Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 162 160. Farce (1)

Several fish were caught in the net, and there was laughter and joy on the boat.

The happiest time for fishermen is when they pull up the fishing net and harvest.

Ao Wenchang followed the pulling of the net and collected the catch. Watching the net release and drop so many sardines, he became very happy after he had to live and die in the morning:

"With this internet connection, the capital of going overseas will be recovered, isn't it, Uncle Guo?"

Ao Daguo hurriedly gathered the fish, smiling from ear to ear: "I must have made a profit! It only costs five or six hundred yuan for a trip with diesel and labor. Sardines now cost less than five or six yuan a pound. There must be no one in this net." One hundred and forty pounds? You must have made a profit!”

"A net of sardines costs at least 700 yuan. There are also some mackerel, large fish and partial fish in it. These fish cost at least 15 yuan a catty? I estimate that there are about 20 jins anyway. That's another 300 yuan. This Even if it’s a thousand yuan,” Ao Wenchang said with a smile.

"In terms of labor, it costs 100 yuan for a strong laborer to go to sea for a day. It costs 300 yuan for the three of you. 400 yuan for diesel is enough. Add 300 yuan for the depreciation of the fishing boat. If you do the math, this is not profitable. It is just a return. Ben."

Ao Qianpan smiled and said, "Your calculation is accurate."

Ao Wenchang said: "They are all the simplest addition and subtraction. They can be easily calculated."

Ao Daguo lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and then said, "Yes, no wonder I always lose money. I couldn't calculate it accurately before."

Ao Muyang, who was leading the team in a sea fishing boat, waved and shouted: "Continue to lower the net, go to the ten o'clock direction, and speed up the boat!"

Ao Daguo bit the butt of the cigarette with his teeth and said a few words from between his teeth: "Okay, dragon head!"

The harvest from this trip to the sea was sardines, and there were also some mackerel and the like.

Sardines are the basis of the marine fish biological chain. They are the food of many carnivorous fish, so every time you catch sardines, you will get extra harvest.

Several nets were cast in succession, and the cabin of the fishing boat was filled with sardines.

After catching the sardines, Ao Muyang led the team back.

Sardines are not a rare fish species, so there is no need to send them to Hongyang. They can be sold at the dock in the town.

Ao Daguo went to sell fish, and Ao Muyang took Ao Wenchang back to the village first.

The fishing boat was sailing on the sea outside the village, and in the distance they saw a group of people standing on the pier.

Ao Wenchang asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Ao Muyang said casually: "I don't know, let's go and have a look. Is there going to be water play in the village?"

Ao Wenchang's face changed: "No, there are no group activities in the village. Every time everyone gets together, they use me as the topic."

The fishing boat set off white waves and sailed towards the pier. The tiger was unwilling to be separated from Ao Muyang, so he followed quietly.

As they gradually approached the pier, the two of them gradually saw the situation on the pier clearly.

I saw at least forty or fifty people surrounding the pier. A woman was crying hoarsely: "Wenchang! Wenchang, Wenchang! My son, my son, my son, where have you been? You can't die. What's wrong with you, ah, ah, Wenchang..."

The people next to me were trying their best to comfort: "Qian Yao, please stop crying, stop crying, alas!"

"Maybe Wenchang didn't commit suicide by jumping into the sea. Didn't we find the body..."

"Friend Magobi, who do you think jumped into the sea to commit suicide? My son will definitely not jump into the sea to commit suicide! Who is my son? He will not be so weak. He must be joking with us. That suicide note is just a joke!" Ao Wenchang His father, Ao Qianyao, roared crazily.

Ao Wenchang's mother rushed to tear her husband apart, acting like a mad tiger: "Are you drafting it, Ao Qianyao! It was you who forced Wenchang to death. Wenchang said clearly in the letter that it was you who forced him to death! When you are an official, you are an official. Official! Why is it not you?"

Faintly listening to the shouts on the pier, Ao Muyang looked at Ao Wenchang in shock: "Your parents?"

Ao Wenchang's face changed greatly: "Holy crap, I left a suicide note on my sampan boat when I jumped into the sea this morning. I forgot to take it with me when I went to sea with you!"

In this way, Ao Muyang knew what was going on. Apparently after they left, someone found the empty boat and found a suicide note from the boat, and then thought that Ao Wenchang had committed suicide.

In particular, there were still Ao Wenchang's clothes on the boat. Ao Muyang asked him to change them after seeing him get wet after jumping into the sea several times. After changing them, Ao Wenchang threw them on his own sampan boat. It was probably regarded as his clothes. Evidence of suicide.

Ao Muyang slammed the throttle, and the fishing boat entered the dock at the fastest speed.

Ao Wenchang hurried to the pier and shouted: "Mom and Dad, I'm not dead! I'm back!"

The worried villagers turned their heads in shock, and Ao Qianyao and his wife who were tearing apart turned their heads in even more shock, and then saw the living Ao Wenchang.

His mother, Yao Xiuli, scratched her husband while watching him. Ao Qianyao did not hide away. He squatted on the ground with a look of dejection on his face, letting his wife do whatever he wanted.

Hearing the familiar voice of his son, Ao Qianyao suddenly raised his head and yelled: "Son!"

Yao Xiuli couldn't react. Her eyes were swollen like peaches from crying, and her nerves had been paralyzed. Although she saw her son, she became confused and subconsciously continued to torment her husband.

Ao Qianyao pushed her away and shouted, "Can't you see that your son is back? Why are you still tickling me?"

Ao Wenchang quickly ran up and hugged her mother. Seeing her son up close and feeling his body temperature, Yao Xiuli finally believed that this was the truth, and cried loudly: "Son! Son! Damn it, your mother, you are so stupid Where did it go?"

Ao Qianlai asked blankly: "Xiucai, didn't you commit suicide by jumping into the sea? I went diving to find your body in the morning, where did you appear again?"

Song Qiumin pulled him and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, Uncle Qianlai, Wenchang did not commit suicide."

"Yes, yes, Wenchang didn't commit suicide, that's great."

"I told you, the scholar is just trying to scare his parents!"

"Okay, okay, let's all disperse. Don't watch the excitement here. As long as no one is killed."

After being filled with joy and excitement, Ao Qianyao became angry: "Are you drafting it? You damn kid, can you joke about this kind of thing? Can you scare people with this kind of thing?"

As he said this, he wanted to go up and beat his son.

He and his wife were really scared to death today. If the women in the village hadn't stopped him in the morning, his wife would have committed suicide by throwing herself into the sea!

Facing his father, who had accumulated power for a long time, Ao Wenchang was still a little scared, hugging his mother and looking at him timidly.

Ao Muyang couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Wenchang, do you want to be forced to death again? You may not be lucky enough to meet a tiger next time!"

Hearing this, Ao Wenchang reacted suddenly, and then he pushed his father's arm away and shouted: "Do you think I'm scaring you? If not for the killer whale raised by Brother Yang, he saved me. I, I’m really dead!”

Ao Qianyao said sharply: "You still dare to scare me?"

Ao Wenchang was angry and aggrieved. He pushed his mother away and jumped into the sea: "You have to force me to death!"

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