Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 24 24. Lead the way with the dog

After drinking, they had nothing to do so they chatted for a while and then went back.

The blood wine had been steamed and the taste was very light, so they inevitably drank a few more sips.

When they left, Ao Muyang felt that their eyes were obviously wrong. If they didn't leave, he was afraid that something would happen to his family.

Ao Fugui walked to the door and looked at the general for a few more times, muttering: "He has to find a wife. I've been single for a long time. Even a dog looks good."

The general has always been bold, but being stared at by three big men, his super sixth sense sensed that something was wrong, so he quickly shrank his tail to protect his chrysanthemum and ran back to the house to hide.

He had to go out to sea tomorrow, so Ao Muyang packed up hastily and prepared to go to bed.

He looked at the auction on the forum, and the price of lobsters had reached 18,000 yuan. Obviously, the appearance of the shrimp was very attractive, which aroused the interest of some seafood bosses.

As usual, Ao Muyang went out at dawn. He boarded the boat and Ao Zhiyi asked, "After this time, no one will chase us, right?"

Ao Muyang knew that this was a sideshow for him, so he pretended not to hear and didn't respond directly.

When he got to the sea, Ao Zhiyi still had to serve him well. The harvest depended on Ao Muyang's ability.

Ao Zhiyi was an old sea dweller. He also had the ability to find schools of fish in the water. Unfortunately, these skills were getting less and less useful. There were too few schools of fish in the sea, and there were few features that could be detected based on experience.

Nowadays, fishing boats have underwater radars that can detect the location of schools of fish and big fish, but Longtou is an old ship and naturally does not have these advanced tools.

Ao Muyang went into the sea. The sea water was clear, and water vapor continued to flow into his body. The small water flow in the golden elixir began to rotate again.

He looked into the water. This area of ​​the sea was very deep. At first glance, he didn't see a school of fish, but he saw a shark!

This shark is wide, with a thick trunk and a spindle-shaped body. Its back is dark gray and its belly is grayish white. It is estimated to be three meters long, with a flat head, two big eyes and a triangular nose, and a fierce appearance.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang climbed back to the boat honestly. This is a bull shark, and it is a violent female bull shark. The male bull shark is less than three meters long, at most two and a half meters long.

The size of the bull shark is relatively small among sharks, but it is very aggressive and has a very mixed diet. It is famous for not being picky about food. The bodies of cows, dogs, humans and even hippos have been found in their stomachs. Sometimes hungry bull sharks even eat other sharks.

If you encounter a bull shark, it is best to run quickly. Their big eyes have poor eyesight, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive. They can smell the taste of a drop of blood diluted in 100,000 liters of water, and can also track prey within a kilometer range by relying on the vibration and sound of the sea water.

In addition, it has another characteristic. Other sharks need to rest in moderation, while bull sharks hardly rest. They keep swimming around because they have no swim bladder. Once they stop swimming, they will sink to the bottom of the sea, which makes them more aggressive.

Continuous swimming does not mean that they are easily tired. In fact, if bull sharks are really tired, they can float to the surface of the water to inflate their stomachs, thereby acting as swim bladders to keep their bodies buoyant, while they continue to drift with the flow.

Ao Muyang did not find it, but he still had to cast the net. Ao Zhiyi did not rely solely on him.

The fishing net was cast down, and the fishing boat kept moving forward.

The first net was caught, and Ao Zhiyi searched nervously, and then caught a blue-spotted Spanish mackerel first.

This is a good fish with few bones and more meat. It is very popular in coastal cities such as Hongyang. It is a good choice for gifts, especially for father-in-law. There is a saying in the eastern part of Shandong: Spanish mackerel arrives, and father-in-law smiles.

In addition, it is also a favorite catch for fishermen, because in the local fishermen's customs, the first fish caught in the sea has spots on the head, which means "business is in the next few days", spots on the tail, which means "business is in the future", and spots on the body, which means "business is booming in the middle of the month".

Among them, the back of the Spanish mackerel has many spots.

Seeing this, Ao Zhiyi smiled: "Haha, not bad, a good sign, it will be the middle of the month soon, I guess I will have a good harvest in a few days."

After a while, he couldn't laugh anymore, because there was no good result after several consecutive nets.

Ao Muyang had no choice. They had bad luck. They ran a distance on the sea today, but didn't encounter a school of fish.

Ao Zhiyi was anxious and asked him: "Yangzi, didn't you find it?"

Ao Muyang frowned and said: "Found a fart!"

The sea is a treasure house, but this treasure house is now severely ruined by humans, and the output of fish is not so abundant. Even if Ao Muyang has an invincible vision underwater, he can't guarantee that he will have a harvest every time he goes out to sea.

Later, they encountered a school of hairtails. This fish is flattened like a belt, silver-gray in appearance, with a pointed head and a large mouth, which gradually tapers to the tail, and is about one meter long.

But the fish in this school did not grow to one meter, most of them were less than half a meter, and Ao Muyang noticed that they were bulging under their bellies, indicating that they were female fish with eggs, that is, female fish waiting to give birth.

In his memory, hairtails grow to maturity and are close to one meter. These fish start to lay eggs when they are half the size of normal mature fish, indicating that long-term overfishing has caused their population to decline sharply.

Nature is magical. In order to preserve the reproduction of the species, the sexual maturity period of hairtails began to be pushed forward to accelerate the reproduction of generations, resulting in the miniaturization and early maturity of hairtails.

This is the fault of humans. Ao Muyang decided to let this school of fish go. Although fish with eggs are the most delicious, he really can't do such a thing to cut off his descendants.

After several hauls of fishing, Longtou had a poor harvest, catching only some large and small golden pomfret and silver pomfret. It was estimated that at most it could earn back the cost of fuel.

Ao Zhiyi lost interest and allowed everyone to do private work.

Ao Muyang hung the bait and cast the hook, then went to the sea to take a bath to condense the golden elixir. In the past two days, he had not consumed water vapor, and the size of the golden elixir had increased slightly, and it seemed that the speed of water vapor absorption had also increased.

In the afternoon, when he went to check the condition of the hook, he saw another bull shark.

This was not surprising. Bull sharks like to live in groups. If bull sharks are found in one place, it means that there are such fish in the surrounding seas.

Seeing so many bull sharks, Ao Muyang suddenly thought of one thing: bull sharks are big eaters. There must be enough food to support their survival if they appear in this area!

What do bull sharks live on? It's still a school of fish!

The school of bull sharks is here, which means there must be a big school of fish around!

As soon as this idea came to mind, Ao Muyang's confidence came, and he put down a raft and wandered around.

The ocean is too vast, and the probability of finding a school of fish in it is not much different from fishing for a needle.

After searching for a while without finding anything, he decided to "lead the way with a dog".

This "dog" was not a real dog, but a shark!

He caught a flounder, killed it, put the blood into the water, and chopped the fish meat and scattered it around.

Soon, two bull sharks were attracted, and the highlight began!

The bull sharks were attracted by the smell of blood and fish, but in the end they did not find any food, so they could only leave in disappointment.

They did not swim around randomly, but went to look for food. Ao Muyang kept his head out of the water and rowed hard, and followed these big sharks closely!

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