Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 491 494. Sell me (3)

The little girl was singing like a lark, telling the legend of barnacles she knew, and soon they went to the dock.

Fishing boats were quietly docked at the dock. One of them was lying at the end of the dock. Someone was squatting on the bow smoking and laughing with the villagers on the dock.

Seeing Ao Muyang and his group coming, the two men on the boat jumped off and laughed together: "The village chief is here." "Uncle Bing, you are here."

Ao Zhibing nodded: "Er Deng San Deng, you two brothers are really capable. Why are you messing around with sea crickets again?"

A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes smiled and said: "Isn't this about developing a free economy? Haha, now you see that the water in the sea outside our village is much clearer than before. I guess it's okay to raise sea crickets."

Hongyang has been working hard to control marine pollution in the past two years. Many polluting enterprises have either moved or closed down, and the quality of seawater has improved greatly.

At this time, a large number of seaweed and water plants were planted in the sea area outside the village. Their roots fixed impurities in the water, absorbed carbon dioxide in the water and released oxygen, which drove the population of plankton and further improved the quality of the seawater.

While talking, Ao Mubing got on the boat and looked at the attachment plate.

The attachment plate is a plastic plate with holes. Each plate is matched with a basin. The seawater soaks the plate through the holes, and some small shellfish cling to it.

These small shellfish are a little big, grayish white, and have a complex lime surface.

There is no doubt that this is a juvenile barnacle.

The reproduction and growth process of barnacles is very interesting. Like other shellfish, they are hermaphrodites and can directly obtain sperm from the water for conception.

However, since adult barnacles are fixed and cannot move, they must rely on retractable thin tubes to send sperm into other barnacles to fertilize eggs during reproduction.

In other words, although they are hermaphrodites, they can only reproduce by mating and poking each other.

Adult barnacles will be fixed to a certain place, but the seedlings must float for several weeks after leaving the mother body before they can live on objects.

When the barnacles are ready to attach, they will secrete a kind of colloid that allows them to firmly adhere to hard objects. This colloid contains a variety of biochemical components and extremely strong adhesive force, thus ensuring its strong adsorption ability.

The current barnacle seedlings are already quite large. They have entered the attachment period. After being imprisoned on a reef, they will gradually adhere to it.

Zhu Zhu climbed onto the boat with Ao Muyang's hand and looked at the barnacles, then immediately shook her head: "That's them. Mom said it's a marine pollutant, but our boats all grow on the bottom of the boat. How come yours grow inside the boat?"

The Erdeng brothers and Ao Mingtao didn't pay attention to her words, just thinking that the little girl was talking nonsense, they were waiting for Ao Zhibing.

But Ao Muyang knew that Zhu Zhu would not be wrong. She used to follow Yan Qingcheng to inspect ships. Although she was young, she had probably seen more barnacles than old man Ao Zhibing.

The old man picked up the barnacles and looked at them. He asked, "Where did you buy them from?"

"What's wrong?" Ao Mingtao asked back.

Hearing him ask instead of answering, Ao Muyang knew that there was something wrong with the source of these barnacles.

Old man Ao Zhibing has lived for so many years and has a wide range of knowledge. Naturally, he saw through their little calculations at a glance.

He did not answer, but continued, "You go to buy sea cricket seedlings. Sea crickets are not like ordinary fish, shrimps, and crabs. Why don't you find someone who knows the business to follow you?"

Ao Mingtao swallowed his saliva and said, "The one who sold us sea crickets is an acquaintance. He can't cheat us, right?"

Ao Zhibing shook his head and said, "He didn't cheat you, you cheated yourself. Sea crickets, the foreign sea crickets that can be served on the table are also called goose-neck sea crickets. How precious are they? Can you buy 5,000 seedlings for 1,000 yuan? It's good to buy 1,000 seedlings for 5,000 yuan!"

He didn't say it clearly, but his words made his attitude clear.

Erdeng suddenly became nervous: "Uncle Bing, isn't this the gooseneck sea cricket?"

"Is it? We have seen the finished products they raise. They are definitely foreign sea crickets from Spain and Italy. No problem." Sandeng added.

Ao Zhibing said: "This is not a gooseneck sea cricket, it is a volcano sea cricket. It is hard to see now, but when they grow up, you can see that they look like a small volcano. They look good but they are not delicious."

Erdeng's face changed. He stamped his feet and roared: "Fuck the neighbor, even his own guys are fooled. Old Yan doesn't want to do business anymore?"

Ao Zhibing stared at him with his piercing eyes and said: "Did they really fool you? Or are you just greedy for small profits? Don't you know how expensive foreign sea crickets are? Huh?"

Erdeng's face flushed, and he stretched his neck and said: "He told us that this is a foreign sea cricket, at least he said it was cultivated with foreign sea crickets! No, Taozi called him!"

Ao Mingtao had already made a call without him saying anything.

When the call was connected, he yelled angrily, and then the other party started talking. The more he talked, the uglier his face became, but he couldn't speak.

When he hung up the phone, Erdeng asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"

Ao Mingtao said frustratedly: "Old Yan, that old dog, damn, he said that he reminded us at the time that this was bred by foreign sea crickets, bred from foreign sea crickets and ordinary sea crickets..."

"He said bullshit, he just showed us some foreign sea crickets!" Sandeng shouted.

Ao Mingtao was still frustrated: "Well, yes, it's the seedlings bred with those foreign sea crickets. Look at the contract. He said that it is stated in the contract that there is no guarantee that the seedlings will grow into foreign sea crickets."

Er Deng rushed to the cab to look for the contract, but the others knew that there was no need to look for it. There is no smoke without fire. Since they are so sure, they must have a basis.

Ao Zhibing looked at the barnacle seedlings and said, "No wonder they look a little strange to me. They are new varieties. Okay, you should just think of it as a lesson learned. Buying seedlings is such an important matter. Why don't you find a few people to help you? Still trying to get a bargain? Humph, you will suffer a great loss if you try to get a small advantage!"

Ao Mingtao said with a sad face, "Who doesn't want to take advantage of it?"

Er Deng found the contract, and the three of them gathered together to look at it for a long time, and then started to curse.

It was the first time that Ao Muyang saw barnacle seedlings. He thought for a while and turned back to ask, "How much do these sea cricket seedlings cost in total?"

"Not counting fuel consumption and labor, the seedlings alone cost 20,000 yuan." Ao Mingtao said angrily, "Damn, I was cheated out of 20,000 yuan!"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Well, you can sell it to me, and I'll pay 20,000 yuan."

After hearing this, several people on the boat were a little confused.

Ao Zhibing subconsciously persuaded, "Boss, why do you want this thing? Such sea crickets are inedible, and you can't sell them for much money if you raise them."

Er Deng nodded and said, "Yes, isn't it cheating you if I sell it to you?"

Ao Muyang said, "Who made me the village chief, right? I have to help the villagers solve their problems, right? Okay, sell it to me. If you don't want to part with it, you can keep it for yourself."

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