Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 23 23. Return to school

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"It's like this. I reported to the superiors that the children in our village are paying too much tuition, so the superiors approved the resumption of classes in our village primary school and arranged teachers."

Hearing Ao Zhiyi say this, Ao Muyang was immediately refreshed and said, "Good news."

Since the village primary school was abolished, the children in the village have to go to the town to go to school. But the mountain road connecting the village and the town is very difficult to walk, and it is dangerous to walk on the sea.

Originally, the county education bureau planned to let the children live in the school, but middle school students have a certain degree of self-care ability, so they have no problem staying in the school, but primary school students have many problems staying in the school.

After a while, the county education bureau had no choice but to allow several mountain village primary schools in Qiantan Town to resume classes, but not all the abolished schools resumed classes, but coordinated the surrounding villages, so that one school radiated multiple places.

Longtou Village is in a good location, radiating to four or five surrounding villages. The school has been reopened, so the children in the village no longer have to get up early and walk on the mountain road in the dark, and parents can save a bit of effort to send their children to school every day.

Ao Zhiyi snorted, "Of course it's a good thing. I made this happen with all the help I put in. Do you know how much effort I put in? Do you know how much money I spent?"

Ao Muyang didn't listen to these nonsense. How could he not know what kind of character Ao Zhiyi, the village chief, is? If he could pull out a hair from this stingy person, it would be like seeing a ghost in broad daylight!

Seeing that he didn't respond, Ao Zhiyi was bored and continued: "The Education Bureau has arranged a teacher. You go and pick up the teacher. I'll call you. Remember, treat her well. She is a poverty alleviation teacher. If she is unhappy, she can leave!"

Ao Muyang said: "Is it inappropriate for me to go? You are the village chief, so you can go?"

Ao Zhiyi said: "I should go, but I learned that this teacher is a young and beautiful city girl, who is handsome and well-educated. Didn't your grandfather miss you being single? I'm giving you a chance to show yourself. You have to seize this opportunity and show yourself well. Do you hear me?"

Ao Muyang curled his lips. This old man is definitely not so kind.

But he couldn't find fault, so he showed a grateful expression and said: "Thank you, Second Master, I will definitely treat our female teacher well."

He knew that the mountain village education poverty alleviation project was being carried out all over the country. The country wants the whole people to be well-off, and in recent years, it has paid attention to organizing assistance activities in remote mountainous areas.

Besides, he knew that he would not have any chance. No matter how well he performed, the female teachers who came to help the poor would not look down on an orphan like him. They came to help the poor mostly for the policy. After two years here, they would still have to go back to the city.

These are not the main points. The main point is that there will be a school in the village, which is always a good thing.

He asked with great interest: "Second Master, how can I contact this teacher? Do you have a photo, phone number, QQ, etc.? Also, how much money does the village allocate to entertain her?"

Ao Zhiyi rolled his eyelids and said: "What funds are needed for this? Don't you understand the situation in the village? You can't get a fart with three sticks, and you can't get two shits with a poor intestine. Besides, I'm introducing you to a date, and you still want to use the village's money to date?"

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes. He knew that this old man had no good intentions when he came to him. Now he understood that he didn't entertain him just to save money.

The money and accounts of the village committee were in his hands, and the money saved would eventually belong to him personally. However, Longtou Village is a poor and remote village, and the village committee has little money throughout the year, so the villagers don't care how much he can embezzle.

After scolding Ao Muyang, Ao Zhiyi said: "I have the phone number of this female teacher, here, I'll give it to you."

"What's her name?"

Ao Zhiyi grinned: "This girl's name is interesting, called Shuzhizi. Our China is really vast, and there are people with the surname Shu?"

"Shuzhizi?!" Ao Muyang was stunned. How could there be such a name?

Ao Zhiyi's face tightened: "Yes, it's called Shuzhizi. Don't doubt it. Your second master is not so old that he is blind and deaf."

After getting the phone number, Ao Muyang called it on the spot, but no one answered.

