Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 278 276. Are you stupid? (average subscription +27)

Except for the closed sea period, hundreds of thousands of tons of seafood are transported to the county dock every day, including wild yellow croakers, sea cucumbers, abalones and lobsters. In order to ensure the safety of transactions, the government opened a marine aquatic product trading notary office next to the dock.

Feng Mulong soon got the notarization form after paying the money and the car and trading the yellow croaker.

At this point, 300,000 yuan was spent, and the Mercedes-Benz G350 off-road vehicle he just bought was also given to someone else, but he got a yellow croaker weighing nearly 150 kilograms.

After signing the car transfer form, Feng Mulong walked out of the notary office door in high spirits.

He said to the big man beside him: "Hey, idiot, this fish is mine."

The big man ignored him, just stretched his neck and looked around, as if looking for someone.

Seeing this, Feng Mulong spitted in anger, then proudly took a photo of the big fish and sent it to a group of rich second-generation circles.

Then, a young man with a shark avatar immediately sent a message: [Shocked], such a big yellow croaker? Where did Mr. Feng see it?

The young man's family is in the seawater business and knows the value of this fish.

Feng Mulong proudly sent a voice message: "I bought it in Hongyang. I met a idiot who caught this fish. I exchanged it for a second-hand car."

Some people usually don't like his arrogance and deliberately teased: What second-hand car? It can't be your father's Bentley Mulsanne, right?

Bentley Mulsanne is the king of luxury cars. It costs at least 5 million yuan to buy one in China!

The shark avatar appeared again and replied: [Color], even if it is a second-hand Bentley Mulsanne, buying this fish is a big profit. Such a big yellow croaker is very rare. It's no problem to sell it for 4 or 5 million.

Seeing this message, Feng Mulong was overjoyed. He really has a business mind. He easily made millions of yuan in a trip to Hongyang.

Some people don't understand this kind of fish. A peach avatar replied: So expensive? The villa I just bought for my girlfriend in Shanshui Jiayuan is only this much money. [Surprised] A fish is worth four or five million? There is gold in its body?

The shark avatar replied: There is no gold, but there is something more expensive than gold, that is the fish bladder. For a fish this big, the fish bladder must be two kilograms, and the fish bladder alone can be sold for four million.

The peach avatar was puzzled: [Question], fish bladder is so valuable? Four million, enough for me to buy a Huracan.

The shark avatar: [Thumbs up], of course, the bigger the more valuable, the fish bladder is the most valuable for the yellow croaker, and Mr. Feng made a fortune this time.

Feng Mulong pretended to be low-key and said: "What's the big profit? This is just a few dollars? I just made some pocket money. I will go back and invite everyone to the Daming Palace to have fun!"

Several people popped up: [Applause], [Blowing a kiss], [Victory], and various group expressions were sent out.

A person with a cigarette avatar appeared: Wow, such a big yellow croaker, I have seen it for the first time. Open a group video, Brother Long will do a live dissection, people want to see what the fish bladder, which is more expensive than gold, looks like [love].

Seeing this avatar appear, Feng Mulong's eyes lit up.

The owner of the cigarette avatar is a coquettish, rich and beautiful woman. He has long wanted to hook up with her, but she doesn't take him seriously and treats him as a loser.

With the opportunity to show his face in front of the goddess, Feng Mulong started to show off without saying a word.

He asked his bodyguard to go to the store next door to buy a sharp knife, opened a group video and said: "Come on, brothers, don't miss it if you pass by, Teacher Feng's class is open, dissection class!"

Cutting open the belly of a fish will inevitably stain people's hands with blood and fishy smells. In Feng Mulong's eyes, a young master like himself naturally can't do it. This is the job of servants.

So under his order, a bodyguard squatted down with a knife and prepared to gut the fish.

Feng Mulong first pointed the camera at the fish head and said, "Everyone, take a look at the fish first. How is it? Is it big? Is it scary? Look carefully at the gills, they are still moving. It is not dead yet, it is alive!"

The young man with the shark head said, "Hey, it is still alive? How is this possible?"

Someone said, "What's so strange about this? Such a big fish must have strong vitality. Two days ago, my friends and I went to eat shark fin. The shark was on the table. After the fins were removed and the head was chopped off, the shark was still twisting its body."

The young man with the shark head said, "Yes, this is normal. How strong is the vitality of a shark? But this is a yellow croaker. Sciaenidae fish are very easy to die. Has anyone seen wild yellow croakers come ashore alive?"

Several people were arguing. The bodyguard who was dissecting the big fish opened the belly of the fish and prepared to cut it. Then he was suddenly stunned: "Master, it's not right."

"What's wrong?" Feng Mulong asked.

The bodyguard used both hands to pull open the fish belly and said, "There is a line here in the fish belly. Someone has sewed it up."

Feng Mulong's face changed slightly. Before he could speak, the young man with the shark head shouted, "Damn, remove the fish line. You may have been fooled. That's where the fish bladder is!"

The bodyguard cut the fish line with a quick knife, and the tight fish belly suddenly loosened and opened, and there was nothing inside!

Feng Mulong was stunned and shouted, "What's going on?"

Someone laughed gloatingly and said, "What else can it be? Our young master Feng was cheated."

The young man with the shark head said, "Yes, you were cheated, young master Feng, call the police. The fish bladder is the only valuable part of this fish. The fish itself is not worth much, but you just used a second-hand car to get it, so the loss is not big."

"Not a big loss? Humph, the second-hand car used by Mr. Feng must be his newly bought Mercedes-Benz G350. He bought it less than a week ago. He just went to Hongyang to pick up the car a few days ago? He showed off in the group, have you forgotten?"

"What's so good about the Mercedes-Benz G350? But fortunately, he didn't buy the G500, otherwise the loss would be even greater."

"He's so stupid, does Mr. Feng have the aura of being cheated? Why is it so easy to be cheated wherever he goes?"

A delicate female voice sounded: "Because he's stupid, hehe."

Feng Mulong's face was livid. He asked the bodyguard to hold up the big fish and cut it open with a knife. A fishy smell came to his face, and the colorful fish intestines flowed out. The yellow and white fish bladder was never seen!

Another bodyguard reminded him, "Master, turn off the video."

Feng Mulong threw his phone and gritted his teeth and said, "That fucking idiot! Very good! Dare to fool me? You don't know what's good for you! Go find him! Find him!"

How could he find him at this time? He had already taken the money and disappeared in the car.

However, the image of a big idiot is rare. He asked around and immediately understood what was going on: "Oh, the person you are talking about, more than 1.9 meters tall, with a problem in the brain? That must be Ao Qianlai, right?"

"His last name is Ao? What's the relationship with Longtou Village?"

"He is the biggest idiot in Longtou Village. That idiot is very interesting. Haha, we tease him every time he comes."

Feng Mulong's face changed again and again. He was not wrong. That guy was a real idiot, but he was fooled by the idiot. Then what was he?

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