Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1169 1176. Boyfish, good luck (2)

The speed of the Longtou is fast, and it is most suitable for the vast open sea.

Ao Muyang stood at the bow, and the sea breeze blew towards him. It should be said that the sea breeze was not too strong today, but he still felt a pain on his face, which shows how fast the fishing boat is.

Touching the guardrail of the bow, a cool feeling went straight into his heart through his palm. Feeling the extremely fast speed of the Longtou, a sense of heroism slowly rose in his heart.

No wonder some people like to race, the feeling of this speed is too great, Lao Ao thought silently in his heart.

In a wave, a thick sickle-shaped fin rose from the sea surface in front of the bow. This is the tiger emerging from the sea.

After the fin was extended, the tiger quickly walked S-shaped on the sea surface. After walking about four or five hundred meters, it suddenly dived underwater. After a while, it appeared on the sea surface again, walked S-shaped again and dived.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang understood what it meant. Killer whales have high IQs, and tigers have especially high IQs. The golden drop has evolved its brain. In some aspects, its IQ may be at the level of a ten-year-old child, and it can be used as a person in the water.

The tiger is now conveying a signal to him. This gesture expresses that it has found the target fish school.

After understanding what it meant, Ao Muyang's eyes narrowed immediately: No way, are they so lucky?

Because the goal of this trip is clear, he showed the two yellowfin tuna caught yesterday to the tiger, and ate one of them to tell it that this is the target.

With the tiger's IQ, it must understand what he means. So during the voyage, the tiger will not pay too much attention to other fish schools. It is so active to surface to convey information to itself, and it must have found the target.

Ao Muyang turned around and gestured to the black dragon, asking him to sail the boat according to his instructions.

The black dragon nodded, and the fishing boat slowed down slightly.

Led by the tiger, they drove out a few kilometers, and then the sonic fish finder on the fishing boat showed something.

Ao Wenchang leaned out of the cab and shouted, "There are a school of fish, not many in number, swimming very fast, the size is estimated to be more than 70 to 80 centimeters, and there are also some about one meter in size. We encountered tuna so soon?"

"Is it long-waisted tuna or long-fin tuna?" Ao Mucheng asked immediately.

Long-waisted tuna is also called long-waisted tuna because the body part behind the second dorsal fin and anal fin of this fish is relatively long, and long-fin tuna is named because of its long pectoral fins. Both fish are small tuna, and can be up to one meter in length.

It is unlikely to encounter long-waisted tuna here. This fish likes to live in tropical and subtropical waters. It is the first month of the lunar calendar. The water temperature in this sea area is too low, and they don't like this environment.

If they did encounter tuna, Ao Muyang estimated that it should be albacore tuna. This fish has a high yield and is produced in many regions, such as Taiwan. Taiwanese people call tuna sea chicken, which is related to albacore tuna. The meat of this fish is very similar to chicken and is particularly suitable for canned fish.

We have to go down and see what kind of fish we encounter.

Ao Muyang signaled to slow down the boat so as not to disturb the fish, and then towed the boat. He jumped into the water from the boat, and immediately, the tiger swam over.

The Dragon Head was very fast, and it would be more difficult for the tiger to follow. After all, killer whales are made of flesh, not iron, and their endurance is limited, so Ao Muyang took off the saddle on its back to reduce the resistance of the sea water.

After he jumped into the water, the tiger swam over. He first fed the tiger two drops of gold, then shrank and sat in the tiger's mouth. The tiger opened its mouth, flicked its tail, and swam forward quickly.

Soon he saw the school of fish that Tiger had tracked. These fish were not long-fin tuna, because long-fin tuna has a signature feature, that is, there are white cloud patterns on the abdomen, which is dreamy and beautiful.

This was not the expected long-fin tuna, because the pectoral fins of the fish he saw were not long.

Tiger must have made a mistake. This fish is indeed somewhat similar to the yellowfin tuna it had seen. The body is oval, but it is not as fat as the tuna and presents a spindle body, but slightly flatter. In addition, they have a signature black eye circle on their eyes, and there is a golden line in the middle of the body that spreads to the tail of the fish, which is beautiful.

In addition, it is similar to the yellowfin tuna in another place, that is, their bodies have a faint yellow glow.

Ao Muyang did not recognize this kind of fish, but guessed that they should also be quite valuable. Fish with beautiful appearance are generally delicious. Delicious fish, especially such large sea fish, will naturally not be cheap.

The school of fish is not large, it should be composed of 100 or 80 fish, so he surfaced to signal the fishing boat to let the boat put down the trawl net and speed up the boat to catch the school of fish.

If it weren't for the beautiful fish and the fact that Tiger had finally found it, Ao Muyang would not have wanted to cast the net. For a behemoth like the Dragon Head, a school of 180 fish was too small.

Although these fish are big and can grow to about one meter, they are flat in shape. Ao Muyang estimated that they would not weigh much, at most ten kilograms.

When he returned to the boat, Ao Qianwen asked, "What fish?"

Seeing that everyone on the fishing boat was looking at him expectantly, Ao Muyang didn't want them to have too high hopes, so as not to be too disappointed, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's not a tuna, the school is not big, and it's probably not worth much."

Suddenly, the group sighed in disappointment.

Ao Qianwen seemed to comfort himself and was angry, saying, "Alas, I knew we wouldn't be so lucky to run into a tuna as soon as we came out."

For the Longtou, it is easy to catch such a small school of fish. The speed of the boat is increased. Except for bluefin tuna and swordfish that can reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, most ordinary fish cannot outrun this boat.

The huge fishing net directly caught all the fish. Because there are not many of them, Ao Muyang did not think of leaving some seeds for the fish, and simply fished them up together.

The winch turned, the fishing net was fished up, and then a cry of surprise rang out: "This is, grass! Winter yellowtail!"

"Uncle Qianwen is really knowledgeable. You know this fish?" Ao Wenchang joked.

Ao Muyang heard the surprise in Ao Qianwen's tone, so he quickly asked: "Uncle Qianwen, what kind of fish is this? What's so special about it?"

"It's a yellowtail fish, also called oil-ammonia in the south. It's a good fish, better than tuna." Ao Qianwen's tone was full of excitement. The fishing net was opened, and the big fish fell. He immediately ran over to take a closer look.

This surprised Ao Muyang. Bluefin tuna is a first-class precious fish. How can this fish be more precious than bluefin tuna? Then it should be very famous. Why haven't I heard of it?

Ao Qianwen picked up a big fish that was 80 centimeters long. The fish was at the bottom of the fishing net. It died due to squeezing when it was picked up. He was held in his arms motionless.

After taking a closer look, Ao Qianwen was even more delighted: "It's a yellowtail fish! Boy boat, great luck! Our ancestors really didn't lie to us. This luck is too good!"

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