Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1030 1037. The stove is fully lit

Large groups of little cardinals are rolling around in vegetable gardens and orchards. This scene is very spectacular and rare. Not only tourists, but also people from surrounding villages are attracted to watch.

It was fun to watch the excitement, but for the owners of the vegetable gardens, it was very frustrating. Several families went out with brooms and even lit torches to drive away these birds.

The people in the village couldn't bear the appearance of so many birds, and even caused a disaster. They came to Ao Muyang one after another and asked: "Village chief, can you catch and eat this bird?"

Ao Muyang also had a headache. This little red bird did a lot of damage to the village. Not only did they eat fruits and vegetables, they also pooped everywhere. There was bird poop everywhere in the clean village.

Several families who went to drive away the birds came back with specks of bird droppings all over their bodies. Someone yelled: "These damn birds are really good at pulling birds. It's like rain, plop, plop, plop."

"Put on your raincoat. There are no bacteria, viruses or parasites in this bird poop."

According to the way people in the village used to do it, if so many birds came to harm the vegetables and fruits, they would definitely have to be caught with nets.

But today is different from the past. There are many tourists in the village and many people take photos and videos. They dare not attack wild birds casually for fear of being posted online and causing trouble.

There are too many protected animals and birds in the country these days. Although the number of the little cardinals does not look like an endangered species, we have to be careful. What if it is indeed a protected bird?

Ao Muyang did not recognize the bird's identity and did not dare to act rashly.

A tourist from behind said: "This seems to be a red-billed Quelea, right? It's the kind of bird you see on the edge of the Sahara Desert, the kind of bird that can eat grass into desert?"

Ao Muyang didn't know the specific name of this bird. The old man in the village provided it with a common name of little red bird, but he searched online and couldn't find the exact bird like little red bird.

Now after listening to the tourists' discussion, he quickly asked: "What is this bird?"

The tourist frowned: "It looks like a red-billed Quelea. I guess that's what it's called? It's a type of cuckoo. I saw it when I was traveling in Africa..."

"It's not a cuckoo, it's a weaver bird!" A little girl corrected dissatisfiedly, "Dad, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Knowledge is serious!"

"Okay, okay, be serious. Isn't this what the village chief uncle is asking dad? Dad must help." The tourist smiled fondly.

Ao Muyang immediately looked up the red-billed Quelea, and the information he found made him feel something was wrong. There are indeed a large number of these birds. There are 10 billion in Africa. They are the most numerous birds in the world.

But this bird lives in Africa, especially in areas south of the Sahara Desert. This kind of bird is a street rat in Africa. They often breed on a large scale during the autumn harvest, and then not only the chicks but the adults like to eat food, so they are considered a local species. Agricultural pests.

The question is, this bird is introduced online as an African bird, but how did it come to China?

Ao Muyang found a few high-definition photos, and then asked someone to catch a few birds and bring them back.

Catching birds is easy. There are too many of these birds, and they like to stay in trees. There are dozens or hundreds of birds on a tree by the lake outside the village. Throw a fishing net up, and after dragging it down, there are only a few branches. little bird.

He caught a bird and compared it with the picture. It was indeed very similar, but slightly different. The back feathers of the pure red-billed Quelea were yellow with large black spots, while the feathers of this bird were yellow. With dense black lines.

This made him wonder, what kind of bird is this? If it is a red-billed quelea, how come they came to the Red Ocean far away from Africa? This distance is quite far.

The people in the village didn't care about this. They only cared about whether they could catch them. Seeing these little birds destroying the vegetable fields and orchards made them feel very sad.

Moreover, the little cardinals eat vegetables and fruits outside the village, but when they enter the village, they become so awesome that they can compete with the village dogs for food!

When raising dogs in the village, they always throw a dog food bowl in the yard. When there are leftovers, they throw them in. The dogs eat when they are hungry.

The little cardinals focused on these pots. They fluttered their wings and flew across the yard, like a group of bombers assembled.

After discovering the dog's rice bowl, they attacked it in groups - they were so enthusiastic about attacking that they really swarmed in, scrambled for the first place, and fought for it!

A dog rice bowl can be surrounded by dozens of birds. These birds surround the bowl tightly. Some of them cannot get in, so they pierce down from above, just like falling bombs...

The dogs in the village were stunned. They had never seen such an arrogant bird.

Cats like to catch birds, and so do dogs. Firstly, they can play with them and secondly, they can eat them. However, compared with cats who are more flexible, it is difficult for dogs to catch birds.

The dogs were very happy to see the birds appear this time. They went around to pounce on the birds and swallowed them with their feathers.

As a result, they stopped eating after eating a few. This food is not delicious, far less delicious than the leftovers!

When it came to the leftovers, they found that their basins were occupied by birds, which made them very angry. The dogs went home to defend their territory and the dog basins.

The little cardinals began to show their toughness, and the dogs couldn't catch them. These birds gathered in groups and were not afraid of dogs. In order to snatch food, they would bump into dogs and peck at dogs.

After a few rounds, the dogs whined and ran away, reluctantly giving up their territory...

"This is really fucked. What kind of bird is it? Why does it look like a skua? It's so overbearing!" The villagers cursed one after another.

If there is a problem, ask an expert. Ao Muyang goes to Li Ji to solve the problem.

Li Ji is an expert in marine biology and has not done much research on birds, but he has friends who are experts in related fields, so he made a phone call and the answer came out.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Ao Muyang: "This is the red-billed quelea, but it is an East Asian branch. It has appeared in the mountainous areas along the eastern coast of China. It has also been found in Japan and Taiwan, but it is rare to see such a large-scale flock like today. The number of red-billed queleas in the East Asian branch is not as large as that in the South African branch."

"Can it be caught?"

Li Ji smiled and said: "It can be caught. After all, this is the most numerous bird in the world. Let the villagers rest assured. Those who should be netted should be netted, and those who should be potted should be potted. This bird can be eaten."

With this, Ao Muyang was relieved.

The hardworking and capable Chinese people are best at turning waste into treasure, and they are also the most curious. Whenever faced with an unfamiliar species, people always ask three questions: Can it be eaten? Is it delicious? How to eat it?

Now, the first problem has been solved. Ao Muyang told the villagers that this bird can be eaten.

What else is there to say? Every household went out immediately, and the news spread quickly from Longtou Village. The surrounding villages affected by the little red bird all turned into war machines -

The stoves were all on! The water was boiling! The oven was turned on!

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