Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1233 1240. Marriage (1/5)

Chapter 1233 1240. Marriage (15)

After watching the excitement, Ao Muyang returned to Longtou Village.

Sun Beilong was in great trouble and it was difficult to solve, so he felt relieved.

He got off the boat and went to the pier. Ao Mudong was squatting on the pier to tease a husky, using a chicken leg in his hand to attract it to come closer to him. Whenever it came close, Ao Mudong would give it a slap in the face. This husky is a foodie and has perseverance. Even after being slapped countless times by him, he still persisted in getting in front of him.

Seeing him coming back, Ao Mudong raised his head and said with a smile: "Hey, Longtou, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are really getting busier now."

Ao Muyang frowned and asked, "What is this? Ridiculing me?"

Ao Mudong waved his hands hurriedly: "Don't dare."

With a flick of his wrist, the greasy chicken legs flew out. The husky immediately jumped up, grabbed the chicken legs and ran away. Finally, he got something.

Although the weather is not sunny, spring has arrived and the temperature has begun to rise. Many people go out for an outing and travel to the village.

Not long after Ao Muyang arrived at the pier, a passenger ship came over, and then more than a hundred people poured onto the pier like dumplings.

He was very happy to see this, and the tourism business in the village was getting more and more popular.

But some people were unhappy. Ao Fugui squatted on the bow of his iron boat and sighed. Since the ferry from the city to the village was opened, there has been no business here.

Ao Muyang waved and said: "Hey, Fugui, what are you doing sitting on the boat? Come here and have a chat."

Ao Fugui jumped down from the boat listlessly and said, "There is no business anymore. It's such a fucked up life."

Ao Mudong said: "Why do you have to drive a boat? Can you just open a fisherman's house and have fun? Or you can drive a boat to take tourists out to see whales and dolphins. Wouldn't it be more profitable?"

When he said this, Ao Fugui became excited: "I drive a ferry not just to make money, it's a hobby and to realize my own life value! You can't just make money in this life!"

Ao Mudong made a pause gesture and said, "Stop it, stop it. If Mr. Yan says this, I think it's okay. Mr. Yan has a net worth of billions. What's the use of saying this?"

Ao Fugui snorted and said, "Well, I haven't been alive recently anyway, and my life has become boring. I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Ao Mudong said: "Life is boring? Damn it, life is boring. Why are you so fat? You must have gained ten pounds since the Chinese New Year, right? What do you eat at home all day? Pig feed?"

"Get lost," Ao Fugui said, "Don't look at me because I'm fat."

Ao Mudong and Ao Muyang waited for a while before he could finish his sentence, then asked, "I don't think you are fat, but what next?"

Ao Fugui said: "What then? I'm just saying, don't look at me because I'm fat. If you don't look at me, won't you think I'm fat?"

Ao Muyang rubbed his ears and said: "You have nothing to do, right? Forget it, this is a good time in spring. Let me take you to play. Let's go to the mountains to see if there are any young wild vegetables. If there are any, we can pack some back and make cold dishes. ”

Ao Mudong patted his butt and said, "Let's go, I'll go too. My wife is very good at making kimchi, and she can also make kimchi from wild vegetables."

Speaking of this matter, Ao Muyang asked: "Brother Dong, when will you get married?"

Ao Mudong asked: "Where are you and Teacher Lu? And Fugui and his cake-making partner?"

The three elders looked at each other, and Ao Fugui said, "I have an idea. How about we get married together? Then the wedding will be held together. It will be more exciting."

"What should I do if I get the wrong wife?"

"That would be more exciting."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "If you want to hold a wedding together, then you can do it yourself, don't count me in it."

He actually wanted to get married, but Lu Zhizi was a little afraid of marriage. This may be related to her experience. What her mother did to her father made her have no interest in marriage.

In addition, she has studied in the United States for many years, and her thoughts have been influenced by her classmates and teachers. Americans view men and women living together, getting married, and having children separately. Many people get married after having children, and some people get married after having children. Don't get married, just break up and remarry with children.

Ao Muyang felt that his current life was pretty good. He and Lu Zhizi were close friends and they both enjoyed being together, so they didn't specifically mention marriage.

Ao Fugui asked Ao Muyang what he thought, and Ao Muyang said: "Let it go. The two of us will definitely get married, but when we propose, it depends on when God gives us a suitable opportunity."

"This is really a Buddhist feeling." Ao Mudong said.

Ao Muyang said: "You prepare your own wedding preparations. I won't participate. I will go back to rest, and then go to the mountains after lunch. Do you two go?"

Ao Fugui said dejectedly: "I won't go. I have to find a way to resume my career. Spring is coming, and my career has to flourish."

Ao Muyang was helpless and said, "How about you drive my yacht out to pick up passengers and take the high-end route."

"He can't even make back the gas money." Ao Mudong laughed.

Ao Fugui patted Ao Muyang on the shoulder and said, "Forget it Yangzi, I accept your favor and will accompany you to the mountains to look for wild vegetables in the afternoon. My mother went to find some thorn sticks yesterday. I know where they are."

The scientific name of the thorn stick is Acanthopanax senticosus. The shape of its leaves is a bit like ginseng, and its effects are similar. It is a wild vegetable and also a Chinese herbal medicine. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen introduced it in "Compendium of Materia Medica", saying that Acanthopanax senticosus can cure rheumatism and strengthen bones and muscles.

There is also a local saying in Hongyang, which is that it is better to get a handful of Acanthopanax than a car full of gold and jade. It is a qi-tonifying medicine with the effect of replenishing deficiency and supporting weakness. If you eat it frequently, it can prevent or treat symptoms of physical weakness, nourish and strengthen, and prolong life.

Because of this effect, most of the people in the village who are willing to go to the mountains to find thorn sticks are old men and women. This thing is not easy to find. It hides in the bushes and it is easy to hurt the skin when collecting it.

Ao Muyang went home and slept for a whole morning. At noon, Lu Zhizi ate dumplings at school, so he soaked a bowl of biscuits with milk. As a result, when he turned back to find a spoon, he saw the head of state and his wife cats eating around the bowl.

"Damn it." Lao Ao cursed weakly, and had to go to Song Qiumin's house to buy dozens of buns. There was no other way. His family was big and there were many people. He had to eat, and the general and the brothers had to eat.

At noon, the clouds dispersed, and the sun came out.

Seeing this, the fishermen in the village grumbled in dissatisfaction. They had expected the next rain, but it was cloudy for several days and it didn't rain, which disappointed the whole village.

But after the sun came out, it was much more comfortable to go up the mountain.

The sun poured freely in the spring forest, passing through the sparse branches and leaves. There were mottled light and shadows shaking on the bluestone slabs under the forest. Everything in the spring mountain revived. When Ao Muyang just arrived at the foot of the mountain, he heard the sound of birds singing from time to time.

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