Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1206 1213. Visit the whole village (4)

Lao Ao talks about loyalty, but Brother Jin Hong said that there is only one social person in Qiantan Town, and that is Ao Muyang from Longtou Village.

As a social person, he must keep his word, so Ao Muyang decided to build a greenhouse along the coast of the reserve, which happened to also protect the corals.

He kept these corals alive with gold drops. In addition, there is a warm current passing through the Brick Island fishery, so the corals can live in the warm waters.

After moving outside the village, their activity was very poor. Ao Muyang chose to move the coral group here to contribute to the protected area. Now that the activity of the coral polyps has decreased so much due to the water temperature, he is very distressed.

If we don't find a way to provide a suitable environment for the coral reefs, they will perish. Lao Ao will be wasting his efforts to feed the corals and move here.

Therefore, the establishment of this large greenhouse is very important. It kills two birds with one stone, one is for the hawksbill turtles, and the other is for the corals. In addition, once it is completed, the small greenhouse can be dismantled in the future and the baby turtles can return to the sea to live.

There is no telling whether turtles will arrive in winter in the future, and this underwater greenhouse will come in handy then.

Li Ji knew about these offshore greenhouses. He had them in his previous laboratory, so he could help if the village wanted to build a large-scale greenhouse. At least he could help contact them to purchase tools.

He found a company from Australia to purchase related equipment and warned Ao Muyang: "Open greenhouses are difficult to build and maintain. They are very energy-consuming."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "No problem. Besides, I invested this money without asking for anything in return. In fact, the income will be the same in the future. As long as the coral colony is maintained in the greenhouse, how many people will come to dive?"

“How much money can you make diving?”

"I have dolphins, finless porpoises, and manatees here. Going deeper, there are even oarfish, killer whales, and sperm whales. Plus sea turtles in spring, summer, and autumn. Not to mention our country, how many sea areas are there internationally? Are the diving resources comparable to our Longtou Village?”

The more Ao Muyang talked, the more confident he became: "Besides, I don't just rely on this to make money, this is a joint venture. Look at our village, the whole village is a big consumer group, and those who do diving are all rich people. They Can you come to the village without spending 3,500? "

Seeing the arrogant look on his face, Li Ji gave a thumbs up and said, "Okay, Village Chief Ao, you are awesome."

"It's not that I am great, it's that our village is great." Lao Ao said proudly.

After letting out the harsh words, Ao Muyang had to ensure that the village could do it. He asked Li Jilai to be responsible for purchasing related equipment for the ocean open greenhouse, and he began to visit fishermen in the village.

In the afternoon, he wanted to go to Ao Mudong's house first. Ao Mudong's house also started a fisherman's house, and it followed the same path as Ao Qianlai's house. The main dishes were Korean dishes, and the decoration was also Korean style.

As a result, Ao Mudong went to sea and did not come back. His father went to the town to buy some things, and there was only his mother and his new daughter-in-law at home, so he was embarrassed to come in because he was afraid that others would gossip.

In this way, Ao Mudong brought his wife back for more than ten days, but he still couldn't see her true face.

Passing by Ao Mudong's house, he went to Song Qiumin's house.

The afternoon in early spring was very relaxing. After Song Qiumin cleared the dining table left by the tourists, she started busy preparing the evening dishes.

The fishermen's restaurants in the village all have the same style. There is no specific menu. Visitors are allowed to choose whatever dishes are available temporarily. Except for some deep-sea seafood suitable for freezing, everything else is eaten fresh.

Song Qiumin was packing squid, clams, razor clams, oysters and swimming crabs. Ao Muyang stood at the door and patted the door knocker. A dog sleeping in the yard raised its head in confusion and wanted to bark.

The dog's mouth opened, and then he didn't know whether he saw the general or smelled the general's breath, and he suppressed the howl in his throat.

The general looked at it from the door with a dissatisfied look: What's the matter with you, little brother?

When she heard the knock on the door, Song Qiumin turned around and shouted: "There is someone at home, come in, do you want to eat or stay?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Come in and drink some water."

Song Qiumin also smiled after seeing him. She licked the hair that fell by her ears and said, "Ah, village chief, why did you come here in your spare time? Didn't you go abroad some time ago?"

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Are you talking about being a village chief? Are you degrading me? I have free time every day. I went to Japan last week and came back the day before yesterday. By the way, Xiao Niu is not at home?"

Song Qiumin said: "Send him to a cram school. This year when the wheat is harvested, he will have to enter the third grade of junior high school. The third grade of junior high school is very important. When the time comes, he will be admitted to a key high school. That half of his foot will be equivalent to entering the university gate, so Now when he is on vacation, I ask him to study in cram schools in the town.”

She brought a stool to Ao Muyang and a platter of dried fruits. Peanuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peas, and soybeans were all fried at home.

Ao Muyang grabbed a handful of melon seeds and said, "No need to work, sister-in-law, I can't sit down. I'm going to visit a few more restaurants in the afternoon to see how the fisherman's restaurant in the village is doing, and if there are any difficulties or problems."

Song Qiumin smiled and said: "What are you doing, paying a private visit incognito?"

Ao Muyang looked down at his clothes and said, "What incognito clothes? Have you seen my suit? It's from Big Red Eagle, a famous brand! Suit for village cadres!"

He put some watermelon seeds in his pocket, and Song Qiumin said, "How about I get you a bag? Can you put things in the pockets of your suit? That's why it looks good. Are you so stupid?"

Ao Muyang waved his hands and said, "It's okay. I have poetry and calligraphy in my belly. Besides, I'm not eating it myself. Well, there's something in my pocket."

He patted his pocket, and a little marmoset's head popped out.

He also put a handful of peanuts in his trouser pocket, which also contained a little marmoset.

After he left, he went to two more stores, asked for prices in the store, and then told the boss not to overcharge customers. The Internet is too developed these days, and any tricks will be exposed immediately. He spent so much effort to bring the village up, and he couldn't let any scandals happen.

After he came out, he passed by Ao Mukang's house and heard Ao Xiaojun's ghostly screams inside, so he smiled and leaned against the door to watch.

Hearing the crackling sound of melon seeds, Ao Xiaojun, who was standing in the yard with his hands raised, turned back and shouted angrily: "Who is it? It's Uncle Xiaoyang who is hanging at my door. Uncle Xiaoyang, come in quickly, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

Ao Muyang waved his hands and said: "No, no, just stand still, I'm not thirsty. By the way, what's your pose? The Statue of Liberty holding up the torch? The Goddess of Victory holding up the wreath?"

Ao Xiaojun's mouth shrank, and he said pitifully: "Uncle Xiaoyang, save me, my father is crazy!"

Ao Mukang came out of the house angrily and said: "I'm crazy? Don't tell me, I will be driven crazy by you sooner or later!"

Ao Muyang waved his hands and said: "Brother Kang, don't be angry, what's wrong? Why are you angry with the child on such a good day?"

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