Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 279 277. Contracting a fishing ground (average subscription +28)

The money was transferred, the car was transferred, and Ao Muyang got it all done quickly and resolutely.

After learning from Lu Zhizi that Feng Mulong was greedy and liked to take advantage, he remembered the yellow-lipped fish that Yang Kaitai had sent back to him, and used this yellow-lipped fish without a swim bladder to set a trap.

After he figured out the pattern of Feng Mulong's activities, he arranged for Ao Qianlai and Ao Mudong to appear with yellow-lipped fish while he was on the dock. He also asked the honest-looking Ao Qianwen to play the drum, and easily caught Feng Mulong. Hooked.

Lu Zhizi's evaluation of him was absolutely right, he was greedy and brainless.

He gave Ao Qianlai, Ao Mudong and Ao Qianwen 10,000 yuan each out of 300,000 yuan in cash. It was a generous sum that made the three of them extremely happy.

Ao Qianlai clutched a wad of cash in one hand, held Ao Muyang's arm in the other and asked, "Yangzi, if you have such a job in the future, you must come to me."

Ao Mudong and Ao Qianwen chuckled and said, "Remember to look for me too." "I'll do better next time. This is my first time, so I didn't grasp some details."

"You still grasp the details and are acting for the first time. Are you preparing to show off your acting skills?"

"What's the matter? Let me tell you, your uncle and I wanted to get into the Beijing Film Academy during the college entrance examination. Unfortunately, I didn't do well in the culture class, otherwise I would have become an acting emperor."

"You're still acting as an emperor, why don't you smoke a cigarette butt, he's called a movie emperor..."

Several people were talking and laughing, and there was a joyful atmosphere in the yard.

The next day, a police SUV drove into the village, and Feng Mulong led the police to find Ao Qianlai with red eyes.

Ao Muyang rushed over after receiving the news. He slapped the notarized certificate from the dock on the table and said, "Comrade police, see for yourselves, where did we break the law? This transaction is voluntary for both parties!"

Feng Mulong pointed at him and gritted his teeth: "Did you instigate it? Well, it turns out it was you who arranged it. Just wait and go to jail. Just wait. This is illegal!"

The police carefully checked the terms on the notarial certificate and then asked Feng Mulong: "Is this your signature and fingerprint?"

Feng Mulong cried out aggrievedly: "I was deceived, they are liars."

Ao Muyang responded tit for tat: "Who is cheating whom? You used a second-hand car to exchange for a 150-pound yellow-lipped fish. Isn't this cheating?"

Feng Mulong became angry: "What if I wanted to deceive you? I didn't succeed, understand? My failure to defraud was at most an attempted fraud. If you succeeded, it is illegal!"

The policeman shook his head and said: "This is not a fraud, Mr. Feng, this is a fair transaction, voluntary and transparent."

After that, they drove away,

The police car left, and Feng Mulong was dumbfounded.

Seeing the big men in the village surrounding him with ill intentions, he was so frightened that he chased the police car: "Wait for me, take me away!"

Back in the county, Feng Mulong couldn't hold back his breath.

As a result, when the gangsters heard that they were going to Longtou Village to deal with a man named Ao Muyang, they ate everything and left!

Feng Mulong finally stopped someone and asked him, and the information he got made him tremble: Ao Muyang was even worse than a gangster. Someone from the county once went to their village to play tricks on them, and he almost killed them!

All methods were useless, and he gave up completely. He took his bodyguards and bought a plane ticket, and returned to his hometown in Jinling in despair.

Ao Muyang didn't take him seriously. He was busy with his own affairs in the next few days. As long as Feng Mulong didn't come to the village to cause trouble, he didn't bother to pay attention to this fool.

After getting another sum of money, his pocket became richer, so he decided to take advantage of the lack of things to do in winter to start a fishery.

To open a fishing ground in China, you must first contract a sea area. This is similar to contracting land. All sea areas are state-owned. You need to apply to the relevant ocean department to apply for the right to use the sea area, and then start approval at all levels.

Now the state encourages farmers to contract large amounts of land for production and fishermen to contract sea areas for fishing grounds. The procedures have been greatly simplified. According to the Provincial Department of Marine Fisheries and the Provincial Department of Finance to which Longtou Village belongs, you only need to apply for aquaculture fisheries at the county level.

Contracted sea areas require a user fee, which is not much and has a floating range, ranging from 10 yuan to 100 yuan per acre. The charging standard is also determined based on the location of the local sea area and the surrounding environment.

Ao Muyang contracts the southeastern sea area of ​​​​Brick Island, which is not a high-yield area. Because it is far from the coast, the price is relatively low. One acre only costs 15 yuan, one hectare costs 225 yuan, and one square kilometer only costs 22,500 yuan.

It doesn’t cost much to contract sea areas, but it costs more to build fishing grounds.

He directly contracted ten square kilometers in one go. This area is very small for the ocean. Ten square kilometers is too small and nothing can be seen on the sea.

According to the provisions of the "Sea Area Use Management Law of the People's Republic of China", the maximum period of sea area use rights, according to the purpose, is 20 years for ship breaking, 25 years for tourism and entertainment, 50 years for ports, shipyards and other construction projects, and 50 years for aquaculture. Use the sea for 70 years.

Ao Muyang didn't say anything, and directly contracted according to the maximum number of years. As for seventy years, he estimated that he would not have seventy years to live, and this sea area could belong to him for the rest of his life.

In fact, according to his innermost thoughts, he wanted to build a large fishing ground covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers.

However, according to the law, if he contracts for 70 years, he needs to settle ten years of contract fees at once. Contracting ten square kilometers costs more than two million. If he contracts a large fishery of one hundred square kilometers, the contract fee alone will be two thousand. Tens of thousands, how could he have so much money?

The fishery was approved quickly. The country now encourages fishermen to contract sea areas to build private fisheries. The procedures have been simplified. He asked Su Jinnan to help, so the approval was naturally faster.

After the approval, the sea area within ten kilometers south of Zhuantou Island belongs to him. Next, he has to spend money to enclose this sea.

The ocean is different from the land. There are no landmarks on the sea. To enclose a fishing ground, it all depends on people's investment.

Ao Muyang bought a large number of buoys. Under the supervision of the local county government and the county agriculture and forestry bureau, he put the buoys into the water. The buoys were connected to the fishing nets below and the colorful flags were inserted above, enclosing this sea area.

There is nothing for these relevant departments to do afterwards. They will spot check the fishing grounds in the future to prevent the fishing grounds from causing pollution to the ocean. These pollutions include pesticide pollution, feed pollution, biological pollution, chemical pollution, etc. As long as there is no pollution problem, the relevant departments will not interfere with the management of the fishing grounds.

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