interrupt the crown prince.

[Ah Arthur, good timing.]

"Huh? What's wrong?"

[Mind telling your mother to stop using me as her training dummy for the weird martial arts she picked up from who knows what universe?]

"Mum's there too?"

{Hey, Arthur, how are you doing.}

Hearing Cattleya's voice, many were stunned as they did not expect her to be with Creusery at the moment, many began to think that the matter of the school festival wasn't worth the attention of two of the Royal family's members and main entities of the Devilian pantheon.

"I'm fine mum, can you let go of uncle Creusery for a moment, I got something important to ask him about."

{Okay! Hey, Arthur has something to ask you.}

After a small pause, Creusery's voice could be heard once again.

[Just leave already, Leya.

So Arthur, you had something to ask.]

"Yeah, so remember that bet we made, when you said I would not be able to learn 'sword of victory' before my third year?"

[You still remember that?]

"Honestly I just did.

Have you seen the videos trending online for the past few weeks? 

Lots of them show me, using 'sword of victory', three times.

I win the bet, you owe me one"

[Tsk...But you used an aura augmenter.]

"Of course I did, I can't use my own aura after all.

Anyway, I need you to help me with something."

He then narrated the current situation to him and how he was not allowed to fund the festival on his own.

[There was such a rule?]

"Apparently there is."

[Oh, wow.

Anyway, you basically want me to get the directors to give an appropriate budget, right?]


[You do know the academy is under Duke Tikan's jurisdiction.]

"And Duke Tikan is under your jurisdiction."

Creusery could not help but sigh in exasperation.

[Fine, I would mention it to them. Under one condition.]


[You get the honest, I repeat, the 'honest', support of more than 70% of the student body.]

"70%!? That's an f*ck ton!"

[If you cannot get it, then forget about the event.]

"Tsk...Fine. You still owe me a favour though."

[Huh? Why wou-]

Arthur cut the call before Creusery could continue speaking. He looked at the treasurer and spoke.

"So you heard that right? I'm gonna put up a poll with the specifics of the event and post it on my school forum account. 

That's the fastest way to get the support needed."

Arthur's words made the treasurer, who was still stunned that Arthur dared cut the crown prince off during a call, to finally regain himself.

"W-wait, your highness, you can't just do that."

"Ohh, 5 votes already. Tsk...Two people voted against."

Hearing Arthur's words, many took out their phones and searched the school forum.

A poll asking about the event, alongside a brief explanation of the additions to it, was already up.

The votes were also increasing in real time as many students shared their opinions on it.

"Forget it, you should know how many fans he has, now that it's out there, if we still object it, we would face major backlash from the students."

Raylan stopped the treasurer who was about to voice out his disagreement.

"Worry not, I'd participate in the planning when it actually begins.

I'd also like to be the MC for a few events too."

Arthur spoke to Raylan before grabbing Layla's hand and pulling her out of the hall.

"I'm gonna borrow her for a moment, she'd be right back."

◇ ◇ ◇

"Care to explain why you just dragged me out of a student council meeting?"

"Nothing serious. Just wanted to inform you that I was gonna leave the academy in a few minutes.

I left some stuff back in my room, a few assignments I hadn't uploaded yet.

If I'm not back in three days, upload them for me please."

"Wait wait wait! You're leaving the academy, why?"

Arthur frowned at Layla's question before answering in a slightly cold tone.

"I'm gonna go deal with something important, don't ask anymore."

Layla was shocked at Arthur's tone, she could tell that he was really angry. 

'I think it's best I change the topic now.'

"Okayyy ...so why are you wearing the knight's uniform?"

Although Arthur realised she was blatantly changing the topic, he smiled and went on with it.

'This is one of the reasons why I like her, she knows when to stop.'

He spread out his arms and replied to her question.

"This is the new uniform for the 278th knights brigade, the general design looked cool for me so I decided to have it customized.

Ordered a few hundred sets with about a dozen different designs."

"What a waste... it's not like you're gonna wear them all."

"I'm definitely gonna wear them all, one day and I'd have time through all of them in a few....years?"

"A few years? Do you really think you're going to still fancy this design by then?"

"…..Good point"

Arthur put his hand on his chin and thought about it for a moment.

'She's right, I would most likely dislike the design after a few months, not to talk of years.'

He then thought about the place he was headed to and what he was going to do there before heaving a sigh.

'I'm gonna be needing a whole lot of clothes to change in and out of.

I should remind Lute to bring all the teams over, we might excavate a huge core this time, and I hope it's a hit. 

That way I can begin the search for the third key or whatever it means to be 'sub cosmic'.

Should I try asking dad? He's more likely to tell me than grandpa.'

Arthur smiled brightly at the prospect of getting all the answers he needed before pulling out his phone and making a call. Seeing this Layla sighed.

'He seems to be back to normal, I wonder what pissed him off so much.'

"Gotta go now, see you in three days at most."

As he said that, Lute, who was hidden, materialized himself, slightly stunning Layla.

He bowed slightly towards Layla, then he activated teleportation magic and with a flash of light, both he and Arthur had vanished.

◇ ◇ ◇

Hey Y'all

It's your friendly neighbourhood Author here.

So i just updated the auxiliary chapter; [Realms\\\\Ranks\\\\Levels\\\\Energies\\\\Laws(SPOILER ALERT!)]

I added a little bit of info about the tiering of magic and the likes. I also changed the Nature of the 'True Name' concept that was introduced earlier in the novel.

Check it out so as not to be confused in the later chapters.

I might end up incorporating it into later chapters but till then, it's best you check out the auxiliary chapter.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to you continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!

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