Ao Zhiyi said: "Don't worry, I have contacted this kid. Isn't it summer vacation? She is not in a hurry to come to class. She will visit her classmates in Hongyang first. In fact, she is traveling."

Hongyang has water, mountains and economy. It is one of the most famous tourist cities in China, attracting tens of millions of tourists every year.

Since the female teacher was not in a hurry to pick up the phone, Ao Zhiyi had something else to do with Ao Muyang: "Let's go out to sea again tomorrow. Let's go early this time. Don't go at five o'clock. Four o'clock, four o'clock is okay?"

Ao Muyang said: "Going out to sea again? You haven't settled the bill for the last time you went out to sea."

Ao Zhiyi laughed and said: "Let's settle it together at the end of the month. Your second master can't waste your money. Well, if four o'clock doesn't work, then five o'clock. Five o'clock is better."

He didn't give Ao Muyang a chance to refuse. He walked away with his hands behind his back.

After walking a few steps, he turned back: "Yangzi, where did you catch crabs and prawns? Your second wife has been craving crabs and prawns recently..."

"Second master, then I'll sell it to you at a lower price?"

Ao Zhiyi left angrily.

Ao Muyang went home to clean up the crabs and shrimps. This is dinner.

Such fresh crabs and shrimps are delicious after simple steaming.

Ao Fugui was used to eating for free, and said, "It's okay to cook it, and there will be fresh soup later."

Put the washed shrimps and crabs in the pot and cook them. The soup will have a delicious taste, even fresher than the shrimps and crabs themselves, so some people like to cook seafood and drink the soup at the same time.

Ao Muyang said: "Don't cook it, otherwise the protein in the crabs and shrimps will be lost. These are wild shrimps and wild crabs. It would be a pity to waste them."

Ao Mufeng and Ao Mupeng also came at dinner time. Ao Fugui looked down on them. Ao Mufeng said with his neck stiff: "I'm not eating for free. I'm just communicating with Yangzi."

"What's the matter?" Ao Muyang brought a plate of crabs and shrimps to invite them to sit down, and asked Ao Xiaoniu to take some shrimps back to his mother.

Forget about the crabs, he kept them for himself. This thing is cold in nature and not suitable for women with physical discomfort.

Seeing that the dinner was crabs and shrimps, Ao Mufeng and the other two began to rub their fingers and prepare to start.

People on the coast don't lack these goods, and steaming crabs and shrimps does not require technical content, but these wild shrimps and crabs are extremely delicious, completely different from farmed seafood, and they can't get enough even if they eat them every day.

Ao Mufeng glanced at the big fat crab and said, "It seems that your uncle will be back soon. Isn't your family's land still in his hands? You can take it back when he comes back."

Ao Muyang's father has a brother named Ao Qianxin. When he went to work in Beijing, he entrusted the general and the family's land to his uncle to take care of.

Ao Fugui told him that the general was kicked out of the house two days after he left. Ao Qianxin's family then went to Hongyang to work. They rented out the land and collected rent every year, but never cared about Ao Muyang.

Hearing this news, Ao Muyang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go find him when he comes back. Don't you want to eat some? If you don't want to eat, I'll make it myself?"

"Eat, eat, eat." Ao Mupeng rubbed his hands and smiled, "By the way, what is this red wine?"

Ao Muyang took a sip and said, "Eel blood wine."

Eel blood is poisonous. If eaten by mistake, it will irritate the oral cavity and digestive tract mucosa of the human body. In severe cases, it will damage the human nervous system, causing numbness of the limbs, respiratory and circulatory failure and death.

However, the toxins in it are not heat-resistant and will lose their toxicity after steaming.

Ao Muyang did not throw away the blood after slaughtering the golden eel yesterday, but mixed it with strong liquor and steamed it at high temperature.

In this way, the eel blood is not toxic, and the high temperature also evaporates a large amount of alcohol, and a bottle of strong blood wine becomes a health wine.

Hearing that this is eel blood wine, the eyes of the three young men lit up.

The golden eel has a super strong effect of nourishing yin and strengthening yang, and the most powerful effect is blood. This kind of golden wine is definitely a treasure for men!

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