The speech was very profound.

"General Ye's speech is very profound. We will read General Ye's words repeatedly before every meeting in the future!"

The leaders of the Education Bureau echoed each other.

Ye Liuyun sighed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough.

He was in such a position that even a fart would smell good.

He just answered the question because he remembered the words of a famous TV series in his previous life.

In fact, it was just nonsense to put it bluntly.

But from top to bottom, everyone felt that it was of great significance.

After leaving school, Ye Liuyun was ready to go home.

On the way, he received a call from Tang Guosheng.

One is to discuss with Ye Liuyun. The dragon king on the western front is very interested in him and has issued an order within the beast.

Prepare to capture him back.

So Tang Guosheng asked Ye Liuyun whether he would consider changing to another front to serve as the inspection team and chief of staff.

After all, the strength of the dragon king is not much different from Wang Mang.

Listening to Tang Guosheng's voice, Ye Liuyun on the other side of the phone smiled.

"No need, Mr. Tang, I think I am quite compatible with the western front, just stay there, don't move!"

If he retreats when he is in danger, he might as well grow sweet potatoes at home.

Wait until he reaches the ninth level before going out.

It wants to find me, and I want to kill him!

How many beast points are rewarded for killing a ninth-level beast is almost unimaginable.

Of course, not now, he still has a general understanding of his own strength.

Tang Guosheng on the other side of the electric ring chuckled.

He had already anticipated the other party's thoughts.

"Then I will announce the second thing. You may need to leave for the western front recently. The headquarters has locked on six people sent by the beasts to lurk on the front line.

These people are in high positions and are distributed in various units at the front line. You will capture them and send them to the research institute!

I want to read their memories and know the arrangements made by the Qiu family for them!"

Tang Guosheng's voice was full of murderous intent.

Since Ma Feng told him this, the headquarters has set off a storm of internal review.

You don't know until you check, and you will be shocked when you check.

There are more than 60 people lurking in the headquarters, and the tallest one has been working in the attendant room for five years.

Without exception, they were all arranged by Mr. Qiu.

The connection between the Qiu family and the beasts has reached a terrifying level.

Now Tang Guosheng has eliminated the Qiu family, but if he lets them grow again, the consequences for Daxia are unpredictable.

It is even possible that Daxia will be torn apart.

This is very likely.

At the same time, Tang Guosheng also set off a wave of investigation in the military across the country.

He didn't believe that the other party had planted people in the military.

Twenty years ago, all those who had been related to the Qiu family were suspended.

In the two days since Ye Liuyun came back, the military has begun to take action, and all units at all levels have inspectors stationed.

The situation was so serious that Ye Liuyun did not dare to delay and immediately asked the driver to turn around and go to the airport.

At the same time, he said hello to Ning Nanguo.

Ning Nanguo, who was born in a military family, naturally understood the responsibilities that Ye Liuyun was now shouldering.

Ye Liuyun got on a special plane and left Quancheng directly!

At the same time, all fronts began to conduct internal investigations.

Anyone who was related to the Qiu family, no matter what position or status, would be arrested and appointed again after the investigation.

The Qiu family has been rooted in Daxia for so many years, and the number of people they have employed is almost astronomical.

Moreover, many people have come to the Qiu family to establish a relationship with them in order to curry favor with the powerful.

Now these people are complaining bitterly.

After Ye Liuyun arrived at the western front by special plane, Tang Xu, Ye Xiong and Xu Beichen were already waiting here.

"Chief of Staff!"

Tang Xu immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Now Ye Liuyun is not a temporary arrest, but a senior official of the western front.

This is because Ye Liuyun notified in advance, otherwise, the five new commanders of the front would have to come to greet him in person.

Ye Liuyun's status is not the commander-in-chief, but his relationship with the headquarters and his status as Wang Mang's closed disciple are not lower than the commander-in-chief!

"You already know the situation. Have those people been locked in now?" Ye Liuyun took the documents from Tang Xu after getting off the plane.

"All have been locked in!"

Tang Xu puffed out his chest and said.


Ye Liuyun was officially appointed, and they were officially in the military.

"Who is the highest-ranking one among them?"

Ye Liuyun asked as he flipped through the documents.

"Director of the front-line operations room, Major General Wang Xindong! Age 52, seventh-level genetic warrior!"

"What realm are the others in?"

"The highest is fourth-level, the lowest is second-level!"

"I'll deal with Wang Xindong, and you can arrest the others directly. No one can escape!"

Ye Liuyun closed the document and ordered.

"Yes, Chief of Staff, but should we inform the generals about this matter?"

Tang Xu asked.

"Inform? What? Have they been reviewed? Since I arrived here, everyone on the western front has to be reviewed again. I have already applied to the headquarters.

The second batch of 10,000 inspection teams are on their way here!

After these people are arrested, the entire western front will be reviewed again! Dig out all their pasts!" Ye Liuyun snorted coldly.

If you don't move, then it's fine. If you want to move, then solve it all at once!

Tang Xu's face showed a look of astonishment.

These people are all newly sent by the headquarters. Is this necessary?

He was very skeptical!

However, Ye Liuyun's order is a military order. No matter what, he must execute it first before he can say whether it is right or wrong.

Ye Liuyun then looked at Ye Xiong and Xu Beichen.

"How do you two feel about staying here? Now that the Qiu family's affairs have been resolved, I will give you two options. The first is to stay here. I have already told the headquarters.

Ye Xiong, you will be the head of the first inspection team! Responsible for the front section of the western front, Xu Beichen, you will be the head of the second inspection team, responsible for the tail end of the western front!

If you feel that you still want to go back to school for further studies, then wait until you graduate!" Ye Liuyun looked at the two and said.

"Brother, I will definitely choose to follow you!" Ye Xiong grinned.

He saw his brothers being taken away by cars on the western front.

The end is predictable.

He no longer has the support of the Qiu family, so it's just right for him to follow Ye Liuyun.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this now.

Ye Liuyun has a promising future.

There is no better way out than to follow him!

Although Xu Beichen's family has some reputation in the southwest, it is still not good enough compared to Ye Liuyun.

He is at this age and level now.

This is a great opportunity!

Because of Ye Liuyun, he is now considered the number one of the younger generation in the Xu family!

It wasn't like this before!

Big families never like to put all their eggs in one basket.

He was originally among the top three in the family, but now that he has followed Ye Liuyun, he has made it to the top.

"Captain, I am willing to accept the appointment!"

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