Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1240 1247. Manatee Lift (3)

A pot of wild garlic stewed rabbit meat is very delicious. The wild garlic is stewed until soft and mixed into the soup, making the soup very thick. It tastes better when poured over rice than meat.

Ao Fugui was eating happily, smacking his lips. He waved his chopsticks and kept picking at the plate. Ao Muyang said, "You have a bad habit. Smacking your lips is fine, but why are you picking and choosing?"

Hearing what he said, Ao Fugui showed a guilty expression: "I didn't notice it, sorry, Mr. Lu, I don't usually eat like this. I smacked my lips because it was so delicious. I picked and chose because there was not much meat in it? Where is the rabbit leg? Where is the rabbit ribs?"

Ao Muyang poked it with chopsticks and said, "Look, isn't this a rabbit leg?"

Ao Fugui picked it up and studied it for a while, and said in a daze, "Is this the rabbit's front leg?"

Ao Muyang said, "Yes, isn't the rabbit's front leg a leg?"

Seeing the rabbit's front leg, the general, wolf one and wolf two immediately started to sit in a row. According to their experience, the front leg and bones belong to them.

As a result, Ao Fugui did not mind the lack of meat in the front leg, and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it with a crunch.

The general got anxious when he saw it, and quickly pushed Ao Fugui with his paw: Mine, this is mine!

Ao Muyang went into the kitchen and brought out another bowl. In Ao Fugui's stunned eyes, he picked up a fat hind leg and gave it to Lu Zhizi, saying: "Come on, wife, eat more meat."

The other rabbit leg was his.

Fortunately, there were many dishes on the table. Jin Huizi often sent some kimchi to Lao Ao, including spicy cabbage, sour beans, cowpeas and sour radishes. She made them tasted good and went well with rice.

Ao Fugui didn't dislike it. If there was no rabbit meat to eat, he would gnaw on the rabbit head. After eating the rabbit head, he would suck the rabbit bones. Finally, he spit the bones on the ground. The general went to smell it and walked away: Damn, the bone residue has no fragrance at all, I won't eat it!

Ao Muyang asked, "Aren't you trying to lose weight now? Why do you eat so much?"

Ao Fugui loosened his belt and picked up the bowl again: "Well, I have to eat more. I'm going to dive in the afternoon, which is both laborious and calorie-consuming. I have to eat enough at noon."

Although he liked to squeeze Ao Fugui, Ao Muyang had the best relationship with him in the village, and he would definitely not treat him badly when it came to meals. He went to steam some rice for him.

Ao Fugui waved his hand and said, "The rice is almost done. I don't like it anymore. Do you have any buns? Ask sister-in-law Qiumin to send some buns over."

"Will you eat shit?"

"If you fry it with lard, use more meat and chili peppers, add some peppercorns and star anise, and don't forget to cut the green onions, then I'm not sure if you can really have some."

Ao Muyang was convinced and had to go buy him wild vegetable buns himself. He bought five, ate three himself, and Ao Fugui ate two.

The general, Wolf Da and Wolf Er looked at each other, and then they used their claws to poke Lao Ao: Where are our buns? Didn't everyone eat together before?

After lunch, while the weather was warm, Lao Ao took the general to catch purple sea urchins.

Purple sea urchins are mainly distributed in the coastal waters of the south, but the real place of abundance is the Bohai Bay in the northeast, where the purple sea urchins produced are the top in the country.

There are also purple sea urchins in Hongyang Bay, but the shell color is not so purple, but it is also a treasure. Now the market demand is large, mainly farmed goods. Places like the sea outside Longtou Village can only occasionally see some wild purple sea urchins.

Ao Muyang is going to catch purple sea urchins this time, but he also plans to protect them. It is quite rare for purple sea urchins to appear in the sea outside the village, because sea urchin migration is particularly difficult, and adult purple sea urchins can only roll one centimeter in a minute.

If they migrated from other seas following the red tide, it would take a lot of effort.

The water temperature is still cold in spring, and Ao Fugui has to wear a warm water jacket when he goes into the water.

Ao Muyang doesn't need to, he just goes into the water in swimming trunks and a net bag.

Seeing this, Ao Fugui said, "Yangzi, you're done, right? I know you have good muscle lines, so you don't need to show off anymore, right?"

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes and said, "What the hell, who's showing off?"

"If you don't want to show off, why don't you wear a water jacket? I told you it's only March now, be careful not to freeze underwater."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "I can swim in winter, let alone in the spring?"

Ao Fugui said, "How can it be the same? Winter swimming is just a circle in the sea, but now if you want to dive for purple sea urchins, you have to soak in the water for a long time."

Ao Muyang said, "Anyway, I'm fine."

Ao Fugui said, "Anyway, I kindly told you."

Ao Muyang smiled and stopped talking, diving into the water.

Today, when he put down the spotted grouper fry at the Zhuantou Island Fishery, he released a lot of gold drops, and he had to make up for it quickly. In this case, why would he wear a water jacket to get in the way?

As he dived into the water, his whole body was wrapped in seawater, and he felt much more comfortable.

Speaking of which, when he took off his clothes and didn't go into the water just now, he really felt quite cold.

His vision underwater was much better than Ao Fugui's. As he turned his head and scanned the seabed, he did see some purple sea urchins of different sizes.

The largest one was as big as a child's fist, and the smallest one was like a glass ball, with a huge difference.

A genuine high-quality purple sea urchin can be as big as his fist. Europeans like to eat purple sea urchins with white wine, and purple sea urchins as big as his fist are treasures for them.

Ao Fugui was right. There were quite a few purple sea urchins in the sea outside the village. There was a reef area under his feet, where many seaweeds lived. These seaweeds grew out of the cracks in the reefs and swayed with the waves.

A manatee was eating here. It was like a lawn mower. Its big mouth flipped up and down and bit and ate half of a giant kelp.

Ao Muyang swam over and touched the manatee's head. Compared with seals and sea lions, manatees were incredibly gentle.

This manatee was not familiar with Lao Ao. When it saw a stranger approaching, it timidly blinked its dark little eyes, turned over with its belly, and directly surrendered to him.

Ao Muyang couldn't help laughing. He touched the manatee's belly. After a period of good food and drink, the manatee's subcutaneous fat accumulated. Its skin was compact and smooth, with a faint coolness, which was strangely comfortable to touch.

Seeing that he was scratching his belly instead of hurting himself, the manatee became a little bolder. He turned his head and wanted to continue eating seaweed, so he turned his head and continued to chew the leaves of giant kelp.

Seeing that it was lying on the sea, Ao Muyang climbed up with his forelimbs.

The manatee's belly was very smooth, and a wave hit him, and he almost slipped down.

As a result, at this moment, the manatee took the initiative to raise its forelimbs, just like holding up a child, and protected him.

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