Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1125 1132. Misunderstanding (3)

La Zhong's coming was unexpected but reasonable.

Doma was one of the children playing by the lake. It was probably because he went back and told La Zhong about it, and La Zhong came with guns and dogs to help - this is the clan rule of Zhalong. If one family is in trouble, the whole village will help.

Faced with the two gangs shouting and coming aggressively, the two pickup trucks were frightened and turned around and tried to escape along the path.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "Just chase them slowly. They are on the path and can't run away."

"They also raped Xiaolu?" Ao Mudong looked at Lu Wuyi in shock and asked, "Xiaolu, how many of them raped you? This is a criminal case. Let's call the police."

Lu Wuyi shouted angrily, "Get out!"

Amid a barbell-like laughter, they joined together and slowly walked into the path, and then saw two pickup trucks stopped in the distance. Yang Shuyong and a group of men from Wangjia Village blocked them.

After Ao Muyang walked over, the two cars were still running and the people in the cars had not gotten out. They were all hiding in the cars in fear.

He tapped the car window and said, "Turn off the engine and get out!"

The people in the car were busy making phone calls, and no one listened to his instructions. La Zhong was furious and raised his shotgun to smash the glass.

The people inside were scared now. Three middle-aged men got out of the car trembling. One of them took out a cigarette and handed it to Ao Muyang: "Friend, smoke, have a cigarette."

Ao Muyang pushed him away and said angrily: "Where are you from? Damn, poachers stole to our Longtou Village, you are so brave."

"Catch them and beat them up first, then send them to the police station."

"Send a hammer, tie them up and hang them on the sycamore tree by the lake for public display!"

"I hate poachers the most, get out of the way, and see how I deal with them!"

Listening to the noisy words, the man in the jacket widened his eyes and shouted: "What poaching? No, you misunderstood, we are not poachers, how can we be poachers..."

"Yes, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, fellow, we are workers of the National Bird Watching Organization, look, here is our work card." Another man with glasses hurriedly took out a small card to show Ao Muyang, he saw that Ao Muyang was the leader.

Ao Mudong saw the man with glasses reaching into his pockets and immediately went up to push him away: "Damn, squat on the ground with your hands on your head, be honest, whoever makes a small move will be dealt with first! What about the National Bird Watching Organization? The country still has this organization? What kind of birds are you watching?"

"No, fellow, we are really workers of the bird watching organization, we are not poachers." The man in the jacket breathed a sigh of relief. He understood that this was a misunderstanding, so the safety of himself and his friends would not be a big problem.

But everyone didn't believe it, and someone shouted: "Bullshit bird watching organization, what you have under the tarpaulin in your car is a bird cage, you must be poaching wild birds."

A tarpaulin was pulled open, revealing a large iron cage divided into several small areas.

Someone else lifted the tarpaulin on the pickup truck behind. Everyone thought it was another large iron cage, but it turned out to be boxes and machines. After opening several boxes of different sizes, they found sundries such as tents.

The man in the jacket shouted helplessly: "We are really staff members of the National Bird Watching Organization. This time we are here to chase the Chinese merganser. We don't know if this is offensive to your village, but we have no bad intentions. It's all a misunderstanding, fellow villagers!"

Ao Muyang looked at the machines and books in the car. The books were mainly about the introduction of bird species and distribution areas, as well as some report materials. The signatures on the reports were all related to the National Bird Watching Organization.

So he frowned and asked: "Since you are members of a national organization doing legitimate work, why did you drive away when you saw us?"

The man with glasses smiled bitterly: "Fellow villagers, we didn't know that you thought we were poachers and were arresting us. We didn't know what happened. We saw so many people coming from both sides to catch us, and we were scared and ran away."

"If you don't believe it, you can wait. We called the police." A young man in the car behind said, "When the local police come, they can verify the authenticity of our identities, so that the misunderstanding between us can be resolved."

Ao Muyang checked their work cards, which had a magnetic strip with the logo and number of the China Birdwatching Organization. He searched the Internet and found the official website of the organization. As a result, the homepage was a news: Giant pandas in the water appeared in coastal reservoirs, and our organization staff are paying full attention.

The man in the jacket nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes, yes, this is the introduction of our operation. The 'giant panda in the water' mentioned above is the Chinese merganser. The number of their breeding in my country does not exceed 250 pairs. According to Wetlands International, the global population of Chinese merganser may be less than 3,000 pairs, and this number is still declining. Therefore, they are listed as endangered species in the Red List of the World Conservation Union, and the first-class national key protected wild animals, and are called giant pandas in the water to show their preciousness."

Ao Muyang browsed the news and asked, "Zhu Jingdian, Ma Yi..."

"I am Zhu Jingdian." The man in the jacket hurriedly took out his ID card to show him.

"I am Ma Yi." A middle-aged man with gray hair in the car behind also took out his ID.

This basically eliminated the misunderstanding. Ao Muyang said awkwardly, "Teachers, I really don't know what to say. Our misunderstanding has become a big deal."

Zhu Jingdian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, it's okay, it's a misunderstanding, it's okay to solve it, it's a kind of fate that made us meet."

Ma Yi also said: "Actually, this misunderstanding is a good one. I didn't expect that you villagers have such a strong awareness of wild bird protection. This makes us admire you very much!"

The villagers dispersed, and La Zhong left with the dog and the gun. Before leaving, he called Ao Muyang: "If you want to protect Wo, Wo will take you to the mountain."

The two pickup trucks returned to the lake, and someone unloaded the equipment and continued to observe the flock of birds.

Ao Muyang asked: "Teacher Zhu, this bird is called the Chinese merganser? They are so beautiful."

Zhu Jingdian nodded and said: "Yes, the Chinese merganser is our national duck. We have been trying to find their traces, especially their wintering habitats, but we have not found any pattern."

Ao Muyang said: "It is estimated that their habitats are indeed irregular. People in our village have never seen this kind of duck."

Zhu Jingdian sighed: "Yes, this has greatly increased the difficulty of our protection work. There are too many mysteries about the Chinese merganser, even though they have been discovered for more than 100 years. Especially their winter habitats, alas, change every year, even several times a year."

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