Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1230 1237. Bamboo tube transportation (3)

Every autumn, sexually mature eels will swim downstream, travel thousands of miles along the river to the western Pacific Ocean to reproduce.

From February to May every year, a large number of eel larvae will enter rivers and lakes from the ocean. In the years when eel fry are produced in Hongyang Bay, fishermen will go to catch eel fry at the river mouth and along the coast after the Chinese New Year.

The earliest eel fry appeared in Fuguang area in February, and in Hongyang in April, which means that if Lao Ao wants to raise eels to produce fry, he has to hurry up.

It's quite interesting to say that it takes a year for eels to complete the spawning process. They swim thousands of miles along the river to enter the sea, and they have to swim for a long time to find the spawning ground.

But once they mate and spawn, it only takes 36 hours for the fry to hatch. This is a magical place.

In addition, once female fish lay eggs, they will die. The gender of the fry cannot be distinguished when they are just born. It can only be determined after they grow to 30 centimeters. This is also a magical place.

In the afternoon, Ao Muyang called Ao Daguo's fishing boat and caught eels to send to his fishing ground.

Catching eels requires special tools, that is, bamboo tubes. Eels, like eels, eels, and loaches, like to drill into confined spaces such as bamboo tubes.

Ao Daguo brought these tools with him. A series of bamboo tubes were tied together, which is a bit similar to longline fishing.

Holding a string of bamboo tubes, he sighed and said, "Oh, Longtou, it's not easy to find this thing. No one in our village has been catching white eels for many years."

"No one catches white eels, no one catches loaches? Besides, it's not that there are no white eels in Hongyang Bay. I found a lot of them in plastic bottles in the garbage sea area in the town." Ao Muyang said.

Ao Daguo laughed and said, "Haha, how is this possible? White eels need to live in an unpolluted sea, and the water quality must be very clean. How can there be white eels in a garbage sea? Impossible!"

Ao Muyang later looked up this matter. In fact, those eels were put into the sea by the Fisheries Bureau, but it is difficult for artificially released eels to survive. After entering the sea, they happened to find a garbage sea area and lived there temporarily, and then they were killed by Lao Ao.

Even if Ao Muyang did not catch them, they would not live long. Just as Ao Daguo said, eels need a particularly clear and pollution-free living environment.

Seeing their fishing boat coming in, Sun Beilong rushed to meet them by speedboat.

After he got on the boat and saw the bamboo tubes, he said, "Brother Ao, before you collect the mother eel, I have something I must explain to you first. In the big picture, eel fry cannot be artificially bred until now, you know that?"

Ao Daguo said, "Aren't you doing artificial breeding in your fishery?"

Sun Beilong was gentle when facing Ao Muyang, but that didn't mean he would be the same when facing others. He was very unhappy when Ao Daguo interrupted him and said, "Don't interrupt me!"

Ao Daguo smiled and shook his head and left, muttering, "Who likes to interrupt?"

Ao Muyang said, "I know this, because eels have a very special life history, which is difficult to simulate in an artificial environment."

Sun Beilong nodded and said, "That's right, why is my fishery so valuable? It's because I have an eel spawning ground here, which is naturally formed."

Ao Muyang knew this. Yesterday, Sun Beilong learned that sea snakes were released to deal with underwater eels. He was so angry because he was afraid that the spawning ground would be destroyed.

The eel spawning ground in Beilong Fishery is a phoenix tree that can emit fairy spirit. As long as this phoenix tree is there, he can attract golden phoenixes continuously.

Loosely speaking, his fishery has achieved artificial breeding of eel fry. Strictly speaking, it is not. He has found an eel spawning sea area and contracted it. He is not in the business of selling eels, but selling eel fry.

Seeing Ao Muyang nod, Sun Beilong said: "Then you take the eels away. Are you sure you can find another spawning place for them to live? If that place is not suitable, I am afraid they will not mate."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "If they don't mate, then I will stew them."

Sun Beilong was stunned.

This is a joke. Ao Muyang thinks that the waters of Zhuantou Island can be used as eel spawning grounds. He can feed the eels with gold drops to make them adapt there. If they still can't adapt, then feed them some more gold drops!

Ao Muyang dived underwater and inserted the bamboo tube filled with freshwater shrimp into the sand layer on the seabed.

With freshwater shrimp as food and a hidden environment like the bamboo tube, he didn't worry about the eels not taking the bait.

Eels almost never prey after entering the sea, which is similar to salmon that migrate to spawn. Eels can fast for a year or two and still live well.

But this doesn't mean they don't want to prey, but they are adapted to freshwater fish and shrimp as food, and are not interested in the high-salt marine fish and shrimp in the sea.

Ao Muyang used freshwater shrimp to lure them, and this trick was definitely useful.

At night, he swam slowly in the water as usual. The sea area around the fishing ground was flat, and his vision was very good. If someone was holding a human model underwater to do something, he would definitely be able to detect it.

Maybe because he noticed that Sun Beilong had increased the number of patrol personnel at sea, there was no accident that night.

Sun Beilong breathed a sigh of relief, but when he checked the employees, he found that someone had run away again, which made him very angry!

Ao Muyang didn't care. He took people to collect the bamboo tubes at noon. Sure enough, there were traces of eels in most of the bamboo tubes. After being caught, the eels kept turning around in the bamboo tubes, very nervous.

The bamboo tubes were sent to the fishing boat, and then the fishermen on the boat poured them out. Ao Daguo sailed to Zhuantou Island.

There was no need for Ao Muyang to monitor the fishing grounds during the day, so he followed the boat to Zhuantou Island.

Transporting eels and eel fry is a very simple matter. It is the simplest one in the transportation of live fish, because they can be transported dry. Just put them in a clean carriage, just keep the air circulating, and sprinkle water once an hour.

This is because in addition to breathing through gills, eels can also breathe through skin, swim bladder, mouth, fins and even intestines.

After releasing the slow particles, Ao Muyang began to sprinkle water on them. There were gold drops in the water he sprinkled, which the eels could absorb through their skin.

As the clean water was sprinkled on them, many eels twisted and moved. They looked like sea snakes. When they twisted their bodies, it was really amazing.

The fishing boat entered the Zhuantou Island fishing ground. Ao Muyang gave an order and everyone began to catch eels and put them into the sea.

Ao Muyang continued to spread golden dots into the sea. Countless golden dots filled the water, attracting the eels in the water to scramble for them. Some of them started fighting while fighting, and they entangled and started mating.

Seeing this scene, Ao Muyang couldn't help laughing: Time will tell, I hope you find true love and enjoy the rest of your life together in the fishing ground.

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