Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1210 1217. Wild Vegetable Rice (3)

This is true. Cats are really crazy in spring.

That night, Ao Muyang was awakened by the shrill cat calls in the backyard. He opened the window and took a flashlight to shine outside. A bunch of green eyeballs were reflecting light...

"Oh my god." Old Ao was scared, and then he realized that these were the eyes of a group of cats.

The male cats in the village were wandering outside his courtyard wall in groups. The head of state was very nervous. Except for eating, he squatted on the wall all the time, and even slept on the wall.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang scolded the general: "Look at you, look at you, you are always ruthless. The head of state has been guarding his wife, what about you? Which wife of yours doesn't have a dog outside?"

The general was very desperate after being scolded for no reason.

So when the head of state came down to pee, the general pounced on him and pressed the head of state under him, with his tail raised and his butt shaking.

The male cat outside saw this through the open courtyard wall and ran away with its tail between its legs...

Song Qiumin invited them to have lunch today, so Ao Muyang prepared a box of wine. This was brought to him by Lu Hu after the New Year. He usually doesn't drink much, so it's better to send it over and let his sister-in-law sell it for money.

Lu Zhizi packed up early, tied her black hair into a bun and pinned it with the bamboo hairpin that Lao Ao brought back last night, and then said, "Let's go early today. Sister-in-law has to run a fishing resort alone, take care of Xiao Niu, and cook for us. She is so busy. Let's go and help her."

Ao Muyang said, "Okay, no problem." "

Song Qiumin is really busy now. She cleaned up the vegetable garden and built a small shed, and then planted a lot of wild vegetables in it. Now that the wild vegetables are harvested, she makes wild vegetable buns and sells them outside. The ones with wild vegetable fillings are four yuan each, and the ones with seafood fillings are five yuan. They are all big buns, and the business is booming.

Now she has set up a steamer at the door. Her brother and sister-in-law from her mother's family came to help, so she can also handle the work. At this time, many people are queuing up to buy buns.

The steamer is steaming, and the hot air has the fragrance of wild vegetables and the wheat fragrance of steamed noodles, which makes people's appetites open.

Lu Zhizi rubbed her stomach and said, "Want to eat buns for lunch? You know what, the smell is really good. I'm a little hungry again. "

Ao Xiaoniu rushed out from the back and said with a smile: "Teacher Lu, you are hungry. I will ask you for a bun. My mother made spinach vermicelli. This is delicious."

Lu Zhizi stuffed ten yuan into his pocket and said: "Okay, then don't ask for it, go buy it."

Ao Xiaoniu didn't say anything polite to her. Everyone in the village knew that Lao Ao was rich and didn't care about these petty things.

He ran to Song Qiumin without queuing and said: "Give me two spinach vermicelli buns, here is ten yuan, and you don't need to change the rest."

Song Qiumin was busy, she lowered her head to find money and said casually: "You go to queue first."

Ao Xiaoniu smiled and said: "Mom, it's me, what are you talking about?"

Song Qiumin looked up at him and smiled, saying: "Go to the back and queue up, quick."

The ten yuan was put away by her...

Ao Xiaoniu was anxious: "I bought it for Teacher Lu. "

Song Qiumin looked up and smiled when she saw Ao Muyang, and said, "Then you don't have to line up, come here to collect money and give me change."

She took Ao Muyang and the others in and said, "Isn't this the first crop of wild vegetables harvested in the spring? It just so happens that my parents came to help these two days. I went to the mountains when I was free and got some wild vegetables back. I simply invited you two to come for a meal. "

Ao Muyang said, "Didn't I come to your house yesterday? Why didn't you tell me?"

Song Qiumin said, "It was because you came over that I remembered this. I guess you just wanted to come to my house to ask for food."

Ao Muyang said, "You make me sound like a corrupt official. Can I be that kind of person? Honest and upright, clean-handed, absolutely a good cadre of the people!"

Lu Zhizi waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't be so funny, help sister-in-law Qiumin clean up the vegetables in the basin. ”

Song Qiumin is really good at finding wild vegetables, including purslane, shepherd's purse, sesame leaves, water spinach, and a few Chinese toon sprouts.

When Ao Muyang saw the Chinese toon sprouts, he was puzzled: "Sister-in-law, why are there Chinese toon sprouts now? Aren't they available around Qingming Festival? There are more than 20 days between Qingming Festival and Qingming Festival."

Song Qiumin said: "They are available in large quantities during Qingming Festival. They are available now, and they are still tender. However, it seems that there is no snow this winter, and the weather is not so cold. This year, Chinese toon and wild vegetables are available early."

"Greenhouse effect, this is not a good thing. "Ao Muyang sighed.

It is easy to handle wild vegetables. Except for the dried sesame leaves, which need to be soaked in warm water, the others can be blanched in hot water. After taking them out, they are quickly chilled in cold water to prevent them from getting too hot and sticky. Then drain them and wait for cooking.

Although Song Qiumin nominally invited this meal, it was Lao Ao who mainly cooked.

Song Qiumin's family is now a fishing homestay, and the kitchen is full of seasonings. Ao Muyang found some dried tofu and peanuts, then chopped the dried tofu and mixed it with peanuts and amaranth, and added sugar, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, scallion oil, sesame oil, and a full plate of cold dishes.

After the New Year, there were shallots at the foot of the mountain. Song Qiumin went to find some and brought them back. This is specially used for scrambled eggs, paired with eggs laid by free-range hens in the village, and the taste is amazing.

There were also a lot of shepherd's purse, and Song Qiumin made a shepherd's purse seafood roll herself. This is a local specialty. Generally, shepherd's purse is used to make dumplings, but you can chop the shepherd's purse and add crab meat and shrimp to mix with egg liquid, and then use the method of making egg pancakes to make rolls, which is much more delicious than ordinary egg pancakes.

The aroma of shepherd's purse seafood rolls is very overbearing. When it was close to lunch, a tourist came to ask how to sell shepherd's purse seafood rolls. Song Qiumin shook his head and said that this was not for sale and she would eat it at home, but when he saw that the tourist brought a child, he sighed and took a few cakes and put them in a paper box and stuffed them into the child.

At lunch time, the fishing family became busy, but with the help of her mother's family, Song Qiumin was free.

She put the dishes on the table in the house and smiled at Ao Muyang: "Xiaoyang, you are really resourceful. It's only been a few years. How much has the village changed? Let's not talk about the village, let's talk about my home. The last time I invited you to dinner, there was nothing at home, just a table and a bed. Look now, the TV is 55 yuan, and the refrigerator is quick-frozen."

As she said, she shook her head with emotion.

Ao Muyang said: "Sister-in-law, you have worked hard to get rich. You have been very tired in the past two years."

This is true. Song Qiumin was not polite. She said: "To be honest, in the past two and a half years, I didn't have many times to sit down and have a good meal at noon. Almost every day, I could at least have three or two tables."

Ao Xiaoniu brought the dishes one by one, and Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Then let's have a meal to remember the bitterness and think of the sweetness, sister-in-law, life will be better in the future."

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