Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1224 1231. A Past Event (2)

Ma Jiabao's fishing boat was blocked by a speedboat from the fishing ground. The fishermen wanted him to pay compensation. They would not let him leave without compensation. Ma Jiabao was also a fisherman with a tough temper. He picked up a harpoon on the spot and wanted to start a fight with the fishermen.

The fishermen were not afraid of this. After they boarded the boat, they besieged Ma Jiabao. Ma Jiabao was unable to defeat the four-handed man with his two fists, so he naturally suffered a loss.

Seeing her man being beaten, his wife couldn't help it, so she rushed out of the cockpit to protect Ma Jia Bao, but there was chaos at the time, and someone didn't know who pushed his wife, who suddenly pushed her down on the boat. .

His wife was already seven months pregnant at the time, but she didn’t fall properly. She had a fetal movement, and her lower body started to bleed on the spot!

When things got serious, the fishermen got scared and quickly got off the boat and ran away.

Ma Jiabao was a fisherman with little education and knowledge. When he encountered such a thing, he was confused. He didn't know what to do for a while. He panicked for a while before he remembered to sail to the shore.

Baseball Cap said: "You really don't blame us for this. At that time, the Majiabao was stupid and couldn't move while hugging his wife. It was one of our guys who shouted at him and asked him to quickly sail to the hospital."

Ao Muyang said coldly: "There is no need to say these nonsense, just keep talking."

What happened later was more screwed up. This black fishing boat was an old fishing boat with unreliable performance. It broke down at a critical moment and the engine broke down and couldn't start.

When the fishing boat finally set off and returned to the shore, the woman's rescue time had passed. Due to heavy bleeding, the mother and daughter died!

Even the arrogant fisherman knew that something big was going to happen, and Ma Jiabao naturally refused to let it go, so he brought people to cause trouble. If he went through the legal process seriously, he might still be able to get justice, but making trouble with his fists would certainly not work. How could he make more trouble than Sun Beilong?

Sun Beilong randomly sent some people to drive away the Majiabao. He originally thought that the man would find a lawyer to handle the dispute when he returned. However, the other party was very arrogant and sailed into their fishing ground at midnight, and then set the fishing boat on fire. .

"Look at how dark this fishing boat is. It wasn't this color at first. It was all made black by fire and smoke." Baseball Cap said with a grimace.

The night was not good tonight. Ao Muyang had seen it vaguely from a distance and thought it was a black fishing boat. But now he looked closer and saw that there were indeed many signs of fire on it. The entire fishing boat had been scrapped.

Baseball Cap continued: "Later, we managed to put out the fire on the fishing boat. The police found a body from the boat, Ma Jiabao's body, but he was not burned to death!"

"Were they killed by your people?" Ao Muyang sneered.

The baseball cap hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm sorry, brother, what are you talking about? Who has the courage to kill someone? We are bastards, not desperadoes. Speaking of which, this Majiabao is more courageous than us. He hanged himself! He just hanged himself. Die on this iron pole with a lantern hanging on it!”

After hearing this incident, Lao Ao took a deep breath in his heart. This incident was really big, but he didn't hear much about it. Sun Beilong must have tried his best to suppress it.

Looking at the silent people, Ao Muyang said disdainfully: "We are a family of three who were forced to death by you. You are so good!"

The baseball cap said: "Don't be unfair. We didn't force him to die. You said he drove a boat into our fishing ground to catch fish, and we drove him away. Isn't that right? Later, his wife was not necessarily pushed down by us. She was at sea at that time. The waves were big and the boat was rocking so hard that she might have fallen down on her own!”

Ao Muyang laughed when he heard this, and said: "You are quite good at making excuses, Black Dragon, go and beat him up! Let everyone on the boat be spared, and give me a good beating first!"

He didn't want to provoke Sun Beilong, but it wasn't because he was afraid of him. Now that he encountered such a thing, he was really angry and had to vent his anger. As for how to explain to Sun Beilong? He doesn't need to explain anything to the other party.

Black Dragon was waiting for these words. He jumped from the wooden boat to the speedboat in one swift motion and grabbed the young man driving the boat by the neck. His arm muscles bulged. He grabbed the young man's neck as if he were beating a drum, and used his head as a drumstick to beat him on the boat. , a bang sound!

The hands are active and the feet are not idle.

Black Dragon took advantage of the situation and lifted up his kick, then hit him with a standard chop, hitting the shoulder of the baseball bat. Hearing a scream from the baseball cap, his body suddenly shrunk by half, and he fell to his knees due to the impact.

There were four people on the speedboat, and two of them were killed in one encounter.

The remaining two didn't know how powerful the black dragon was. When they saw him taking action, they immediately became angry and rushed towards him with their fists raised.

The black dragon shook his body vigorously, and the speedboat suddenly started to shake. The two young men were stepping forward, but they lost their balance and almost fell into the sea. They quickly squatted down and grabbed the handrails of the boat.

At this moment, Heilong stepped forward and quickly stepped forward. He grabbed the man in front of him and pushed him to the ground. He raised his foot and stepped hard on the young man's head.

At the same time, he punched another young man. First, he knocked the young man to the ground with two banging punches. Then he stretched out his arm and pressed his head. The other hand he had just released was clenched into a fist, and he banged again. Hit it up.

Black Dragon's attacks were always like a thunderstorm, as fast as wind and as aggressive as fire. Only after he knocked four people over on the speedboat did the people on the other speedboat react.

The three people on the speedboat were Youfeng and Deng Ge. They had been beaten by the black dragon before, and now that the brothers were beaten again, the three of them could not suppress the anger in their hearts, and they rushed over angrily in the speedboat.

Before they could take action, Ao Muyang shouted loudly: "I have the final say now. If you don't listen to me, you will be beaten! Pull your boat to this ghost ship and get aboard to see what's going on." !”

Because they were separated by a distance, Brother Deng and the other three did not know the reason why their brother was beaten. At this time, after hearing Ao Muyang's roar, the anger of the three people rushing to their foreheads quickly subsided. They all misunderstood and became baseball bats. The four refused to listen to each other and get on the boat and were beaten.

They didn't want to get on the ship, but they couldn't do anything to Ao Muyang at this time, otherwise they would definitely be punished miserably by Sun Beilong tomorrow.

The three of them looked at each other in panic and wanted to run away. Ao Muyang took out the phone and said: "I'm going to call your President Beilong right now. If anyone disobeys the command again, I will let President Beilong torture him to death!"

Youfeng shouted: "This boat is like a ghost ship. Are you going to kill us if you let us get on it?"

Ao Muyang said coldly: "I will take you on board, and if you die, I will die first, okay?"

After saying this, his outgoing call was answered, and Sun Beilong's voice rang: "Brother Ao, what's wrong?"

Ao Muyang said: "A ghost ship came to the fishing ground and was burned by fire. The owner of the ship belongs to a man named Ma Jiabao. Come and have a look. I want to take people up first to see what's going on, but your little brother doesn't He obeyed the command and refused to get on the boat.”

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