Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1263 1270. Getting to work (1/5)

Chapter 1263 1270. Work (15)

Ao Muyang asked: "Do you know who he offended?"

The old lady quickly shook her head: "I don't know, I don't know..."

"Why don't you know? I know that he borrowed high-interest loans from a Black Tiger company or some other company. That Tiger brother brought people here every now and then. I also went to the neighborhood committee, the street office and the police station to report this matter. Hum, as an old party member, am I afraid of these crooked ways?!"

A loud voice rang out in the room, but only the voice could be heard but not the person.

The old lady turned back impatiently and said: "If you are not afraid of them, why do you lock the door every time they come to your door?"

The old man stopped talking.

But Ao Muyang had already obtained the information he needed and was ready to leave.

At this time, the old lady spoke again, saying: "If you want to find Xiao Chang, you can't come here on weekends. You have to go to his wife's place. Their kid is going to take the college entrance examination, and the couple will take care of the child together on weekends."

Ao Muyang was surprised, and he asked: "Didn't Dr. Chang divorce his wife? Are they getting together again?"

The old lady closed her mouth and didn't say anything. It seemed that she was going to close the door and go back to the house.

Ao Muyang has learned a lot in the past two years as the village chief, such as dealing with old men and old women.

He quickly took out his wallet and took out a stack of cash without counting it. He handed it to the old lady and whispered: "Auntie, you have been wronged because of Dr. Chang in the past. My colleagues have not been able to solve your problems. This is a small compensation. Please accept it."

The old lady smiled and stretched out her hand to push: "What is this for? What is this for?"

After pushing twice, the money went into her hand. She held the money tightly and said: "Hey, in fact, Xiao Chang and Xiao Sun still have a good relationship. It's just that they were trapped by loan sharks at that time. The child was going to take the high school entrance examination at that time. It was a critical time, so they had to divorce. The child's academic performance in high school is also important. I guess they didn't remarry because of this consideration. After the college entrance examination, the couple should remarry."

Ao Muyang said: "Then Dr. Chang's wife is really good, I can actually tolerate Dr. Chang's gambling nature. "

The old lady curled her lips and said, "Who said Xiao Chang is a gambler? His wife is a gambler!"

The chat was almost over, and he was about to leave. At this time, Ao Xiaofei squeezed in and held up his mobile phone to show the old lady, and asked, "Auntie, is the leader of the evil forces who brought people to make trouble before him?"

The old lady squinted her eyes and looked carefully, muttering, "I haven't been to the door for a year or two, my memory is not good..."

Another hundred yuan was handed over, and the old lady nodded immediately and said, "That's him! His name is Brother Hu, right? I remember it all at once."

The group of people rushed out of the community, and Ao Xiaofei said, "Village chief, the information we inquired about is different from the official information. "

Song Gongming said: "What I found is what is kept in the archives, and this information is also learned from the person involved. It is possible that the person involved took some responsibility on himself in order to protect his family."

Ao Muyang said thoughtfully: "Then this person involved is really a good man who loves his family."

Ao Muying came up and said: "Are we investigating in the wrong direction? Maybe this matter has nothing to do with Fu Jixiang, but with Geng Jinhu, or with both of them!"

Ao Muyang said: "Why don't we go to his wife and ask the doctor?"

Chang Xuanran's wife is named Sun Shuzhen, the same name as a female star in Dabangzi. The community she lives in is not ordinary. It is called Langhu Mountain View, which is an upscale community.

Song Gongming has been researching buying a house recently. He said, "The house prices in Langhu Mountain View are very expensive. It costs 40,000 per square meter, and all the houses are large. Oh, when can I get a house there? I won't have to worry about my wife."

"Brother Gongming, what does Sun Shuzhen do for a living?" Ao Xiaofei asked, looking down at his phone and not knowing what he was looking at.

Song Gongming said, "She's unemployed, right? I checked Chang Xuanran's file before, and it seems that his wife is a housewife."

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang frowned and said, "That's not right. The old lady just said that it was Sun Shuzhen who was a gambler and borrowed money, but Chang Xuanran took the blame in the end. I thought Sun Shuzhen was a civil servant, and for the sake of her job, she couldn't get involved in these scandals. But she's unemployed? Why not let her take the blame?"

Song Gongming continued his words and said, "Because he's a good man and protects his family?"

Ao Xiaofei raised his head and said, "I checked online. Langhu Mountain View was opened four years ago and moved in two years ago. , all houses were sold out within a week of opening. Because it was too popular, loans were not accepted at that time, and more than 100 houses were bought in full. This was reported in the news. The popularity of Hongyang Real Estate started from then. "

"Sun Shuzhen and Chang Xuanran divorced exactly two years ago. She should have moved to Langhu Mountain View after the divorce. So the couple is really rich. They could buy a high-end house in full three years ago. At that time, the housing price in the community was at least 20,000, if not 40,000. But after buying the house, they started to borrow usury. So, did they borrow money because of gambling? "

"Is it because of real estate speculation?" Su Jinnan interrupted and asked.

Song Gongming said angrily: "Those who speculate in real estate should die!"

"Absolutely, those who speculate in real estate are traitors!"

"The state should investigate strictly and put them in the wall if they are caught. If it weren't for these people who drove up the housing prices so high..."

"Okay, okay, go and rant about this online, don't mess up the topic." Ao Muyang frowned. If he didn't care, it would become a gathering of victims of high housing prices. Song Gongming was about to cry.

Ao Xiaofei coughed and continued, "I think Sun Shuzhen and Chang Xuanran divorced not to avoid usury, at least not only because of this, but also to cover up some things, such as where the money for buying a house came from."

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "This family has a lot of secrets."

They drove to the gate of the community and stopped. Four energetic young men stood at the magnificent and luxurious gate. Ao Muying looked at them and said, "It's not easy for us to get in."

Song Gongming shook the police certificate in his hand and said, "With this, it's easy to go to prison."

"But there are too many of us, it's easy for the security guards to suspect." Ao Muying shook his head.

"We don't need to go in, look ahead." Su Jinnan pointed with his chin.

A man and a woman were walking towards them on the road in front of the car. The man was Chang Xuanran, whose photo they had seen. The woman was a beautiful young woman with wavy red hair. She was wearing a short skirt in early spring, revealing her long legs in black stockings.

"Is this Sun Shuzhen? No wonder Chang wanted to remarry her." Ao Mudong said with his eyes wide open.

Ao Muyang opened the car door and walked down, saying, "Let's get to work."

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