Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1029 1036. Bird Disaster

Ma Wenxiang is actually a very tough fisherman woman, which can be seen from her big and round figure.

Of course, for every good woman from a fisherman's family, the mountain winds and waves have already tempered their bodies with steel and iron bones.

However, when it comes to treating her husband and family, she is as gentle as water.

After Lu Wuji told Ao Muyang's plan, both Jiang Xiaoyu and Song Qiumin looked relieved, but she looked worried: "How can Erdeng earn five thousand yuan a month? Before Yujiale started, he If you can earn 5,000 yuan in half a year, that’s not bad.”

"This is the result we want," Jiang Xiaoyu said happily. "If he can't earn five thousand yuan from working, then he will steal and rob. Just send him to jail and let him remember this lesson."

After hearing this, Ma Wenxiang shook his head and said, "That won't work. After all, he is the father of the child."

Ao Muyang said: "Auntie, you still want to live with him, right?"

Ma Wenxiang did not answer directly. She said sadly: "Well, if he is here, we are still a family. If he is gone, this family will be gone."

Ao Muyang said: "Don't worry, Erdeng will actually come back. I gave him the house to leave him a way back."

"How do you say that?" Even Lu Wuji looked puzzled this time.

Ao Muyang said: "The woman Er Deng was hooking up with outside was definitely not a decent woman. He must have been instigated by that woman to get divorced. Why did that woman care about him? Didn't she think he had some money? Now that he is divorced, he has no money. Well, I don’t see how that woman can tolerate him, you don’t think Er Deng is really charming to charm a young and beautiful girl, do you?”

Lu Wuwei smiled confidently: "If he had a face like mine or six-pack abs, then maybe it would be okay."

As he spoke, he lifted up his T-shirt to reveal his shapely abs.

Ma Wenxiang said: "Er Deng has eight-pack abs."

Lu Wuji put down his clothes and said, "Abs are considered a ball? What girls like now is handsome appearance!"

Ao Muyang pushed his shoulders and pushed him out: "Okay, the woman will leave him when she finds out that Er Deng has no money. At that time, he can only come back, there is no other way to go."

"Why should he come back whenever he wants?" Jiang Xiaoyu said angrily.

Ao Muyang pointed at Ma Wenxiang and said, "It's up to Auntie. What you and I say doesn't count. If Auntie doesn't want him to come back, then he won't be able to come back in this life."

Jiang Xiaoyu pulled Ma Wenxiang and said, "Auntie, don't be soft-hearted."

Ma Wenxiang murmured: "Director Jiang, oh, you said that I am already this age, what else can you say to me? I just want to protect this family safely, give myself a home, and give my children a home."

"But he cheated on her. This is a big mistake." Song Qiumin was also anxious.

Ma Wenxiang said: "I know, alas, I will embarrass him when the time comes. Alas, after he comes back, I will block the money, leaving him without a penny. Alas, I don't want, I don't want to break up this family. "

She sighed after saying a word, obviously she was also very upset.

Ao Muyang left Song Qiumin and Jiang Xiaoyu to take care of her and comfort her, while he took Ao Wenchang and Lu Wuyi out, but Lu Wuyi hesitated and didn't want to leave.

He dragged the person out the door and kicked him, saying, "Why do you like to get in among old ladies so much?"

Lu Wuyi said angrily: "Brother-in-law, what do you mean? I just want to watch the fun."

After complaining, he sighed: "Well, the most willing to forget the ancient poems, the most disdainful is lovesickness. I guard my love for fear of people laughing, and I am afraid that people will see clearly. This aunt really loves her husband, but it is a pity that his husband does not cherish it. It is really Pity."

"How about you come and cherish it?" Ao Muyang asked.

Lu Wuyi immediately jumped away. He pointed at Ao Muyang and said with a mean smile: "You are so naughty little thing. What are you talking about? I am completely devoted to Sister Yan. Oh, I forgot to mention that I didn't give you anything today. Say hello to Sister Yan.”

Ao Muyang sighed sadly, Yan Qingcheng must hate him to death.

Ao Wenchang smiled and said: "What are you worried about? You are not married yet. You will be happy after you get married."

"What's so cool? Tell me about your experience. How does it feel after marriage?"

"Long Tou, have you ever flown on a plane? Life after marriage is just like flying."

"How cool is it to fly into the sky?"

"It's true that you can fly into the sky. Not only is it not exciting, but after you fly into the sky, you can see other planes flying past through the window. Some are bigger, some are more sophisticated, but you can't change planes, so you have to be honest. Stay on this plane until the end of the journey." Ao Wenchang looked sad.

As the two of them walked, the sky suddenly darkened.

Ao Muyang subconsciously raised his head and asked: "Hey, what's going on? This cloud is coming so fast... Damn it!!"

At the end of his words, he couldn't help but sigh.

This is not a cloud, this is a flock of birds, a large flock of birds, a lot of birds!

Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of birds appeared in flocks, overwhelming the sky. They flew over from the north, flew over Longtou Village for a while, and then landed together in the direction of Ambergris Lake.

There were also some birds flying randomly. Ao Muyang saw that the birds that had landed in the village were exactly the kind of little cardinals that had gradually appeared in the village in the past two days.

"Where did there come from so many little red birds?" Ao Wenchang wondered.

Ao Muyang was also puzzled. This kind of bird had not been seen very often before, but now there were suddenly a lot of them, which was very abnormal.

Then he remembered what the old people in the village had said before, that once the little red bird appears, it will be like a plague of locusts!

That's right. Ao Muyang immediately went to the direction of Ambergris Lake, and then saw many people running there. He asked, "What's wrong?"

Someone shouted, "The little redbirds are rampant. Damn, they landed in my vegetable garden. The newly grown cabbage seedlings were all destroyed by them!"

Ao Muyang saw the little redbirds falling to Ambergris Lake before. He thought that these birds, like the migratory birds flying south such as geese and ducks, also rested in the Ambergris Lake wetland.

As a result, he guessed wrong. The little redbirds landed in the vegetable garden and orchard by the lake. Their target was vegetables and remaining fruits.

The scene was once very spectacular. Countless birds landed in a garden, as if covering the whole garden. For a moment, they were seen flying up and down, pecking with their mouths, and the vegetables in the garden were quickly eaten up.

"This is so fast." Ao Mudong, who came over, said in surprise.

These little birds are very aggressive when eating. After landing in a vegetable garden or orchard, they gradually fly forward. The little birds are very greedy. In order to get the food first, the birds at the back keep flying forward.

The huge flock of birds falls into the front and back positions after landing. In this way, the birds at the back fly forward, and the birds at the front fall behind again. They continue to fly forward to get better food.

In this way, groups of birds flutter in the vegetable garden and orchard, like a super giant constantly lifting its feet to move forward, step by step, and each step will destroy a piece of vegetables...

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