Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1168 1175. Attack Tuna (1/5)

Chapter 1168 1175. Attack on Tuna (15)

The love Fuso people have for tuna is true love, simply a pathological love, and it has existed since ancient times.

Nowadays, due to high-tech preservation methods, bluefin tuna and other high-protein rare tuna can be circulated throughout Fuso, attracting diners across the country.

In the past, when freezing technology and preservation technology were not developed enough, Fuso people preferred bonito, which is also a member of the genus Tuna. At that time, they looked down on tuna, especially the native tuna, which they now call the holy fish of the ocean. That was the target Ao Wenchang was looking for for Ao Muyang, the North Pacific bluefin tuna.

In ancient Fuso, they did not eat animal meat for about a thousand years. Livestock meat is mostly red, also called red meat. The meat of bluefin tuna is a rare red meat among fishes, so it is hated and disliked, and they are not welcomed.

For a long time, the noble people in Fuso preferred freshwater fish and carp. Later, they switched to sea fish, mainly sea bream, and they all advocated elegant taste.

As a kind of red-meat fish, tuna is easily spoiled and produces an unpleasant taste in an era when preservation technology was not developed enough, which makes them even more unpopular.

In addition, in the early Edo period, the name of tuna was pronounced "shibi" in Japanese. This pronunciation was not very good. It was similar to shabi in Chinese, but even worse in Japanese. It was homophonic with "the day of death", and was considered by the Japanese Very unlucky.

Therefore, at that time, tuna was considered an inferior fish. Not only could it not be compared with the noble snapper and flounder, it was even inferior to ordinary fish.

It wasn't until fishermen invented the method of drying and grilling bonito into bonito that fish of the genus Tuna reluctantly entered the mainstream. At first, among the fish species of the genus Tuna, the most popular was bonito, which is made from bonito. During the Bonito Festival, fishermen used planes to make bonito flowers to eat with rice. It was once a popular delicacy in Fuso history.

The Fuso people are already crazy about eating bluefin tuna as an endangered species, but this is nothing compared to eating bonito festivals in the past. During the shogunate period, some families even sold their wives for money in order to use bonito festivals for food!

After listening to Ao Wenchang's suggestion, Ao Muyang was moved.

There is a large amount of tuna migrating during this season, and Fuso fishing boats have already started taking action. Every year in the first month of the year, Fuso’s Tsukiji Market holds the world’s largest and most shocking tuna auction.

The Longtou went out to sea for the first time and had to seek a good omen. It was used by Ao Muyang as an ocean-going fishing vessel. If tuna, especially North Pacific tuna, was caught this time, it would be a good start.

North Pacific bluefin tuna is regarded as a domestic product by Fuso fishermen. If they can snatch the catch from their hands, it will be more prestigious than catching saury from the high seas in their area last year.

Ao Muyang farted and then made a decision: "Call the brothers in and ask them if they know anything about tuna. When the big dragon head turns around, the dragon head will go fishing for tuna!"

Ao Wenchang pinched his nose and said, "Okay!"

Soon, a crowd of people squeezed into the cockpit. After the big guys came in, they started muttering: "What does it smell like?" "Who farted?" "Why did you fart as soon as you came in?"

Ao Muyang was very surprised and asked Ao Wenchang: "Damn it, so many people know about tuna?"

Ao Wenchang smiled and said: "No, everyone doesn't understand it, so I simply called them in together, so that we can discuss, learn and make progress together."

Ao Muyang gave a thumbs up, why are you so good?

Someone expressed a different opinion: "Xiucai, what do you mean that everyone doesn't understand? Isn't it just tuna? I know, tuna is also called black tuna, and it has been eaten to extinction by the little devils. Are we going to help the tyrants?"

Ao Wenchang glared at the fisherman and said: "What does it mean to help the emperor do evil? Don't use it indiscriminately if you don't understand it. Even if we don't touch tuna, we have to let Fuso fishermen catch it sooner or later. Don't look at the fishing plan they make every year , that’s useless. In October last year, European media exposed that there were a large number of illegal fishing in Nagasaki and Mie prefectures. In addition, eight prefectures including Iwate, Miyagi, Chiba, Shizuoka, and Kumamoto also had illegal fishing. Illegal fishing and underreporting of catches.”

Ao Muyang was surprised: "You know a lot."

Ao Wenchang coughed and waved his hands in a low-key manner: "I probably got to know it a bit before going to sea. I don't know much, not much."

He continued: "The Fuso people are very destructive to the resources of tuna, especially bluefin tuna. Their own broadcaster NHK has said that fishermen catch a large number of young fish, especially those less than one year old. I know this fish can’t start spawning until it is 3 years old. Also, these bastards are fishing in the spawning area, and the local government doesn’t care at all!”

Ao Qianwen crossed his arms and said: "So, if we go to snatch tuna resources from the little devils, is this a way of doing justice to God?"

"We must do justice for heaven."

The fishing plan was unanimously agreed by the fishermen on the boat, so Lao Ao said nothing more and was ready to start.

To catch tuna during the spring flood season, longlines are used, similar to how you catch snapper.

The longline fishing was on the Dalongtou, and while it was anchored at night, Ao Daguo brought all the fishing gear over.

If we do not go to the high seas, it will be difficult to satisfy two large fishing boats at the same time with the fishery resources in the exclusive economic zone.

Fortunately, Ao Muyang had excellent underwater vision, and with Tiger, the ocean hound, leading the way, they found a school of hairtail, a school of croaker, and two squid habitats in succession within two days of going out to sea.

Coincidentally, they also caught two tunas, small yellowfin tuna, which were not very valuable, but they were tuna after all.

Squid and octopus are also good catches, and the price in the market is not low. The two fishing boats cast nets at the same time, which is like forming a crossfire point in the alley, leaving no dead angles during the fishing process.

Two days later, the big dragon head returned with a full load, and all the catch on the dragon head was transferred there. In this way, one ship returned, and the other ship went lightly and continued to go north.

Because the goal of the dragon head was to catch bluefin tuna, this was a clear goal, and there was no need to waste time. They went straight to the scheduled high seas.

Ao Wenchang copied all the information about tuna into the computer. When the printer started, he gave each person a tuna manual. He organized learning activities to let the fishermen know about this fish.

There are also tuna in the waters around Hongyang, but there are too few. Ordinary fishermen may not encounter them for several years. Even if they encounter them, it is purely by luck, so they don’t know much about tuna.

It is more difficult to catch tuna than saury. Tuna has strong swimming ability and extremely complex migration routes. The Fuso people have spent decades to figure out several routes. Strong fishing companies have bought out these routes and kept them confidential.

Ao Wenchang did not figure out the migration route of bluefin tuna, but he found a tuna spawning area in the high seas. There are always Fuso fishing boats occupying it. They are going to try it this time.

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