Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 161 159. Guide Fish (Mark Alliance +5)

Ao Mubing sighed: "What a tragedy! This is an educational tragedy! A family tragedy!"

Ao Daguo glared at him: "What a tragedy! Why are you still telling me this?"

Ao Qianpan said: "Really? What are Qianyao and sister-in-law doing? Are they going to force the child to death? Why do you have to be a civil servant? Why do you have to have a stable job? What's wrong with making a living on the sea?"

Ao Mubing asked: "Making a living on the sea is good. If you are given an official position, will you do it?"

Ao Qianpan laughed dryly: "Is there such an opportunity?"

Ao Muyang frowned and said: "Don't be smart here, think of a way to help Wenchang solve the problem."

In his opinion, this is not a problem at all, it's just that Ao Wenchang is too weak, listens to his parents too much, and takes his parents too seriously.

From childhood to adulthood, Ao Wenchang has been placed high hopes by Ao Qianyao and his wife. Of course, he did not disappoint his parents. From elementary school to college, he is a legend in the village. For most children in the village, he is the 'child of other people's family'.

Ao Muyang's grades were already very good, but they were still worse than Ao Wenchang's. Ao Wenchang skipped a grade in junior high school, so he took the college entrance examination a year earlier than him and was admitted to Jiangsu and Zhejiang University with the first place in the town.

During school, Ao Wenchang was a puppet in the hands of his parents. He didn't have to do farm work, go out to sea to help, or cook for his parents. He just had to study.

Ao Muyang once envied him very much, especially after his parents went missing at sea. He envied this classmate even more, envied his happy family, envied his admission to a prestigious school, and envied his perfect youth.

Obviously, the reality is not what he thought, every family has its own problems.

Ao Muyang signaled Ao Daguo and others to go back to the boat first. He sat with Ao Wenchang at the bow: "Brother, tell me the truth first, do you really not want to live?"

Ao Wenchang snorted a few times, and finally said embarrassedly: "I was so depressed in the morning that I wanted to die. Now that I have made a fuss, I feel that life is good again."

Ao Muyang said: "Then let me ask you, which is more terrible, death or facing your parents?"

Ao Wenchang thought about it, and then said frustratedly: "It must be death."

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder hard and said: "Yes, since you are not afraid of death, you are afraid of facing your parents? I tell you, you go back and confront them. It is impossible for you to take the civil service exam. It is impossible for you to take the exam in this life. You don't know how to do business. It's just that I have been exposed to fishing since I was a child. Go out to sea for two years first!"

Ao Wenchang Chang sighed and said, "I'm not just afraid of them, I also don't want to disappoint them. Alas, I also want to fight for myself, bring honor to myself and my family, and make the villagers envy me."

Ao Muyang said, "You are possessed by a demon!"

Ao Wenchang said frustratedly, "Aren't people like this? Don't they all live for others? Live for face?"

Ao Muyang shook his head, "No, after my parents passed away, I figured it out. I live for myself and live for happiness. If anyone makes me unhappy, I will fight with him!"

Ao Wenchang was silent for a while, nodded and said, "I know, Brother Yang. Where are you going today? Can you take me with you?"

Ao Muyang said, "Let's go, Brother Yang will take you out to sea! Take off your wet clothes, I have dry clothes here, you change first."

Leaving the small sampan floating on the beach, the two got on the sea fishing boat.

The tiger was swimming around. Ao Wenchang looked at its image in the water and said with emotion: "This is my lifesaver. It's incredible. Brother Yang, this killer whale has been saving my life just now!"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, this little killer whale is very human."

As he said that, he dragged out a piece of pork, cut it into strips with a sharp knife and threw it into the water.

The tiger ate happily, and made a few calls from time to time with varying tones.

When they reached the deep sea, Ao Muyang let the others rest. With the help of the propeller, he roamed in the ocean to find fish.

After strolling in the sea for more than 30 minutes, the power of the propeller was consumed by nearly half. Ao Muyang still didn't find anything, so he planned to go back and charge it first.

He encountered a few small schools of fish, but they were too small and not worth it. It would be better to let them go and let them recuperate and grow their tribe.

Not long after he turned the propeller, the tiger that had been following him suddenly swam to the back, with a vigorous posture and a sharp increase in swimming speed.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang knew that it had found food. Tigers would only swim so fast when they found food or danger.

So he thought that he should give full play to the ability of killer whales. Killer whales have more sensitive predation insight than sharks. Tigers can be a guide, no, it should be a guide fish!

Sure enough, after running behind the tiger for a few minutes, a terrifying school of fish appeared in his field of vision!

This is a group of small fish. The largest one is only more than 20 centimeters long. Most of them are about 10 centimeters. They are densely packed and in groups. They gather together as if they can cover the sky and the sun. There are countless numbers!

The small fish are slender, with short dorsal fins and silver-gray bodies. They swim very fast. The tiger rushed in with acceleration and rushed around inside!

The fish were frightened and turned into several small groups to hide everywhere. Some small fish swam past Ao Muyang. He recognized the identity of these fish at a glance. They were sardines.

Sardines are one of the most abundant economic fish in the ocean, especially in the waters of Japan and Europe. Every spring and summer, countless sardines appear.

This kind of fish is not expensive, but because it often appears in large schools, it is also very valuable to catch.

Ao Muyang emerged from the sea, accelerated his return, then boarded the fishing boat and waved forward: "Follow me!"

Ao Daguo and the other three who were smoking threw away their cigarette butts and immediately pulled anchor and accelerated.

If there were only sea fishing boats, then Ao Muyang would not be able to catch sardines. Now he has Ao Daguo's fishing boat here, which can lower the fishing nets for trawling operations, which is more suitable for catching sardines.

If you really want to catch sardines, you have to do it at night, because sardines will be attracted by the light at night. At that time, you can use fishing methods such as lighted seine nets, drift gill nets, large pull nets, and fixed nets to get big harvests.

Ao Muyang didn't plan to spend the night at sea. He just wanted to lower the net and catch some of them to make some money. There was no need to kill all the sardines.

Another reason why he did this is that it is not easy for this school of sardines to survive until now. They are warm-water fish and will come to the middle and upper waters of the ocean in spring and summer, so they are usually fished in spring and summer.

It is already autumn, and fish schools are about to dive. Once they dive into the deep sea, they can survive at least through autumn and winter.

In other words, since they were lucky enough to escape capture in spring and summer, Ao Muyang wanted to let them go.

Ao Muyang positioned himself, and Ao Wenchang helped Ao Daguo and the others lower the net. The huge fishing net was cast down, and as the fishing boat floated over the sea above the fish, the net was filled with fish.

Seeing that what was being caught was sardines, Ao Daguo was a little depressed: "Damn, I should bring a catfish with me when I go to sea. That way I can make a lot more money."

Any seafood is more valuable alive than dead, and the same is true for sardines.

Most of the sardines that appear on the market are dead fish. They are difficult to feed because unless they are in the sea, if they are caught, they will often crowd together and remain motionless due to laziness or fear.

In this way, the gathering of a large number of fish will lead to death due to lack of oxygen, and the mortality rate is very high. Fishermen often put a catfish in after catching it to let them move around.

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