Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1124 1131. Pretty Duck (2)

Ao Muyang said that about the two siblings' New Year's celebration, but after all, it was not his family affair, and he could not make a decision for them. Everything depended on their own wishes.

However, this incident caused a bad atmosphere at home. It happened that someone in the village informed Ao Muyang at this time, saying that there were strangers from other places wandering around Longxiang Lake. They were not tourists, but more like poaching wild birds.

Ao Muyang was refreshed and took Lu Wuyi to investigate the matter, which just happened to liven up the mental state of the two.

After the expansion, Longxiang Lake became an important wetland in the Hongyang area. In autumn, there were geese, ducks and other birds flying around all day long. They regarded Longxiang Lake as a stopover for going south and north.

The meat of wild geese and other wild birds was delicious, which lured some lawless people to come and poach.

At that time, Longtou Village and Wangjia Village organized patrol teams to drive these people away in turn, but they did not let them succeed. As autumn passed and winter came, there were fewer wild birds and fewer poachers. He didn't expect that this would happen again when the New Year was approaching.

The one who informed him of the news was Ao Zhixian, an old man in the village. He and his wife built a small shed by the lake. They usually made some river and lake seafood to sell to tourists. At the same time, they had a small sampan boat for tourists to go fishing on the lake. They made money in the past two years.

They made money by following the Ambergris Lake, so they knew the importance of protecting the lake environment, because in the final analysis, they made money by tourists who came to visit the lake. If tourists were not interested in the lake, even if they could make delicious river seafood, no one would come to consume it.

In this case, they became Ao Muyang's spies deployed by the lake. If someone wanted to steal fish or electrofish or poach wild birds and mountain beasts that came to the lake to drink water, then Old Ao would get the news immediately.

Walking on the road, Ao Zhixian explained: "Village chief, I think these people are chasing some wild ducks. At noon yesterday, a group of wild ducks flew to the lakeside, and then in the evening, several of them came and kept circling around these wild ducks. I asked my old man to keep an eye on them, and they couldn't do it at night. Today, there are few people at the lakeside, and I couldn't help but take action when I saw them."

There are many kinds of wild ducks in the mountains and on the seaside, and it is not uncommon for ducks to fly from time to time.

Ao Muyang asked casually: "What kind of duck is that?"

Ao Zhixian pondered for a while and said: "The old man has lived for these years and has seen many ducks. It can be said that there is no duck in Hongyang that I don't know..."

"That's impossible, old man." Lu Wuyi interrupted him, "There are several nightclubs over Yunxiao Road. Do you know the ducks in them?"

Ao Zhixian was stunned: "What nightclub? Is it roast duck or stewed duck?"

Lu Wuyi laughed, just like the sound of a duck.

"You are such a nitpicker." Ao Muyang glared at him and said to Ao Zhixian, "Master Xian, go on."

Ao Zhixian perked up and said, "Oh, the reason I'm talking so much nonsense is that I haven't seen this kind of duck at my age, and I can say that I've never seen such a beautiful one!"

Lu Wuyi nodded and said, "There are chickens and ducks. Every time I go to a nightclub, I can refresh my worldview. It turns out that there are such beautiful ducks."

Ao Zhixian was confused and felt that he was impressed. He didn't understand what Lu Wuyi said, so he could only nod.

When he arrived at the lake, he pointed to Ao Muyang. There were two pickup trucks parked on the side of the lake far away from the village. I didn't know what was on the trucks. They were tall and covered with tarpaulins.

In the withered yellow water grass by the lake, some ducks were quacking and playing in the water. The midday sun shone on them. Ao Muyang took a look through the telescope and couldn't help but sighed, "It's really beautiful."

Ao Zhixian was not exaggerating at all. This wild duck is really beautiful.

Wild ducks, like pheasants, are very beautiful. Their feathers are rich and colorful, more beautiful than those of large birds such as wild geese and cranes.

This kind of wild duck is more beautiful. The overall color of the body is green, black and white. The beak and feet are orange-red. There is a slender crest on the head, just like the top hat and feathers of ancient officials on TV. There are also scaly auspicious cloud patterns on their flanks, which are very majestic and delicate.

Ao Muyang didn't know what kind of duck this was, but he subconsciously realized that this was a very precious bird species. Because they were beautiful, he subconsciously wanted to catch a few of them and raise them himself after seeing them.

Then judging others by oneself, even a non-greedy person like him was attracted to this kind of wild duck, and others were naturally more attracted. In this case, the wild duck must be in danger. I don't know how many people have captured it in history, so how could there be so many of them?

Ao Muyang determined that the people under the pickup truck were poachers. He called Ao Mudong, Ao Daguo and others and prepared to encircle and suppress this gang of poachers.

There were still a few children playing by the lake. They also saw the wild duck and pointed at it.

Ao Muyang went up to ask them to leave, saying that the thieves on the other side of the lake were poachers and there might be a fight here later, so he didn't let them take risks here.

Then the strong men in the village arrived. When they arrived at the lake, everyone went to see the wild ducks and was shocked by their beauty. But what was the name of this wild duck? Everyone looked at each other, but no one knew.

Ao Mudong asked Ao Zhixian: "Master Xian, you are knowledgeable, don't you know this duck?"

Ao Zhixian shook his head, he looked at Lu Wuyi and asked: "Does Brother Lu know it? I think Brother Lu has been to more schools and more places, and he knows more than me."

This made Lu Wuyi angry. He coughed and looked at everyone and said: "Do you want to hear information about this duck in English or Chinese?"

Everyone was stunned. Ao Wenchang said, "Let me hear something in English."

Lu Wuyi shrugged, raised his eyebrows and spread his hands: "SIR, I-Don't-Know."

Everyone understood this English sentence. Ao Wenchang, who was civilized, couldn't help it. He responded: "fuck-you!"

Ao Mudong said carelessly: "Don't care what kind of duck it is. Anyway, it has come to our Longxiang Lake, so it belongs to our Longtou Village..."

"Get out, it should be said that it has come to Longxiang Lake, so our Longtou Village has the responsibility to protect them." Ao Muyang said, "I understand what Dongzi means. Come on, brothers, split up into two groups and take them all for me."

He thought about it for a while, and called Yang Shuyong again, asking him to take people to the back to cut off the road of these people.

Sure enough, when the villagers approached the pickup truck in two groups, several people under the car got in the car and started the car to run away.

Ao Mudong immediately accelerated and ran: "Alpaca, you still want to run? Where are you going!"

The fishermen all lifted their long legs and chased after him. The general, Wolf Da and Wolf Er, and the dogs brought by other men were howling and chasing after them.

As they were running along the lake, another strong man in a long robe appeared. This was Lazhong. He was carrying his double-barreled shotgun, a queen flower and a few golden short hairs, and joined the chasing crowd in a fighting posture.

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