After Ma Feng returned to his residence, he summarized all the situations today and sent them to Tang Guosheng in an encrypted form.

It doesn't matter whether the Qiu family colluded with the beast or not, because even if Tang Guosheng knew the inside story, he would not make it public!

It's mainly aimed at the people arranged by the beast.

This is the top priority!

What's more, the beast doesn't know where they are now, and the headquarters doesn't know even more. Besides, no one knows whether these people are on the western front or in the headquarters!

This hidden danger is too big, and no matter where the other party is, the situation that occurs is unacceptable to them.

Compared with the undercover agents of Daxia, the undercover agents of the beast are more relaxed. They don't contact unless it's a big deal, and the beasts have a long life, so they can not contact for decades!

You have to know that the other party may have reached an extremely dangerous position in the past few decades!

At the same time.


Ye Liuyun was ready to go and got on the car arranged by Zhao Hai. He actually didn't have much feelings for No. 1 Middle School.

After all, he had never attended a class there!

But, it was indeed here that he could be seen by so many people. If he took the exam in his original school, his achievements might also be shocking, but it would take at least two years to enter the eyes of these people!

Return the favor!

As they gradually approached No. 1 Middle School, more and more people came. Both sides of the road were crowded with students. This scene really shocked Ye Liuyun.

He is not a star...

The driver held the steering wheel excitedly. The three words Ye Liuyun have unknowingly become the business card of Quancheng.

As the car entered No. 1 Middle School.

The leaders of the Education Bureau and the school leaders of No. 1 Middle School led by Zhao Hai were waiting neatly at the school gate.


Zhao Hai went over and opened the car door.

Ye Liuyun tidied his clothes and walked out.

Instantly, applause and screams were heard everywhere.

Ye Liuyun waved his hand.

The scene was somewhat exaggerated.

"General Ye, I am..."

"General Ye..."

Voices were heard.

Ye Liuyun shook hands with everyone. To be honest, he didn't remember any of their names. He just saw that the previous principal of No. 1 Middle School seemed to have gone to the Education Bureau.

However, there were too many people, and he couldn't talk at all. Finally, Ye Liuyun couldn't help it and pulled Zhao Hai in front of him.

"Uncle Zhao, let's go to the auditorium as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes, this way..."

Zhao Hai led Ye Liuyun, and a group of big men followed behind them.

The crowds along the way were so crowded that it was impossible to get through.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people.

Ye Liuyun still underestimated his influence in Quancheng.

It's too exaggerated.

After entering the auditorium, he was the center of attention. Two or three people were stacked on one seat. Those who could sit here were either geniuses from No. 1 Middle School or had connections.

Ye Liuyun followed Zhao Hai's lead and came to the first row of leadership seats.

The students behind him screamed and cheered crazily.

"So handsome! The youngest general of Daxia——"

"Senior Ye Liuyun is really more handsome than in the photo. I really want to marry him..."

"Ah! Baby, what about me..."


It can only be said that Ye Liuyun has integrated the idol of boys and the dream of girls. General, genius, these words are like a crown on Ye Liuyun's head.

A child of destiny!

Soon after the host's introduction, Ye Liuyun stood up and came to the podium. He talked about some things and cases that were in line with the theme!

After all, sharing his own path is completely unrepeatable, otherwise he would not be so popular.

He spoke for about half an hour.

It's time for the second part.

Questions and answers.

Ye Liuyun stood on the podium and looked at the first student who was called up.

She is currently the one with the highest score in the simulated combat in Quancheng No. 1 Middle School.

"Hello, Senior Ye Liuyun, I would like to ask you if there is any way for us to be less nervous when facing the beast..."

She had no problem in the simulation!

But when she really saw the beast, she couldn't help but panic in her heart, which led to her actual combat several times without very good results.

Her question was relatively useful, and everyone cast their eyes over.

Ye Liuyun looked at the girl and nodded slightly, "Regarding this aspect, because everyone's psychological quality is different, your situation is also different!


What I want to tell you is that a beast will not be nervous when it bites your kind, nor will it be nervous when it slaughters your family!

Tens of thousands of people die at the hands of beasts every day on the front line. Fear is a physiological reaction, and what you need to do is to forcefully overcome this reaction!

And I also suggest that our students from Quancheng No. 1 Middle School can collectively go to the front line to experience life!

When you really see the hell on earth, you will find that your fear is insignificant! "

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, the girl thanked him and sat down.

She basically understood what Ye Liuyun meant.

Using anger to resist fear is also a method!

"Senior Ye Liuyun, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Don't ask such boring questions anymore!"

"Senior Ye Liuyun, you are the fastest graduating student at Guowu University. What realm have you reached now?"

Hearing his question.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, "Asking about my realm with your current realm will not benefit you, but will only add to your boredom. ! "

A boy was a little unconvinced.

"I have been specially recruited by Guowu and have reserved a place in advance. Senior Liuyun, isn't it enough to ask now?"

Ye Liuyun shook his head, "Here you see me like a frog in a well looking up at the moon, when you arrive at Guowu, you will see me like a mayfly seeing the blue sky!"

The arrogant aura made the students in the entire auditorium burst into extremely high enthusiasm.

"Don't worry about others, be yourself, practice hard, and serve Daxia!"

Ye Liuyun glanced at the boy.

Students of Guowu School? It's hard for him to see him at ordinary times. His younger brother Ye Xiong is famous in Guowu.

"Senior Liuyun, I would like to ask, how can ordinary students like us be better than those geniuses like you! "

A boy stood up and spoke, causing the entire venue to fall silent!

Ye Liuyun looked at the other person's resolute and unyielding face and shook his head slightly. This showed that he had the experience of a protagonist but not the fate of a protagonist!

"Classmate, I can't answer you this, but I can only say that we should work hard, but we shouldn't work hard for this purpose!

Our goal is not to suppress anyone, but to drive out the beasts and defend Daxia!

If he is stronger than you, then the beasts he faces are also stronger than you.

The risk is also higher!

You deal with your first-level beasts, and he deals with his ninth-level beasts. Essentially, there is no difference between you! You are all defending Daxia!"

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